

  • The higher your heart rate the more calories you burn. If you want to burn more calories jogging is better than walking. Two cautions, 1. Stop running or jogging if your heart rate gets to high. You can always walk to let it get lower then start back. 2. Do not add miles to quicky. For years I would run in the spring,…
  • The index's on here are only a basic starting point. Everyone is a little different. If you have been losing weight and want to continue just keep doing what you are doing. If you are eating healthy and the weight stops coming off, reduce your calories a little. Reducing to much can make your body store calories. The…
  • I have had good luck adding miles slowly. I do not add more than 10 percent to my weekly miles each week. The same is true for my weekly long run (if you did 4 last week it should only be 4.4 next week). This is my first year sticking to this plan and it is the first year i have not had pain.
  • It is not a good habit to get in to. If you do it once or twice a month no big deal. If you do it every day your body will quit burning calories and you could even gain weight. You will also get no benifit from the excerise if your body does not have carbs and protien to heal and fuel. If you are trying to lose weight you…
  • I am not sure what you are eating for breakfast but you may try switching it up. It you are eating a lot of carbs (cerals, fruits) try switching to protiens (eggs, turkey bacon). Also try drinking water with your breakfast. If you are new to eating breakfast maybe you need to just give it a couple of weeks for you body to…
  • You can get injuries from running. That does not mean it is bad for you. It is just bad for you if you are not careful. If you increase your running distances slowly and wear good shoes running is proven to make both your bones and your joints stronger. The rule of thumb is not to inrease your distance more than 10% per…
  • The number of calories you burn depends on your weight and your heart rate during your excerise. I weigh 185lbs and I am am in my 4th week on an 18 week ironman training program. 3 days a week are two workout days and 3 are single workout days. On an easy 7 mile run (one hour) I burn around 800 cal. On my speed run days I…
  • be careful, tri's are like golf- they are addictive. I did my first sprint a year and a half ago, followed by an international, another sprint, and now I am training for an ironman in September. This website is great for logging your exercise and food in take.
  • Many programs use a high percentage of protein during the first weeks then go to a more balance number. I would be careful using any program that had you eating unbalance meals for extended periods.
  • You might try a b-complex in the morning. B is a good energy vitamin. I was relly hungry the first week but that has gone away
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