"only" 10 pounds



  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    Same here! I'm actually on my last 6-8 pounds, and I know it will be hard, so I'd love more support! Feel free to add me!
  • CherMD36
    CherMD36 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. Add me. I 'm trying to lose the last 10 lbs of the pregnancy weight I gained. Ultimately I'd like to lose 20.
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm working on those last fat pounds, too! Feel free to add me! Could always use more support. My goal is to get lean this year and add muscle! I've reset my ticker because I've started tracking measurements instead of weight.
  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    HELP!!!! I need 8 to 10 pounds gone by May 4th. I'm leaving for Jamaica to get married & I need to be in good shape again!!!! I'm so lazy & tired from the holidays & I know any weight I've lost pre-holidays has returned. Getting my butt back in gear is going to be a challenge!!!!!!!
  • My original goal was to lose a total of 20, and I am on my last 9. I would appreciate the support and encouragement and I am here to provide the same!
  • VChristy07
    VChristy07 Posts: 10 Member
    I've got 8 to lose to achieve UGW. Last year I lost 16 and was able to "mostly" maintain over the holidays. Would love a little support and feedback to get the last few pounds off. It does seem like they are harder to take off!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I'm about 7 pounds from where I wanna be & maintain !!! I did get there in august but once I upped my calories to maintenance I gained it sux.
  • CelesteR903
    CelesteR903 Posts: 12 Member
    Me too! And I'm really short which makes it even harder to lose.
  • Cylindad
    Cylindad Posts: 18
    Only have 10 lbs to lose! Also a little irritated when people say, you are already thin. But I am soooo ready to get rid of this belly flab!
  • wyodawn
    wyodawn Posts: 217 Member
    I know this is kind of an old thread, but me too! I feel the same way, Cylindad. I can't talk to my friends IRL about losing weight because they think I don't need to lose any. But I see the muffin top creeping on and I don't want it! My original goal was to lose 15 pounds and I've lost 7 so far.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Those last 10 pounds are the hardest to lose!

    Damn right!
  • rlombardd
    rlombardd Posts: 5 Member
    I'm aiming to lose 10-15 pounds also, and have been trying for such a long time now- and just end up going back to my old habits. Will add you for a motivational friend xx
  • spider1968
    spider1968 Posts: 20
    I have been trying too lose last 7 - 10 lbs forEVER! So close! I get on a roll and then "BAM!" I start to get comfortable and back into the goodies. Sending friend request ! :D
  • ktsail
    ktsail Posts: 21 Member
    I am also in the only 10 pounds club. It is so hard to lose these last few pounds. They're stubbornly hanging on!
  • jnbrewer
    jnbrewer Posts: 2
    I recently went to visit my best friend of 16 years while I was on a business trip. She told me several times, over the past 6 months, that she had started "counting calories" and "working out." After spending a few days with her, I began to realize how much I ate, and didn't even realize it. I thought because I was eating lean, healthy foods, I was okay...little did I know, this pudge around my waist won't go away because I'm eating too much!
    I, also, only have 14 pounds to lose, but the 1st 3 days has been challenging. I'm learning how to plan my days better, and need the encouragement too. Add me as a friend and I will provide the same in return!
  • espress
    espress Posts: 1
    Over the last 4 years my weight has yo-yo'd between 128 - 182 pounds. I'm now around 143 and need to get back to ideal weight of 130-133.
    I have a holiday coming up where there will be lots of beautiful women in bikinis and I am going to feel awful the way I look at the moment. I signed up to this app a few months back and haven't really used it so hoping if I can commit and read other people's struggles/stories then it will help!
    Please friend me as I need the encouragement to avoid putting my hand in the sweet jar!!
  • LinzyStarr
    LinzyStarr Posts: 3 Member
    I, too, have about 8-10 lbs to lose. My weight keeps fluctuating & it's hard to tell where I really am. I have noticed fluctuation of about 4 lbs & find it very frustrating. Anyone else dealing with this?