How do you burn 500, 600, 1,000+ cal at the gym?



  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    I'd also comment that most people probably overestimate how many calories they burn if they don't have a HRM. I heard somewhere that when you are trying to use the one on the machines, enter your weight at about 10-15 pounds less than what you are, and then at the end, subtract 15% of the total. Sometimes these are just not very accurate...
  • justdoingit
    justdoingit Posts: 185 Member
    The only time I have burned that many calories was when I hicked up Mt. Sneffels in Telluride. 14 mile hike with more than half of it at a very steep incline. I know I burned more than 1,000 cals that day!

    Most days I settle for a good brisk walk (45-60 min). Don't have time for much else so I am getting used to the idea of just loosing a few pounds per month.:ohwell:
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    I burned just over 855 this morning in 105 minutes (I weigh 126 pounds)...

    1 hour of Precor AMT trainer at level 3 - 540 calories
    30 minutes StarTrac recumbant bicycle at level 9 - 200 calories
    15 minutes of (5) weight machines - 115 calories

    Watched tv the whole time. :tongue:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey, well it took me awhile to build up to that.

    But every time a level on the elliptical started to feel easier, I would bump it up and add 5 minutes.

    I now do over an hour on it, random setting at level 19 or 20. (I used to not even be able to MOVE the machine at that level!! LOL!)

    I actually get a reading of over 1200 cals by the time I am done with cardio...and I have entered in a weight about 10 lbs less than I am. I would bring the total down to 1000 and eat about half back. That worked for me and I lost consistently (even eating 1900 cals on gym days).

    To me, it's worth it to give up an hour and really push myself on the elliptical (sometimes I wonder if smoke was coming out the back!! :laugh: ) and then I can eat a little more those days (fuel myself) made the journey MUCH easier!! :happy:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Hey, well it took me awhile to build up to that.

    But every time a level on the elliptical started to feel easier, I would bump it up and add 5 minutes.

    I now do over an hour on it, random setting at level 19 or 20. (I used to not even be able to MOVE the machine at that level!! LOL!)

    I actually get a reading of over 1200 cals by the time I am done with cardio...and I have entered in a weight about 10 lbs less than I am. I would bring the total down to 1000 and eat about half back. That worked for me and I lost consistently (even eating 1900 cals on gym days).

    To me, it's worth it to give up an hour and really push myself on the elliptical (sometimes I wonder if smoke was coming out the back!! :laugh: ) and then I can eat a little more those days (fuel myself) made the journey MUCH easier!! :happy:

    amazing how we can improve the body performance with exercise and time...its all good! and then we can eat hummus like we should! as in LOTS OF IT
  • chunkabutt25
    chunkabutt25 Posts: 277 Member
    it all depends on your weight too, me, i weigh over 300 lbs and burn 1300 calories just playing the dums two hours, it all depends.
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I burn about 600 - 800 but that is from running at a pretty good speed on the treadmill. Only time I burn over 1,000 is for runs over 10 miles or using the incline while I run.
  • catherheath
    catherheath Posts: 16 Member
    It just depends on what activity you do. 1000 seems like a lot though, maybe if you're Michael Phelps and you're training all day :)

    I wear a heart rate monitor which I think is more accurate than the machines, in one hour spinning class I can burn 500-600 depending the intensity I work at. When I go on my long runs, 6 to 7 miles I'll burn 700 calories.

    I wouldn't cound calories I burn walking or even weight training, to me those calories are not really extra calories from exercise but more so from just your simple daily activities, if you live a more active lifestyle you should have a higher food calorie intake anyway, so I would only count calories for when I'm actually exercising and keeping my heart rate up.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I go until my elliptical says I burn 1000 calories. But I am worried that it's horribly inflated. Essentially, to burn 1000 (be it inflated or not) I make sure that I am in the 12-15 calories per minute burning range (which is hard as heck, took me months to be able to sustain this with my asthma/out of shapeness) and go straight for around 1 hour and 15-30 minutes, depending on pretty fast club music to keep me motivated. After that, I crawl to the locker room and die :laugh:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    It just depends on what activity you do. 1000 seems like a lot though, maybe if you're Michael Phelps and you're training all day :)

    I wear a heart rate monitor which I think is more accurate than the machines, in one hour spinning class I can burn 500-600 depending the intensity I work at. When I go on my long runs, 6 to 7 miles I'll burn 700 calories.

    I wouldn't cound calories I burn walking or even weight training, to me those calories are not really extra calories from exercise but more so from just your simple daily activities, if you live a more active lifestyle you should have a higher food calorie intake anyway, so I would only count calories for when I'm actually exercising and keeping my heart rate up.

    well perhaps but weight lifting is not part of my simple daily activities...everyone is different and life is wonderful:smile:
  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    I am a proffessional housekeeper working in a three storey house looking after a family of between 3 and 6 people:explode: I can burn about 550-700 calories in three/four hours of physical work/cleaning/mopping etc:noway: then add walking the dogs:heart: twice a day for about 1 hour each you are looking at a good 150-270 calories depending on what I am doing and the level and speed I walk at:bigsmile: then I can do an hour of weights and cross training /30 day shred etc:explode:. It is quite easy to burn a good 1000-1200 in a day at this rate:tongue:

    "Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have forgotten how to fly"
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    Okay, I'll start by saying I don't have a HRM yet, (I've ordered one) I just use the numbers already posted on this site.

