

  • That article was a pretty interesting read, thanks for that! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one! yay for weighloss! I'm only 3lbs away from a 60lb loss and I'm ecstatic!
  • I've had it for a while now and I love it! Go for it!
  • if your protein isn't high in fat, then that isn't your weight loss issue. How are your fats/carbs numbers?
  • Thanks for the info! I'm really not trying to starve myself or go below. I just have so many people telling me to eat this or eat that and all I really want to do is get healthy. lol I've been over weight for 4 years and I'm done with that and ready to do better.
  • thanks for the site and info! I'm just annoyed, I've been doing so goo and trying to eat healthy..which I'm a LONG ways from where I first was with eating chips, sweets, cookies, ice cream ect...I gave all of that up and only drink water. I've changed my whole lifestyle. I'm not in a gym let because I just had a baby 4…
  • I'm realizing now I over reacted. I have just battled my weight for 3 years now and I was finally losing massive weight right when I had my now 2 month old. It's starting to slow down which is expected, but I really want to keep moving, I am really hard on myself and a self critic, which stinks.
  • thank you! I was freaking out! I couldnt help thinking I haven't worked this hard to start going to other direction! lol
  • LOL my "hubby" has said that to me so many times its not funny! I call my husband, hubby, hubs, snuggly bear, the list goes on...I have been with him almost 10 years and we haven't had any issues about it. He calls me wifey, boo bear, I don't think it's an issue. but with everything there are always people that…
  • Thanks ladies! I'm started to add milk in and some extra calories to pump up the numbers!
  • I get pretty close to meeting the goals, just try to watch what I'm eating. I dont drink anything but water so all of my calories are food based
  • Thanks for the feedback! I really should eat more being I'm nursing my son too, but I find it so hard to eat that much food in a day! Especially since I eat healthy now!
  • Hi welcome! Feel free to add me! I just had my last baby #4 and had packed on weight through the years just from being a lazy stay at home mom, but now is the time to get it off. I started at 242 after my baby and in 2 months I lost almost 42 lbs. How? I can give some tips. Get special k and fiber one 90 calorie snacks!…
  • I have a 1 month old and am down 30lbs since having him...I'm sure it was a bunch of different factors contributing to that. But, I'm just taking my time with it. I"m breastfeeding which also helps you burn those extra calories. Good luck!
  • Hi, I'm just rejoining after a year! I just had my 4th child and have much weight to lose. However, I only gained 7lbs during my pregnancy. I met with a dietician and learned to cut out sweets, chips and sodas and so far have lost 30lbs since having my baby a month ago. I have a long journey ahead of me as well. The main…