

  • well I lost 3 lbs so I am very happy:) I am now burning over 500 calories with my Curves workouts! I am going camping at the end of the month and can't wait for all of the hiking and bike riding! Yeah!!! Hope everyone is doing well!
  • debk3p2: Thank you so much:) I think for June I would like to lose 6lbs and do bike riding 2 times a week. I would also like to keep my Curves up:) Good Luck to all!!!!!!
  • Summer is here and I know it is hard to keep focus with all the fun Bbq's and beers and fun pinic's but I know that we can do it! I am having a hard time. For the first time since January I didn't lose any weight:( Your group helps me keep going, so if there is anything I can do to help you keep moving I will!!!!! WE CAN…
  • I hit my half way mark today!!!!!!!!! :love: MY GOALS FOR WEEK 1 IN MAY: 2 lbs and workout 3 days drink more water and get back into my walking. MY GOALS FOR WEEK 2 IN MAY: Well I lost 4 lbs and drank my water and did really good:) so this week I want to lose at least 1 to 2 lbs and get my work out back on to 3 days a…
  • Yes I am still doing Curves, I am trying to stay on top of it but I feel myself fading...:( Today is the first day that I have wanted to just pig out!! I want to eat everything! I have managed to make it to 3:30pm without eating to much but I must say that out of 120 days of doing this, this is the worst day. Just wanted…
  • OK I have been with you guys since January and I am down 48 lbs so I would like to say Thank you! I know have my sister in this group and I love the support. So here to another month:) I want to lose a total of 6 lbs this month. MY GOALS FOR WEEK 1 IN MAY: 2 lbs and workout 3 days drink more water and get back into my…
  • Way to go!!! I found I was doing the samething with my clothes "keeping them just in case I get fat again" Well No MOre!!!! I have also been donating my clothes to my sister who is doing MFP also, so she is getting out of my clothes just as fast as I am giving them to her :) I feel your excitement:happy: :happy: I started…
  • :happy: This week was good! I lost 3 lbs and drank no soda:smile: The weight is still coming off at a nice pace (better then I ever thought) I am almost to my mid goal of 50lbs gone and for the monthly challenge I have gone past my goal of 6 lbs! I walked 17 miles at the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, I raised…
  • This is my second week check in and I lost 2.4 lbs. I am so bummed that I didn't get more exercise in:( Next week for sure I am back on top of it. I do have Relay for Life and I walk alot pretty much all night, so I should have a great next week:) Here hoping:)
  • Well I didn't make my workout goal but I did make my weight goal and more @ 3.5 lbs. I did do extra walking to try and make up for not making it to the gym. I will do better this week:)
  • Thanks for the invite back:) This will be my 4 month of challenges with you and as you can see it is working! I have hit my goal every month, between all of you and my Curves ladies I feel like I can be gone with all of this extra weight. So Thank you again:) Current weight: 246 (started at 284) Goal weight: 175 ( Higher…
  • I too am doing Curves 3x a week. I having been working at Curves on and off since my mom bought one. I love it and since January I have lost 38 lbs by using this App and Curves. I love it and am excited to see someone else going there:) good luck with your goal and let your Curves ladies be extra support that you need. My…
  • Good for you mom for coming and taking the scale from you! I couldn't of said it better myself! Its just a number. Did you know a apple of fat weights 1lb and an apple of mucsle weighs 4lbs. @pegruhl I work at a Curves and one of the things we go is measurments once a month, You might be losing inches. ONly weight yourself…
  • Well I hit my goal of 8 lb loss and have also gone to the gym 3 times a week and started walking 3 days a week, that leaves one day of rest:) Another great month and I am excited for next month! Thanks to the challenges I have lost 37 lbs since I joined MFP in January. They help keep me motivated along with all the…
  • oK I didn't see this till after I made a new topic:( Well I will say it again. I am down 4lbs this week and that is a total of 6 for the month. Yeah!!! I am also working out my 3days I said I would and walking all the other days:) I hope everyone else is doing great too:) I am feeling really good and postive about losing…
  • I had mine removed 3 yrs ago, I never had stones but I could never eat lettuce. Since I had it taking out I haven't had any problems. Some times the lettuce still gets to me and fatty foods but I don't eat fatty foods often. So I guess my answer would be no I don't have any problems. Good luck to you and feel free to…
  • Way to log in everyday That is the first step. Hope you get your exercise goal meet this week:) You can do it!!!!
    in Week 2 Comment by csouto March 2012
  • ok I did my weight in on Monday but I did weight myself today at the Dr. office and I am down 2.5 lbs this week and I have keep all my other goals, 3 workouts a week:) I hope I can make my 8 for the month but I do know that this big weight loss I have been seeing will slow down so I am trying to focas on just lossing.…
    in Week 2 Comment by csouto March 2012
  • @tkhhwatkins I would like to lose a total of 120lbs all together. I am down 26 lbs since January 4th so I am off to a great start! I have 2 boys 6 and 7 and they keep me very busy unfortantly I love to eat. I have always played sports and have been very active all my life but I have always been a big girl too. I looked my…
  • OK I am in!!! I would like to lose 8lbs this month also and I would like to get 3 Curves workout in everyweek. Another mini goal I would like to do this month is to start walking the dogs. We live out in the country and the last time I went walking a kid try to run me down in this car and I was 7 months pregnant, so I…
  • hello, I have been on this site since January 4th and I love it. I really starting gain my weight when I met my husband and his family frys everything!!! I gained 60lbs in 4 months of being with him. With 2 babies now and staying at home with my boys I managed to put on 40lbs more. My mom bought Curves a gym for women and…
  • I know I am late to post but I wanted you to know that I am here. Change what we have spent years doing is not easy. Eat little meal and eat at least 5-6 times a day. try and stick with 300 breakfast 100 snack 400 lunch, 100 snack and then a 500 dinner. This will help and walk when ever you can, take the stairs instead of…
    in Confession Comment by csouto March 2012
  • Well I didn't lose the 10lbs but I lost 9lbs and if it had been a month with all the days in I know I would of taking off the last pound! Any weight gone is good so I would like to Congraulat everyone who stuck with this and lost any amount of weight! Way to go! This is not and easy journy and doing with other sure makes…
  • tknnwatkins, I am loving what I am doing too! My two boys are helping me sooo much! They always ask how many calories are in something and how many calories we are burning when we do something:) I am so happy with what I have done and I can't wait to see what I can accomplish:) Thank you again for the support! I love this…
  • I started at 267 and I am at 263 so I am on my way! Tell you the truth I will be happy if I lose 8lbs but I am going for the big 10!! Way to go to everyone for losing any amount of weight! It isn't easy:)
  • I startedat 283 on january 3 and I am down 16 lbs in one month so I am excited to lose at least 10lbs this month! Thanks again for this challenge:) Good luck to you, I know you can do it!
  • weight in on for febuary 3 is 267
  • I would love to join in! Is it to late? let me know what I have to do besides lose 10lbs:)
  • I love the android app. I have been faithful for 3 weeks tomorrow and I have lost 11lbs ( Monday is weigh in and I can't wait) I just talked my sister into doing the app too. I would love to have more support if you would like to add me:)