

  • I hate having to go to a gym. Never enough time in the day for the things on my list to do, so why add something else. I love taking the dogs for a walk and playing wii fit. Its fun to try to beat my scores each time. If I have a TV show that I want to watch, I use the wii free step so I can workout and watch my show.
  • I was doing the shred every day until last Saturday. When I did it on Friday, my body was like a noodle and I couldn't do what I was supposed to do. I only did 15 min on Friday and could barely walk when I stopped. Friends of mine told me that you MUST take time to allow your body to rest. I know that Jillian says no…
  • Oh great idea! Thanks for sharing :smile:
  • I have just finised day 6 of the shred. I haven't seen ANY weight loss but have gained 2 pounds. I did add an additional 30 min of cardio a few days ago to see if that would work. I am going to check my measurements on day 15 so I am really not sure where I am on that yet. I am just a bit bummed that I haven't lost…
  • I am now on day 5 of the Shred and had a hard time with the first few days. Trust me, it does get better. Don't give up!
  • Thanks for the informationa ya'll!
  • I started this on Saturday and have noticed that I gained almost 2 pounds! Thought I woul have lost, but it didn't work out that way. My calorie intake and everything was fine. The only difference was that I didn't do my normal cardio. I added my cardio in addition to 30 day shred. Hoping that helps :) But man, she is…
  • I like to do toast and cut up fruit in the mornings. Easy to make, pick up and go. Another option is boiled eggs (you can take the yolk out if needed). Cook them the night before and they are ready to pick up and eat in the morning.
  • Congrats! Keep up the great work!