    Walking is my main exercise, I literally walk everywhere I go. The grocery, work, school, post office, bank...u name it I walk there if it's under 5 miles from my house. (You really think twice about going out to get a big Chipotle burrito when it's a 6 mile to get there and back).

    So on a typical day I can do 3 hours of walking at a 3.5 mph pace, plus 10 min of yoga in the morning, 10 min of yoga at night before I go to bed, my push-ups for the 100 push-up challenge, and sometimes a 20 min plates DvD.

    3 hours of walking at 3.5 mph = 796 calories burnt
    20 min of hatha yoga = 58 calories burnt
    20 min of beginner pilates = 88 calories burnt

    So yeah, I burn 650-1,000 calories through exercise most days...but choosing to walk everywhere in all weather in Minnesota seems crazy to most ppl! If anything I try to underestimate the calories I burn just in case it isn't accurate. I also do not usually eat all of my exercise calories, but most of them.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey, well it took me awhile to build up to that.

    But every time a level on the elliptical started to feel easier, I would bump it up and add 5 minutes.

    I now do over an hour on it, random setting at level 19 or 20. (I used to not even be able to MOVE the machine at that level!! LOL!)

    I actually get a reading of over 1200 cals by the time I am done with cardio...and I have entered in a weight about 10 lbs less than I am. I would bring the total down to 1000 and eat about half back. That worked for me and I lost consistently (even eating 1900 cals on gym days).

    To me, it's worth it to give up an hour and really push myself on the elliptical (sometimes I wonder if smoke was coming out the back!! :laugh: ) and then I can eat a little more those days (fuel myself) made the journey MUCH easier!! :happy:

    amazing how we can improve the body performance with exercise and time...its all good! and then we can eat hummus like we should! as in LOTS OF IT

    Eating lots of hummus! YESSSAHHH!!!! LOL!

    And dessert too! :wink:

    Sometimes dessert is a whole grain english muffin with nutella on it..........but hey! Worked for me!! :laugh:
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    If you want a FUN way to burn 1000+ calories buy a road bike and ride it. After a couple of years I can now maintain an avg. speed of between 14-16 mph, depending on hills, wind, etc. It doesn't even feel like exercise (well sometimes it does) and in just an hour and a half of riding with my friends I burn over 1,000 calories. It is a lot harder on my non-biking days to keep to my alloted calories. :angry:

    Cycling, in my opinion, is one of the best ways to burn some calories!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I easily burn 800+ but thats only because I work out for 2hrs my own little Cardio heaven:flowerforyou:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    circuit training at the gym = 400-500 cal.
    brisk walking = 200-250 cal.
    recumbent bike 30-45 min = 300-400 cal.
    The trouble is that I rarely get them all in each day. More often it's a combination of any 2.
    But 2 weeks ago, I could only do 5 minutes on the bike at a time! :happy:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    On my gym's treadmill @ 15 degrees incline, I alternate 45 sec at 4.6 mph, then 45 sec at 9 mph, which yields 100 cals every 5 mins. That is how I do my cardio intervals.
  • gregoryk
    gregoryk Posts: 10
    The number of calories you burn depends on your weight and your heart rate during your excerise. I weigh 185lbs and I am am in my 4th week on an 18 week ironman training program. 3 days a week are two workout days and 3 are single workout days. On an easy 7 mile run (one hour) I burn around 800 cal. On my speed run days I burn 1000 cal in an hour. On my 50 mile bike ride (2:40) I burn 2,000 cal. Swimming seems the hardest yet do to many factors your heart rate does not get as high swimming so 1 hour of swimming only burns about 700 cal for me. I will have days where I burn 4,000 cal in a day (later in the training program). If you are a 120 lb person you would be hard pressed to burn more than 800 cal and hour. If you do not have the endurance yet to mantain a 80% of max heart rate for an hour you will not be able to burn as many cal. The good news is anyone can increase their endurance through excerise.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    when I use my elpitcal I burn according to my HRM 540-560 most times for that 1 hr.

    my exercise videos I burned between 190--250 depending on video.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    People say the machines are way off but in my experience they aren't. Compared to my HRM the machines are only 10-20 calories out. Sometimes they're registering a number way LOWER then what I actually burned but rarely do they claim a number higher then what I actually burned!

    That said my usual loss is 250-300 calories in an hour long workout session. I DO push myself hard. I'm usually vibrating and gasping for air when I'm done. I'm not sure why I don't burn much, but I'm not too concerned.