Back to MFP with ViSalus!

Looking for friends and success stories that are using ViSalus for weight loss.


  • kmedmay
    kmedmay Posts: 2 Member
    I'm doing 2 shakes per day along with exercising 3-5 times/week and have lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks.

    Am also looking for inspiration in others' success stories with using Visalus shakes.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    No luck for me, I actually gained weight and got super duper constipated on it.

    I will say that I did like the energy buzz it gave me the first hour and a half after I drank a shake.

    I also had bad luck with the company, they would not cancel auto ship. I could not figure out why they kept sending me the shake, when I called, the lady told me that I had to answer all the questions in the survey as to why I wanted to cancel or they would kick it back out and keep shipping it. That was very unethical in my opinion.
  • Ive been on it about a month only doing one shake most days and have lost 7 lbs already! I love that everyday I can change the recipe and feel like I'm sipping a dessert without guilt for breakfast and or dinner. I Love it! I don't think it costs anymore than what I would be spending on food anyway and I am enjoying it so much I don't care. i would love some MFP friends that are doing the same lifestyle as me.

  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Funny, after posting this I looked around to see what I could have for breakfast this morning and saw an extra bag of the shake, so I had one. I will admit they are delicious and good for a change of pace from my normal egg white omelet or oatmeal.
  • I love the Visalus products. I actually eat breakfast which I havent done in many many years. I have seen so many lives changed by this product including myself.
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    I love Visalus products. I have at least one shake a day and on workout days I try to get two. I have lost 10 lbs. and 5.5 inches since Jan. 2nd. I am getting ready to go to 2 a day since I am halfway through my 90 day challenge. I'm hoping to lose an additional 10 lbs. the second half of the challenge.
  • I will be attending the Visalus Regional Conference tomorrow (2/25/12) in Austin, TX! Can't wait to see and hear all the transformation stories!
  • misswallie2u
    misswallie2u Posts: 28 Member
    2 shakes a day, staying around 1200-1300 calories a day (sometime more, sometimes less), and exercise seems to be working for me. I've been doing this since 01/24/2012 (one month today) and have lost almost 15 lbs. I'm looking forward to seeing what I lose in my 2nd month of doing this.

  • Krisgren
    Krisgren Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone, today is day 7 for me on visalus, I really like the product and did a ton of research on the powder and it is relatively healthy and I feel good about the nutritional side of it, I don't take the vitamins or hunger suppressants or anything tho, just my regular multi vitamin.

    Anyways, I'm down about 3 pounds in 7 days, I have two shakes a day (for the first month anyways) trying to jumpstart metabolism and stuff, the scale hasn't moved for several days and I'm a little frustrated however there is soooooo much knowledge on here that I have spent two days reading and learned so many new things to try. The main thing is I've learned I am totally not getting enuf calories on the days that I am working out, I wasn't even snacking at the beginning because of my busy lifestyle and I wasn't hungry so didn't feel the need. The past couple days I see that that can cause a problem and I'm upping my calories a bit, also trying to maybe cut out some carbs. I liked what someone else had said on another board that it is a meal supplement but not a food supplement for the whole day, you still need your high protein snacks and stuff which I've started incorporating lastnight and today.

    Anyways, I'm around if you wanna add me and chat and share ideas about it, good luck.
  • Broken420
    Broken420 Posts: 56 Member
    Day 8 for me and down 5lbs....gonna give it the 90 days and see how it goes. I'm a little worried about going to Atlantic City next weekend. Should I take the shakes and try to follow the plan or take 3 days off and get back at it when I return? AARRGG!
  • I'm doing a 90 day challenge and I'm on day 10. I've lost 4 pounds and 3 inches. Love the taste and my energy!
  • Im doing Visalus and love it.