

  • Well it seems the book is focused more on people that need to lose a lot weight but in my research this is something a lot of body builders do. I am about to incorporate les mills pump and insanity at the same time. The book teaches doing strength training on low carb days and cardio training on high carb days.
  • Thank you all for your help. BMR: 1355 TDEE: 2100 -15% = 1785 I am sticking to this magic number of 1785 right now, (up from 1200 plus eating exercise cals). I am going on about 2 weeks and love that I am never hungry. I can tell the difference after this long weekend of not tracking or really worrying about planning for…
  • Just so I am clear. A RESET is eating your TDEE? A CUT is TDEE-15%? So when you are just starting out do a RESET? Then after 6 weeks or so, include the CUT? New to this concept, sick of eating 1200 plus exercise calories and not seeing results.
  • Great job! I am on DAY 42, I just posted my results on my blog. Nothing major, but I think it is because I missed about 15 days total due to vacation and some fatigue. I am on first week of the second part of Insanity, I am really enjoying it so…
  • I missed 13 days after two and half weeks on the program. I just started to feel very run down and I think it was possibly due to over training. Then I went on vacation, so started back yesterday on Recovery week, core cardio and balance. I think I will do this for a week then start on month 2.
  • Only have 10 lbs to lose! Also a little irritated when people say, you are already thin. But I am soooo ready to get rid of this belly flab!
  • Start Date: 7/12/12 Projected End: 9/12/12 Following Nutrition Guide: just taking hints from it, too stressful to try and follow, but will track on MFP! Starting weight(with Insanity): 135.4 Goal Weight(hoping to reach after completion): 125 I started this morning, got up late, but did as much as I could in the time frame…
  • VISALUS for sure! I drink it like a Frappichino if I am replacing my breakfast. Starbucks Via instant coffee, Vanilla almond milk, ViShape (2 scoops), a little ice. Can't beat that at 140 calories total! For a recovery drink I just shake up almond milk and vishape in a blender bottle and drink it casually.
  • I will be attending the Visalus Regional Conference tomorrow (2/25/12) in Austin, TX! Can't wait to see and hear all the transformation stories!
  • Remember EVERYTHING you buy, somebody is making money off of it. It is just a matter of what works for you. ViShape is gluten free and uses non-GMO soy protein which is why it is safe for people that normally cannot have soy. My husband is the absolute worst skeptic, and finally after 4 months of me becoming a distributor,…
  • I agree, and doctors get VERY little training in nutrition. They are trained to write on a script pad. And the LESS they write on the script pad, the LESS they get paid! Can you imagine if more people took care of their bodies, the LESS they would have to go to the doctor and their paychecks would dwindle rapidly!
  • I was a beginner runner about a year and a half ago and as my schedule allowed I did as much running as I could and not pushing too hard, because when you are hurt, you go back to square one. It helps to find a running group in your area and create a goal for yourself, like running a 5K. I joined a group of first time…
  • Do you have Netflix? Get up 30 minutes before the kids and do maybe a Pilates set. Do a search on your favorite type of exercise. For example, there is a Pilates video that gives you a choice, from 15, 30 or 45 minute workout depending on how much time you have.