Do you exercise on empty stomach?



  • asunnysnowman
    asunnysnowman Posts: 56 Member
    I eat about an hour before I work out (something with protein) and a banana after I'm done
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Doctor Oz and Fat Burners... This is bound to go splendidly :)
  • Annalisa419
    Annalisa419 Posts: 64 Member
    Yes. I have to, otherwise I'll pass out.
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    I just have a small snack if I'm working out in the morning. Usually when I wake up my stomach is growling.( I like that feeling :bigsmile:) Then I have a meal after.

    If my workout is later in the day I try to wait a couple of hours to let my meal settle. I agree that it has to be with what you're comfortable with.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I only have coffee before working out if I go early in the morning. Otherwise, I eat a light meal or snack 1-2 hours before working out. Works for me. :smile:
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I cannot eat right before I work out or I will want to get sick and feel more sluggish. I work out at night, so I try not to eat 30 minutes to an hour prior then eat dinner afterwards.
  • gamehen2
    gamehen2 Posts: 45 Member
    If I'm doing only Cardio, yes empty stomach. When lifting though, your muscles require good fuel to perform. I do a 1/2 scoop protein and a small amount of a good quality carb like 1/2 a banana.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
  • I find that I feel better (wether it's mentally or physically) if I have an apple, banana, string cheese, toast, or some yogurt (something light) before I workout. I think everyone is different so see how you feel! I also try to eat something small right after I workout but that usually takes some 'forcing' because I'm just thirsty, not hungry. In the long-run though, I feel much better so I do it because it works for me.
  • 5kidsforme
    5kidsforme Posts: 131 Member
    I do not eat before early morning workouts. But I do drink a little water. The only time I eat a little before exercise is when I go to the gym at 8:15 am on Saturdays.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 650 Member
    Only when I haven't eaten.
  • sometimes i do sometimes i don't - don't see issues either way.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Doctor Oz and Fat Burners... This is bound to go splendidly :)

  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I have one of my protein bars (home made -totally awesome) pre-workout for fuel. Post workout I make a protein shake when I get home.
  • Phenix_Ablaze
    Phenix_Ablaze Posts: 21 Member
    I'd say it depends on what time of day you are working out. If I wake up and workout first thing in the morning, I don't feel like I need any food that early before I workout. But if I work out in the afternoon or evening and I haven't eaten in a while I will get very shaky/dizzy and my workout won't be very productive.
  • shibainugal
    shibainugal Posts: 46 Member
    If I am exercising in the morning it is on an empty stomach. When I work out later in the day it is about an hour or so after I've eaten.
  • lauraemthomson
    lauraemthomson Posts: 68 Member
    i prefer to workout before i eat but it does not always work that way... easy if i do tho
  • allysabee
    allysabee Posts: 123
    I have to eat before working out. Otherwise I am running on an empty tank and I have absolutely no energy. I find I slack a lot more during workout when I don't eat, or when I only eat something small. I get so tired and want to give up.

    I always eat something high carb about 1-2 hours before working out. Do not eat a large meal and then work out right away because you won't digest properly, you'll feel sick, and you'll get horrible cramps. Always wait 1-3 hours for large meals.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I almost always exercise on an empty stomach. I workout early in the morning. I take thyroid meds which must be taken on an empty stomach and then workout.

    Once in a while I workout at night.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Is it good or bad to exercise on empty stomach? for example i wake up, take my fat burners, water and workout. then eat afterwards. should i eat first or it dont matter?

    Is it good to work out on an empty stomach not really, but some cannot work out on a full stomach for they feel sick when they do. Others can go work out on an empty stomach. If you eat before you get that extra push from it; it fuels energy to the body. Really it comes down to the individual person and how their body can handle it.