GIrl, please; are bikini pics really the best display of a "



  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Right there with you on that. It's unnecessary to start calling her names simply because there are different views on this topic. Yikes. :(

    ^^^^ That.

    Some of you all need to go eat a piece of cake or something.

  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    I think that it's great that some women feel confident enough to post pics of themselves in bikinis/undergarments, no matter what body type they have. You wont be catching me in a bikini anytime soon (ever), but for those that wear them, more power to you!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    Um, I'm pretty sure we should form a Beauty & the Beast-scene mob with all the MFP villagers and go stone the slutty wenches! And bring the magic mirror so they can see their whorish selves while they're being stoned.

  • Why not have a bit of self respect and dignity and choose a nice one piece suit that flatters your figure?!

    I have found many two pieces that flatter my figure. Why dont you choose a nice muzzle that flatters your attitude?!

    Yayuh!! This. :drinker:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I think OP is just jealous of the bikini babes her husband leers at. LMAO
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    Why not have a bit of self respect and dignity and choose a nice one piece suit that flatters your figure?!

    I have found many two pieces that flatter my figure. Why dont you choose a nice muzzle that flatters your attitude?!

    hahaha MUZZLE!

  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    To each their own. I have always been ashamed to wear swimsuits or anything that resembled one. You are more than welcome to say how you feel because everyone is entitled to THEIR opinion but really, it's just that "THEIR" opinion. I applaud ANY woman that has the guts to display themselves confidently in a swimsuit. Today, I displayed MY pictures. They weren't to 'show off' but to help with my self esteem and to help build confidence with in myself. If this offends you, maybe you shouldn't click on the links that says they contain pictures. :wink:

    You rock!!!!
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
    I think OP is just jealous of the bikini babes her husband leers at. LMAO

    Most deff jelly! :drinker:
  • I agree.... a women doe snot need to show everything she's got to show "her results"..... I think of myself as a godly women and I would not allow my daughter to parade around like that so I need to be an example too. Most (not all) of the women who do that on this site are just looking for the attention they get from the men here. I am loosing weight and feeling great, but it's for me and only my husband gets to see the "real" results..... most people will bag on this idea because they crave others attention, good or bad.....
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    the bikini pics aren't about conservative or not. they're about loving who you are. loving your body. and REFUSING to let anyone else tell you differently.

  • If I had the body, I'd wear a bikini!!!

  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Wow! I am reminded that I am so happy to live in a free country where I can choose to wear what I want. And I can choose to have non-judgmental friends. :smile: To the OP: I would advise my life-theory: Don't like it - don't look.
  • bejuled74
    bejuled74 Posts: 191 Member
    I think there's a difference between an opinion and starting a debate and being aware that the debate will get fired up because deep inside you're criticizing those users who post pictures in bikinis. I mean, let's be honest. You won't have posted this thread unless you knew this was coming.

    With that said, do you ever go in front of a Strip Club with signs saying the same thing you said here? I bet you don't. So whether your reasons for not showing parts of your body is for whatever reason it is, your approach to this topic goes beyond being an "opinion" and just because you say so still doesn't make it one.

    Personally everybody is free to do as they please as long as they're not harming themselves or others, and yet, if they want to harm themselves, it is their own problem. Having the confidence and the desire to express what they want and how they feel using pictures wearing bikinis not only is their choice but also it works towards their confidence.

    "Just my opinion" :bigsmile:

    I thought the same thing...the OP wasn't concerned about women posting in bikinis...she just wanted to start s@#t. To bad her comment wasn't just ignored.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I agree.... a women doe snot need to show everything she's got to show "her results"..... I think of myself as a godly women and I would not allow my daughter to parade around like that so I need to be an example too. Most (not all) of the women who do that on this site are just looking for the attention they get from the men here. I am loosing weight and feeling great, but it's for me and only my husband gets to see the "real" results..... most people will bag on this idea because they crave others attention, good or bad.....

  • Can't wait to post my bikini pics!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    To each his own.

    Yep! When I get to my goal, I too will be in a bikini. No for anyone else, but myself.

    I will have worked hard to get there and will be darn proud!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    And what do you think should be done with these "*kitten*"? These brazen women daring to dress as they choose, almost like it were a free society or something...

    Is public shaming enough or should we start stoning them?

    Um, I'm pretty sure we should form a Beauty & the Beast-scene mob with all the MFP villagers and go stone the slutty wenches! And bring the magic mirror so they can see their whorish selves while they're being stoned.

    I know you're joking but BELIEVE me the MFPuritans love nothing more than clicking "report" 90 times a day on any pic they don't like (i.e. people who've actually lost weight, look good and make them feel bad about themselves while they eat Cool Ranch chips)

    Why you gotta bring Cool Ranch Doritos in to this?!
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    I'm a born and raised Florida girl and I have never seen anything wrong with bikinis, tanks, short shorts, or sports bras while running. It's hot and why not take advantage of the free sunlight to tan your skin?

    My body is not a special gift to be unwrappedy for my husband. My body is MINE and I love it. I let it breath! My husband can wear a speedo to the beach if he wants. I really don't care.

    As far at the bikini's post, this is a fitness site about creating healthy bodies. Why not photograph that journey?


    It's really effective.

  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I agree.... a women doe snot need to show everything she's got to show "her results".....

    Hehehe "doe snot"

  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    I agree.... a women doe snot need to show everything she's got to show "her results"..... I think of myself as a godly women and I would not allow my daughter to parade around like that so I need to be an example too. Most (not all) of the women who do that on this site are just looking for the attention they get from the men here. I am loosing weight and feeling great, but it's for me and only my husband gets to see the "real" results..... most people will bag on this idea because they crave others attention, good or bad.....

    a body is a body, functional and MADE TO BE NAKED.

    How covering up is meant to be more devout i will never understand.