June 1 is in 20 weeks!



  • weagle81
    weagle81 Posts: 31 Member
    I wanna do it too!!! I feel like I can reach my goal by then!!!:) Yall add me too!!
  • MLPC
    MLPC Posts: 73 Member
    I would love to join the group!! I am 5'4" and current wt is 175#. My 20year high school class reunion is in July...Needless to say I have alot of work to do!!
  • BC_Babe
    BC_Babe Posts: 21 Member
    I am doing TurboFire and the program is 20 weeks! I am starting on Thursday and I'll be done on June 7! I have 35-40 lbs to lose and it would be amazing if I could lose it by then! :smile:

    I'm in!!

    Olena :bigsmile:
  • jpoulsen2
    jpoulsen2 Posts: 65 Member
    This post is already so inspirational for me! Just the right amount of time to shoot for some serious goals and make some serious progress! 26 pounds to lose by June, and I can't even imagine how proud of myself I will be when I lose it! Feeling accountable is so important in this process and this is a great first step for me
  • panda742002
    panda742002 Posts: 68 Member
    Hopeing I can loose 20lb in 20 weeks, not sure how realistic that is. I would be happy with losing even 15lbs by then.

    June 12 is my wedding Annversary and that would be fun to celebrate losing weight and a 13th wedding Anniversary!

    Not only that but we are going to Disney in October of this year and I want to have engery and ready to go on all the rides with my 5 and 10 year old. I don't want to have to be the parent that needs a nap! hahaha.

    Let's go!!

    Snow is coming Thursday I will be out shoveling, Darn and I was just walking on my lunch break out side this week, guess it's in doors till Marchish
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    Morning everyone! How did yesterday go?

    I managed to (barely) stay under. I've been craving chinese for weeks and last night I broke down and ordered some -- good, but such a bad idea!! Gen Tso's chicken is so my weakness. But I managed to not eat it all in one sitting which is a HUGE victory for me. I'm also trying to cut down on my soda/caffeine intake (i think its contributing to my anxiety...) and managed to pretty much cut it in half yesterday. Hopefully I'll be too busy today to drink any!

    Today I want to keep making sure I log everything, even if I'm ashamed of what I just ate, and try to get to 10 cups of water. What are you up to?
  • ztaprincess81
    ztaprincess81 Posts: 12 Member
    So excited, I managed to get in a work out and stay under my calories yesterday. Here's to doing it again today! Keeping in mind June is so close is definitely helpful :)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Down 4 out of the 5 pounds I've gained over the holidays - so pumped! I went snowboarding yesterday, which is always fun but the conditions were really icy. I've already been on the elliptical today and did day 2 of the 100 pushup challenge. My arms still hurt from Monday haha.
  • BC_Babe
    BC_Babe Posts: 21 Member
    I WAS under my calories yesterday and then I was still hungry so I ate something else and went over. :sad: I'll try and be more conscious today. I've noticed that drinking water curbs my appetite which is AWESOME!! It is almost time for my morning snack, though. Which is good, cuz I'm hungry now!! Anyways, I'm so excited to be working out again, I have a little more energy, and I hope my son naps again today so I can get it in!!

    Olena :bigsmile:
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    These past few days have been rough - ive just been SO hungry. but im determined to stay on track today! im having a terrible time finding time/motivation to exercise.

    classes start monday and my school and work schedule will fall into a pretty normal schedule so im hoping that will help me fall into an exercise schedule.
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    @abbiez try drinking a ton of water! it sounds silly, but a lot of times when you're feeling hungry you're actually thirsty! also, make sure the calories you have set are realistic for you. It would be great to lose 2 lbs a week, but if you're feeling deprived chances are you're going to binge-- in a big way. Don't forget that if you want to eat more, all you have to do is work out more! Half an hour on the treadmill can gain you that cookie you've been dying to eat all day!
  • KMiche82
    KMiche82 Posts: 144 Member
    I would love to join this challenge my goal is to lose 3lbs per week in a very healthy way so I will keep it off for life and create a healthy lifestyle.
    I currently weigh as of Monday 238, so my goal weight for June 1 is 175.
    I know it is going to be hard to keep my 3lbs per week going once I lose weight but I just hope it all averages out like it needs to, once I get to 175 I will only have 30lbs to get to my goal weight.
  • poizonivey
    poizonivey Posts: 117 Member
    Well I did horrible yesterday...ate pizza for dinner. But today is a new day..so just remember that even if you have eatten poorly, the next meal is a new meal...so shoot to eat healthier the next meal! Good luck guys and gals!!
  • WanderLaura
    I am having the WORST 1st week back.... I can't get motivated to work out... it's FREEZING outside, and I have been eating terribly... I just have no energy.. BOOOO.
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    I am having the WORST 1st week back.... I can't get motivated to work out... it's FREEZING outside, and I have been eating terribly... I just have no energy.. BOOOO.

    the best thing to do for this is recognize it! log everything and then look at it. When did you eat when you were just bored? What could you have done instead?

    You got this, girl!
  • mudya
    mudya Posts: 128 Member
    I'm having a bad week! My calorie intake this week is around 1200 calories, usually I eat around 1300-1390 - without going over my carbs - but this week due to buying both apples and pears, my carb intake is higher than usual, I would like to eat more but worried that the high carb intake will do me no good!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    I gave into the guacamole last night, so to somewhat cancel that out, i walked on the treadmill for 55 minutes.
    So far so good though. I'm down 4.4 lbs and only have 25.6 more to go.
    Can it be done by June?
    YES!! I think it's very possible.

    How is everyone else doing? Is there a particular day of the week you are weighing yourself to keep on track? I started tracking my food and weight on Tuesday of last week, so that's my official check-in weigh day.
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    ugh im getting frustrated. im under on my calories, working out, and the scale is still not going down (it's even going up a little bit!). Last night I was at 936 calories and I really didn't want to be that low so I ate another 400 cal and now im thinking maybe I shouldn't have?
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Hey there - I think you should come up with a cool name and create a group. It makes it easier to look at daily post and keep up with each other. I joined a "group" that has 38 people in it and each day I get excited to log on and see what everyone is doing but no one ever posts anything. I want to be part of a group that wants to really engage with one another and have some fun with it!!

    I am 47 years old and started MFP about 3 months ago. I made a New Year's Committment (not resolution) to myself and started Turbo Fire on January 1st. I have lost 15 pounds in the past few months and have another 25 to go. I would love to be close to my goal weight by June. I saw a woman on the television that said a woman should not wear a bikini or 2-piece of any kind after the age of 47. I say the heck with her..............I am determined to be in a bikini this summer and walk down the beach without having a huge beach towell drapped around me!!!
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    My goal is to lose 40 pounds by my 30th birthday (May 28th) so I'm totally in on this challenge.

    I've been under on my calorie goals all week and worked out every night. I've been doing the Couch to 5k on the treadmill and 20 minutes of some other cardio (bike or more treadmill usually). Then some weights. I've been forcing myself to go RIGHT when I get home from work so I don't end up sitting on my couch being a bum all night. I find that if I do that, I want much less dinner because I don't feel as hungry.

    I'm up for any and all support I can get. Still trying to decide on my mini-goals.