June 1 is in 20 weeks!



  • jlj9287
    jlj9287 Posts: 51 Member
    This thread is so inspirational! I'd love to join you all in this!
    I'm currently 189.6 at 5'4" so the idea that I could be in the 150s by June is a big motivator for me. :)

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. Most of my real life friends aren't so supportive about this change that I've made, so I could really use some push from you guys.
  • mrsdsmith
    mrsdsmith Posts: 22 Member
    This definately sounds good to me!! I would like to lose 50 lbs total so if I could lose 20-30 by June 1 I would be so happy:)
  • I want to be down 40lbs by then.....very excitted to have sooo many people lookin to get to the same place....Let's to it!!!!
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I would love to join you. We have similar statistics. I am 5'6", as of this morning I weigh 183. I joined this sight 1 week ago last night. I have found this sight very motivating. Just being accountable to this sight, makes me want to eat less and better. My goal is to be down 50 pounds by July 2 (my birthday).
    Feel free to add me!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    I'd love some inspiration! I'm currently at 167.8 (FINALLY just got out of the obese range bmi) and 5'3". May 28 is the first day of my last semester for my first college degree which is really something to celebrate for me (my new years resolution was to finish my degree and I should be done by the end of summer!) and I've been in and out of college since I graduated high school in '05. My weight loss has been pretty slow so I think if I could lose 5 pounds by Valentine's day I'd be happy. I don't have a significant other but I am going to Osaka (I'm currently living in Japan) the next weekend and I'd allow myself a special shopping spree if I lose the weight to get new clothes for the trip. I haven't picked a goal for June 1st yet but it might be in the ball park of 20 pounds down. 147? I think that's doable. Scary to think about though as I haven't been able to keep motivated. Hopefully being a part of this group will help me reach my goal!
  • ashleighk90
    ashleighk90 Posts: 112 Member
    Hello everyone! Had my third weigh-in today since rejoining the site. Down 1.4lbs! I'm going to keep myself accountable on here with you all, if you don't mind. =]

    1/8: 146
    1/15:144.6 (-1.4)

    V-Day Goal:139

    0/650 minutes exercise (I am having a crazy over-time week at work, but my gym membership is back as of this coming Friday so I still plan on meeting this goal, hopefully!)

    I have been focusing on keeping my calories in check while still eating when my body is hungry this week. Good job everyone, excited to see people checking back in!

    (feel free to add me!)
  • rockys_mom0900
    rockys_mom0900 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope you dont mind if I join. I would love to be down around 30 pounds by June 1st. I am currently about 145 and would like to end up at 110-115 by then... I am currently a full time student and a mother of two little girls and stay extremely busy but try to find time to do zumba and running. I would love to help support you guys as well as having your support. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • BC_Babe
    BC_Babe Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in!

    I want to lose 10 lbs by March 1, so if I can lose 5 of it by Feb. 14, cool. Either that, or 2 inches off of my body!

    If I reach my goal, I'm going to buy a new scale. I don't like the one I have. It doesn't show my weight accurately.

    My eating was really bad yesterday. I feel really gross today. Oh, well, today's a new day.

    Olena :bigsmile:
  • debdene
    debdene Posts: 40 Member
    June 1st will be my 40th birthday!! I would love to lose 40lbs by then :) feel free to add me anyone
  • Valentine's Day Challenge: I hope to be 175lbs. by then, 650 minutes of working out!

    REWARD: Hair done over: cut and dye!
  • Very VERY good day today!! :) I stayed under 1300 cals and burned over 800 cals! :) I'm excited to see what tomorrow will bring! :)

    Oh... and for Vday: down to 180! (7 pounds).

    Reward: Get a valentine's day outfit for my date with my beautiful husband! :)
  • miss_lizz
    miss_lizz Posts: 49 Member
    So with you hun! 174 5"6 and i want to be atleast 140 by summer!, :)
  • ItsTiffanyFTW
    ItsTiffanyFTW Posts: 72 Member
    I will be turning 30 this June (*tear) so it's my goal to get at or under 175 (that's 30+ lbs) by then... I'm right there with you. Using the holidays as mini-goals is a good idea :)
  • mudya
    mudya Posts: 128 Member
    I only lost 1.2lbs since the 6th of Jan. When I weighed myself on Tuesday the scales said 193lbs, so ashamed of myself! But its good to see that I managed to lose something before my weigh in... Hopefully next weeks weigh in will be more successful!

    Starting weight: 190.4lbs
  • Hey, would it be possible for me to join you all? My 25th birthday is on the 24th June and i'd really like to be held accountable for anything till then! Just weighed myself for this week and weigh 259pounds, height 5'6.5'' (that half an inch counts lol), from the UK, hoping to lose 2 pounds a week, around 40 pounds, which will be amazing!

    Nessy x
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    so 19 weeks and 5 days to go till 1st june and my wedding day

    last week has been great with getting my exercise back on track and my half marathon training up to speed

    food wasny perfect but was a thousand times better than the last 3 weeks - so i need to start addressing that this week so that i can shift this last 9lbs by 1st june!!!
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    I'll join you! I was 197 at the start of this long journey, and less than a week in I am now down to 192.5. I am amazed! I would like to be down to at LEAST 145 by summer this year.
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    Hi all! Thanks for joining me! So I don't think I'm looking to do a weekly weigh in or anything like that, but more just a general support of what we want to work on weekly and then discuss any struggles or tips! On the 14th I think we should post a mini goal for how much we want to lose by Valentines Day, and then what we're going to reward ourselves with when we hit it, so start brainstorming. My biggest weakness is definitely logging, so I'm going to work on logging so I can be more conscious of how much I'm eating.


    Good Idea!
  • mrsrlj04joinslife
    mrsrlj04joinslife Posts: 18 Member
    I would love to join you. I would like to lose 44lbs by June 1st. I really need the extra support. Really have been struggling the last couple of weeks. Would love anyone to friend request me to help me reach that goal and I will help you reach yours. :smile:
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    Whats everyone working on this week? I'm trying to hit 10 cups of water a day!