Too much protein

Most days I am going over the protein allowance on here, is this why i'm not losing very much weight?


  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Protein is a bit low on MFP, I sometimes go over mine.

    Going over your protein would not be why your weightloss is slow (or you consider it slow). However, if you were over in your carbs everyday, that could slow it down as could continually eating over your daily allotment of calories.

    The body cannot store protein either, it stores fat. Excess energy is stored as fat and it is this fat that needs to be burned off via activity, it doesn't matter what activity as long as you are moving about and then all you have to do is take in less calories than you burn off in activity and your weight should drop.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Hard to say... you didn't give any other info, and your diary is private, so...

    Based on a whole lot of assumptions, I'd say no, it isn't. MFP's default protein settings are really low. You should be able to double or triple that number and still lose weight if everything else is as it should be.
  • AChristopher09
    if your protein isn't high in fat, then that isn't your weight loss issue. How are your fats/carbs numbers?
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    Thank you for all your responses, ive changed settings so diary can be viewed, looking at carbs, they do seem a little high on some days, but I do burn off quite alot on the days i'm at the gym. I guess this is going to be a slower processs to lose the last 7-10 lbs than it was to los ethe first 25lbs.