Phenix_Ablaze Member


  • It's about 4:30pm and I got up this morning and taught a Taekwondo class. I burned about 425 calories doing this. Then I spent the next 4.5 hours cleaning the Taekwondo school (over 3,000 square feet of space). I swept the mats, then mopped them, wiped (lysol)down all the punching/kicking bags and body shields, and also…
  • I'll do it. :) probably 3555 though. ~ Nicole
  • You are looking amazing. You're certainly an inspiration!!! :-) Great job!
  • Another seafood type snack I like is the tiny little salad shrimps. They're fully cooked and come in a little bag in the freezer seafood area of the store and they're pretty tasty! Add them to some lettuce in a bowl and/or other salad toppings. When I just can't get away from the thought of having a snack, I like the…
  • Umm... yes, very noticeable difference! Not only are your arms way thinner, but you can see it in your face. Your jaw line is much clearer because your cheeks/neck are thinner! You're looking great!
  • I've never felt sick while doing ab exercises so I can't relate there. I am going to second what someone said above that "planks" are a killer ab exercise! And you don't do any crunching per say with those. The very lower abs are usually worked by doing reverse crunch type exercises... i.e. Lay on your back and bring your…
  • If I had coffee beforehand, I'd likely be running to the restroom mid-workout! lol.
  • I'd say it depends on what time of day you are working out. If I wake up and workout first thing in the morning, I don't feel like I need any food that early before I workout. But if I work out in the afternoon or evening and I haven't eaten in a while I will get very shaky/dizzy and my workout won't be very productive.
  • Thank you for making this group. This challenge pushed me to work harder than I have in a very long time. It's a great eye opener and learning experience when you see how slowly those calories come off and how much work it takes to burn them! And then, alternately... how easy it is to shovel them into your mouth! ;-P I was…
  • So I'm definately aiming for the 3555 goal at this point! Day 1: 1955 Calories burned 90 minutes of Spinning/Stationary Bike (804 calories), 60 minutes of Circuit Training (613 calories), Mowed/Trimmed the lawn for about 15 minutes (105 calories), walked on the tred-mill for 30 minutes (146 calories), Cleaning my house for…
  • I was actually feeling kind of guilty for being lazy today and not exercising... now I'm glad I took it as a rest day because it looks like I'm going to need that! :-) Now I'm somewhat disappointed I didn't use my lawn mowing calories for tomorrow! lol.
  • I am thinking I want to aim for the 5555, but if I can't make it but still reach 3555 I'd call it a success. I'm about 170 lbs. I like doing the stationary bike and the tred-mill at the gym. Me and the elliptical aren't really friends. lol. But I can lift weights, I have insanity videos and P90X (of course I won't be able…
  • I'm thinking about going to the gym for a midnight workout to get started... I guess I'll have to find out if I'm still awake enough at that time to follow through with that ambition. lol.
  • Umm... I don't want to talk about it. lol! I just joined this challenge after I already ate tonight... and it wasn't pretty (or healthy... at all). sigh.
  • Age doesn't mean a thing. I may be a lot younger, but I would be willing to bet you could run circles around me! :-P
  • I'm going to aim for 5555. This is my first time though, so if I fall short but still hit 3555 I'll still call it a success. :-)
  • So, the other day I ran 3 miles and then biked for 15 minutes at the gym and only burned about 400-500 calories (according to the machines). Can you give me some ideas of some high-calorie burning exercises to do throughout the weekend (since you have done this before). And also, should I just be using MFP's exercise log…
  • My goal is to eat only about 1200 calories per day as well. Even though MFP adds extra calories when I exercise, I personally still try to only have 1200. I feel comforted that I have extra calories available if I feel extra hunger that day, but my mind tells me "you didn't work your butt off to burn those calories just to…
  • If you are building muscle along the way, it will help you burn fat more efficiently. The scale should not be the only thing you are looking at. Take your body measurements and check to see how many inches were lost. P.S. Someone above mentioned that they don't buy into the "muscle weighs more than fat business... a pound…
  • What do you train in? ATA Taekwondo When did you start? April of 2003 Who inspires you? My husband... he has energy like no other and can do the most beautiful (and powerful) jump kicks I've ever seen! Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Earning my 2nd Degree Black Belt and also gaining the title of State…