nannascot Member


  • :happy: So glad you found the site too, welcome to the gang. I found it the same way and have had success so far. Keep up the good work and you will soon lose that kid!!!
  • That TSH is the thing - my results appeared normal until they checked again and found I needed to increase the dose.
  • I try and stick to the calories I supposed to eat but avoid bread, cakes and biscuits particularly. I have a good breakfast, bran flakes or whatever with plain yoghurt and banana. I joined the local gym and try and work out three times a week but with so many different pieces of equipment and advice from the staff there I…
  • I have not had my thyroid removed but I have a very underactive gland and have to take Levothyroxine to counteract the side effects..... as you say it makes it much harder to lose weight. I joined this site last November and with tracking my calories and exercise routine I have lost an amazing 24lbs. I have about 15lbs…
  • :drinker: :love: I am just able to qualify, I retired last year and decided that I had to get fitter, not fatter. So having found this site I have at last managed to lose a lot of my extra weight since last November. 24lbs lost and 15lbs to go. Its a wonderful site to keep focussed. Good luck with it.
  • :grumble: Bad luck, how about getting a really funny patch to stick over the hole in the pants that fit - a "smiley" would be perfect!!! :bigsmile:
  • :happy: :happy: :happy: That sounds good, I had a great day yesterday, started in the gym, have my programme spelt out for me and carried it out to the letter - and a wonderful swim afterwards. The good feelings lasted all day - am now looking forward to the next one. (what's more I didn't even feel hungry afterwards!)
  • :smile: Go for it, that is exactly where I was a month ago and couldn't figure out where I was going wrong. This site is perfect for me, I put in what I was eating and "Bingo" - I found where I was going wrong. With that and a commitment I made to exercise regularly, I have managed to lose 13lbs and feel great for it.
  • :smile: Well I tried the Zafu site and guess what? It found my choice of bra size and shape and the on line store that I can get it from; it must be good! Good luck with the weight loss, I have reached a minor plateau but as I have done well in the three weeks since I started I can't complain.
  • Its awful isn't it, but you are not alone, we women have erratic hormones which are very hard to deal with. I am one of the older ones and don't have periods any more but I have been on Tamoxifen the breast cancer drug and this appears to have made my hormones incapable of working properly and I feel permanently…