breakfast on the go

I would appreciate some good choices for breakfast on the go - I don't eat before leaving the house in the morning and tend to either take a yoghurt with me to eat at work or buy toast with margarine or toast with western on the way in. On my bad mornings it would be a danish or sausage/egg on an english muffin. I wish I liked peanut butter, but I don't so I can't use that as protein/filler.

As I just joined this site, with today Aug 1 being my starting day, am hoping to get shopping and have sensible choices available to me. On a work day a generally eat breakfast at 8:30-8:45 and lunch at 1:45 then dinner at 6:30 so i know I have to change that up with a snack between breakfast and lunch, and have lunch itself later. I bought myself some protein bars the other day so that it would be my snack on the way home (commute 1 hr) as that's the time I would be included to snack on a cholate bar, ice cream etc.
I also know I'm going to have to get used to eating more, and good choices, as I tend to eat not a lot, but the wrong things.

So in general I know what I should be doing and hopefully this site is going to provide the accountability I need to keep motivated.


  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    When I had an hour drive to work I would eat my breakfast in the car. I would have an oatmeal to go bar (250 cal) and 1 or 2 boiled eggs. Some days I would toss the boiled yolk out the window, some days I would eat it. I would usually have a baggie of carrots or apple to crunch on the way home. Then I could relax a bit before cooking dinner.
  • tlraney1
    tlraney1 Posts: 10
    I like to do toast and cut up fruit in the mornings. Easy to make, pick up and go. Another option is boiled eggs (you can take the yolk out if needed). Cook them the night before and they are ready to pick up and eat in the morning.
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    I like a fruit smoothie for on the go - just put in one of those no spill coffee cups. I have the calories on MFP under Deb's fruit smoothie. You can have any kind of fruit you want. I love the frozen mango, toss in a little coconut and add some nutmeg - tropical!
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    I have to get up and get kids out the door so breakfast is a toughie for me too. You could try getting up 15 minutes earlier to have some time to make you something like eggs and toast. Mini-bagels with some low fat cream cheese or even avocado spread on them is good and not too bad on the calorie side. if you divide up your fruit into ziplock bags then you know how much you have eaten (since measuring is key here) and just keep it in a bowl in the fridge. Then you can grab and go on the late mornings. look into making homemade granola so you can control the calories going in to it (and the sodium levels too). I don't care for boiled eggs all the time, but you could smash them and add some mustard and spread on toast for egg salad. Hope this helps a little.
  • leelee429
    I also have an hour drive to work and I usually have slim fast shake or a protein shake in the morning. It's not very filling but it will give you the vitamins and nutrients you need to keep you going. Once I get to work I'll have a healthy snack on my break to tide me over until lunch.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    When I'm getting up early in the morning, I make (ahead of time) little crust-free quiches. I put a slice of Canadian bacon in the bottom of a muffin tin, then I pour in a mix of Egg Beaters (or other liquid egg), frozen spinach, chopped mushrooms, chopped onions, and put a little teeny tiny bit of cheddar cheese (low fat, no fat, full fat, whatever floats your boat) on top.

    I bake until the eggs are cooked, stick 'em in the fridge, and sprinkle a teensy bit of salt on top when I take them with me. It's yummy, good, high in veggies, and low in calories (obv. the calorie breakdown will depend upon the ingredients you use). Pair that with 8 ounces of V8, and you're good to go!

    Good luck :smile:
  • aprilwoo97
    aprilwoo97 Posts: 16 Member
    My favorite quick breakfast is a ham/egg/cheese on english muffin sandwich. I found a microwave omelet maker at Walmart for about $3. It's a small circular plastic container with a lid to steam cook the eggs. You just crack an egg (sometimes I do the whole egg, sometimes 2 egg whites) and scramble it right in the container. Then I usually tear up a couple of pieces of deli ham (you can use any type of breakfast meat, but I prefer ham because it's lower in fat) into the egg, and microwave it all for about a minute. I put it on a whole wheat english muffin and top it with a slice of Kraft fat free sharp cheddar singles. The cheese and ham are a little high on sodium, but there is plenty of protein and it usually keeps me full all morning. The whole thing takes less than 5 minutes to make.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    If I'm really rushed, I'll eat a Think Thin bar in the morning and some fruit. It is all natural and costs about $1.50. It's 230-240 calories (depending on the flavor), 24 carbs, 8 fat, 20 protein. It holds me a LONG time. I often eat a handful of blueberries or strawberries with it.
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    I usually have a Smuckers Uncrustable for breakfast during the week and a peach. I don't know that it's the healthiest thing, but it does fill me until lunch time.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    The other day I didnt have my usual breakfast ingredients so I made one egg scrambles with some mushrooms and rolled it up in a small tortilla and put it in foil. I also put my usual fruit salad in a tub,its easy to carry around.

    Everyday I usually have a couple of rickcakes with some peanut butter and a fruit salad. Easy foods to store at work and make when you get there :), though I always eat breakfast at home given the choice.