August ShredHeads! - 30 Day Shred 8/1 - 8/30



  • Just got 30DS this evening! Will do it first thing tomorrow morning and update.
  • Just finished Day 1 and it was a lot harder than I was expecting! I haven't ever done much work towards upper body strength, and I feel like this will be very good for that.

    Just to add in for the calorie burn... I'm 5'3'' and about 160, and my HRM counted 250 calories burned. I was surprised that someone else mentioned being 5'3'' and had a much lower calorie burn. I'm not sure how you'd accurately guess without a HRM, but thought this might help to find some sort of average.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    After a few problems with finding a space to do the workout today, i FINALLY just finished Day One. I feel like I cheated a bit on a few of the exercises, especially the side lunges, bicycle crunches, and chest flies. I also probably should have watched through level one before doing it, but now I know what to expect tomorrow and will try to work extra hard on those things I skimped on today.
    That being said, HOLY SMOKES I don't think i've ever sweat so much in my life. It felt fantastic to finish that, even though it was so hard while I was doing it. I think Jillian is motivating at just the right time, like she knows when I'm about to give up. My arms are KILLING me, because I don't ever work out my upper body, so I'm really looking forward to that soreness tomorrow. I just hope I don't wake up not sore at all, because it'll mean I didn't work as hard as I should have.
    Here's to a great start everyone! See you all tomorrow :drinker:
  • ok...i alllmoossstt talked myself out of doing day 1, but thank god i powered through. L1D1 DONE...29 MORE TO GO! I also worked out with my trainer today, and have her again in the morning. i will do this for the 30 days straight - i want to get it done and over with! ;)

    30 DS

    pre-day 1: 225.5lb
    measurements taken wed (day 4) by trainer.
  • Just finished L1D1 and whoooo. I didn't think I'd have so much trouble with my upper body, but I found I couldn't keep lifting after about 5 or 6 with the squats and lunges. Maybe I should downgrade from 5lb weights. :P

    But I'm motivated to keep going! My boyfriend just bet me that I won't be able to stick it with it because I'm so busy, but I'm determined to prove him wrong.

    Congrats to everyone for getting off to a good start! Keep it up!
  • MizMeow
    MizMeow Posts: 16
    I started today as well, and I also got my friend to get the DVD to see if she liked it. I didn't seem to burn a whole heck of a lot of calories per the MFP counter, but I feel great. I tried it once when I bought the DVD on Friday, second time tonight, I was able to go all the way through without having to stop.. Yaaa... I am going to see this all 30 days... And hit 60 to 120 minute step/salsa classes 3 times a week... Good Exercising To ALL!!!!!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    GOOOODDDD MORNING!!!! I started 30 day shred level1 day 1 THIS morning!!! i previewed it last night, and thought to myself, that looks easy, maybe I'll have to start with Level 2 BOY OH BOY was I WRONG. Level1 Day 1 Kicked my butt (Litterly HAHAAHA) But got it done!! I'm also, doing day one of Making the Cut, this afternoon, it is also one of Jillians programs!!!! Lets work it out!!!!

    ( i posted on the old thread too oops LOL)

    I did my measurements and the test on Sunday. Was pleased with my test results!!!

    edited to add-- ps for those wondering how to measure yourself it you buy making the cut it spells it all out in there. The book was only like 12.00 dollars or so gives you some great reciepes and a whole bunch of other GREAT information, i definatly reccommend this book even if you don't want to start the making the cut works outs just yet.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Going in to day 2 today, and I'm SO SORE! Anyone else? How am I supposed to do this? lol I need a push...
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    bree....I think I am going to start soon 2 for me also. I am also sore...not terribly..but sore. I am wondering how this is going to go once I start....wondering if I will be able to do it when I am sore.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    After I finished shredding last night, I was worried I wouldn't be sore at all. I got all nervous because in my mind, not being sore means I wasted my time. I woke up this morning with sore arms, but nothing else. Since I did the shred so late last night, though, I guess the soreness didn't quite set in because it just keeps getting worse! My legs and butt hurt! I still don't feel anything in my abs (yet?) So I'm looking forward to working them twice as hard tonight! Day 2 will be interesting!
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    Day 2 DONE! I was definately sore this AM, but I did the workout anyway. Still as hard as yesterday. I just can't get a hang of those dang push-ups. So that's my goal. I want to be able to do all the push-ups by the end of this adventure!!

    For those of you worried about doing Day 2 or who need a little push today. JUST DO IT! Feels great to get this thing done today. Once you start sweeting your butt off, you'll thank yourself... I know I did. Totally started laughing mid way through going F* YEA!

    P.S. I hope I can carry this enthusiam all the way through
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi there!!! I started July 31st. This forum should keep me motivated to do it EVERY day. I also bicycle to work a couple of times a week, so not so sure how I will fit it in on those days.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    WELL....I did it!!! Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be starting out sore, lol The cardio is what kills me! Going from jumping jacks, to butt kicks, to jump roping...ugh...I still had to stop today, but not as much and for less times. Like a couple times for a few seconds and the workout didn't seem as long as yesterday. I hope the cardio gets easier for me...I would think it would.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    WELL....I did it!!! Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be starting out sore, lol The cardio is what kills me! Going from jumping jacks, to butt kicks, to jump roping...ugh...I still had to stop today, but not as much and for less times. Like a couple times for a few seconds and the workout didn't seem as long as yesterday. I hope the cardio gets easier for me...I would think it would.

    Stick with it! From what I've read from people who completed the Shred, it gets easier every day and, by the end of the month, you'll have so much stamina and endurance. You can do it!
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    I was reading other posts, and my reflections:

    Day #3 was my most sore. I felt different muscle groups each day, but I do think that you can push through it. Don't give up!

    I am on Day # 9.... and well, I did LEVEL 2 for the first time. It kicked my butt too... but I find level 2 easier to transition than beginning with level one.

    We can do it!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Just completed day 2! Feeling really sore from yesterday but did it anyway and feel really proud of myself! Can't do the push ups but everything else I can just about do.....
  • tlraney1
    tlraney1 Posts: 10
    I started this on Saturday and have noticed that I gained almost 2 pounds! Thought I woul have lost, but it didn't work out that way. My calorie intake and everything was fine. The only difference was that I didn't do my normal cardio. I added my cardio in addition to 30 day shred. Hoping that helps :) But man, she is killing me! lol
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey everyone! Day 1 is today for me! :drinker:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I'm going to be WAY late on Day 2 because I'm going to watch boyfriend play hockey. I'll probably not get to it until about 1 AM but I WILL do it (even though my sore muscles are dreading it!) and will update as soon as I'm done!
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    I had a free 30 minutes session with a trainer at the gym today and it KICKED MY *kitten* so no 30DS today, and tomorrow is a scheduled off today. I certainly think my 350 calories in 30 minutes with a trainer is no worse than my under 200 calories 30 minutes with Jillian. I am having trouble sitting down on the potty, THATS how sore my legs are. Perhaps I am doing too much too fast, yesterday I shredded, did 30 minutes cardio and 25 minutes of leg weights. Tomorrow is going to be super painful. If not, I will try to shred in the mornning but I know the soreness will only be worse tomorrow :(
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