

  • I've had the same problem. I tried PT and foam rolling, but it didn't help at all. I found that Pilates worked wonders, since my knee pain was due to a really tight quadricep muscle. By strengthening my core, hamstrings and inner thigh muscles, it relieved the tension on my knee (caused by an overworked quad), and I am now…
  • 1. Try a heart rate monitor. I find that the calories burned on MFP (and gym machines) are much higher than what my HRM reports. 2. Eat a bigger breakfast with less added sugar. (Almost all of the calories from your yogurt are sugar-- can you eat plain Greek yogurt with real fruit instead?) 3. Eat less processed food (and…
  • As the folks above said, you can eat back your "burned" calories. I haven't looked at your diary, but it might also be what you are eating. I find that I'm starving if I eat processed foods or high sugar foods, but if I eat "real" food (veggies, chicken, fish, fruit, nuts) I consume less calories and am full.
  • Trader Joe's is a good resource for mini-packs of almonds, trail mix, freeze dried fruit (with no added sugar!), etc.
  • ejourneys, that's a really great idea. i try to do the same thing with my meals, although some days are better than others. I find that by surrounding myself with only good choices, I'm more likely to eat what I brought than eat the junk food.
  • I am trying to friend people who eat well (most of the time-- we all have exceptions!) and exercise regularly. If my friends saw a negative trend in my diet, I would appreciate the check in, since I'd see it as a wake up call. After all, we're on here because we need support! I think you just have to read your post a few…
  • Are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day? If you don't drink enough water, your body will hoard it , which will make you gain weight. (Or, at least, that's what my trainer tells me, and, at least for me, it seems to be true.)
  • Thanks, everyone. I know I'm supposed to think ahead, pack lunch, etc., and I'll be really good about it for a while and then, as soon as the late nights at work and stress kicks in, it all goes by the wayside.