BC_Babe Member


  • Hey, I'm gonna start 30 DS tomorrow. I've watched all 3 levels and I'm so excited to build my strength and stamina. My plan is to do 2 30 day set in a row :o)
  • I did Core 20 and Stretch 10 today. I was supposed to do Stretch 40, but I wasn't feeling good the past couple of days so I decided I'd ease back into it. As to the cheat meal issue, I think I'd rather just eat well. If you're going somewhere try to eat well, but if you have to cheat do it that way, otherwise don't. Like…
  • Oh, and I think it's good to have friends you have similar goals with and stuff in common with too :o)
  • I just joined last week and I only have 5 friends. I'm super self-conscious and I've always been wary of adding people because I'm worried they won't want me on. That's why I don't have many friends. People can judge me all the want :oP
  • OK, help! I had a headache yesterday so I didn't do my workout and I feel horrible. I still ate alright but defiinetely over my calories because I didn't workout. And I woke up with a headache again today. I really hope I'm not getting sick, I hope I'll feel ok this afternoon to do some! All I can do is continue to eat…
  • Yay! Canadians! I'm in Victoria! It's so sunny and white here today I love it! Feel free to add me!!! Olena :bigsmile:
  • I'm in! I want to lose 10 lbs by March 1, so if I can lose 5 of it by Feb. 14, cool. Either that, or 2 inches off of my body! If I reach my goal, I'm going to buy a new scale. I don't like the one I have. It doesn't show my weight accurately. My eating was really bad yesterday. I feel really gross today. Oh, well, today's…
  • Today was my rest day but our kids had swimming lessons and I went with our 9 month old, so I got a little bit of exercise. A far cry from TurboFire, but it was alot of fun. My legs are killing me from all the squats I did in HIIT 15 yesterday. I'm looking forward to tomorrow!
  • Hey! I'm married with 3 kids, most recently 9 months! I just turned 30 in December. I started TurboFire yesterday...I have about 40 lbs to lose. I did 2 days of TJ before I started yesterday so I'm a little sore and I'm so excited for my rest day tomorrow! :bigsmile:
  • Ohhh, man, I'm spent! I did my workout and then half an hour later had to walk to pick my daughter up from school, pushing my boys in the double stroller! I'm so glad tomorrow is my rest day!
  • Thanks! Wow, HIIT 15 is a killer! But fun! I found I could push myself a little more and but the 3rd time through the drills I pushed myself to do a little higher impact. I also had to pick up my daughter from preschool afterwards and walked pushing my boys in the double stroller. I'm so spent right now. The couch is so…
  • CC, I think you should just keep this thread, otherwise it might get too confusing. Yay, for Valentine's Day Challenge! Sooo excited! I have to measure myself today. I adjusted my calories yesterday and was under. It was hard to eat so many calories! I was actually still a little hungry! My workout was really good…
  • The past 2 days I've been sooo hungry, I think I'm a little ambitious with my goal. I wanted to lose 2 lbs/week but I think i'll have to adjust that. So for now I put it to 1 lb/week so I'm not starving myself. I'm having a really hard time with the protein limitation...maybe I shouldn't be so hung up on it. But ti's good…
  • I start TurboFire today!! Fire 30 and Stretch 10! I will be working out this afternoon when my 3yr old son is napping...right now it's the only time that will work for me. :smile: I'm excited! I think I got my calories figured out, I wanted to lose 2 lbs/week but I was still really hungry, so I adjusted it this morning and…
  • I WAS under my calories yesterday and then I was still hungry so I ate something else and went over. :sad: I'll try and be more conscious today. I've noticed that drinking water curbs my appetite which is AWESOME!! It is almost time for my morning snack, though. Which is good, cuz I'm hungry now!! Anyways, I'm so excited…
  • My abs hurt a bit today! Woo! I can't wait to start tomorrow, I almost want to start today, but I want my day off to be Saturday right now, it's our busiest day of the week and I need the rest! But I'm really looking forward to my TJ workout again today because I'll be lending the videos to my friend for a while and…
  • I am doing TurboFire and the program is 20 weeks! I am starting on Thursday and I'll be done on June 7! I have 35-40 lbs to lose and it would be amazing if I could lose it by then! :smile: I'm in!! Olena :bigsmile: