

  • Hey there, I wanna be a modern day pin-up! Is it too late to join?
  • welcome back! hope to see you around in the forum more often! feel free to friend me if you would like more intense motivation and support!
  • WELCOME! This is a great place for encouragement and advice whenever you need it! Great job so far and keep up the good work!
  • Until you can get back on track, don't have it in the house. Only have good snacks around so when you feel munchie, you can eat without the guilt. I periodically have to do the same thing. I will be doing really well then wham-o i start having trouble again! Anyways, try to do things so you don't get bored. It's hard but…
  • That is a great realization. It took me sometime to figure that one out too. I would have a bad afternoon and I would scrap the whole week, "I'll restart monday" I would say. But you know that never works. Realizing that not only every day but every meal and every workout stands alone and each one can be a step in the…
  • Great timing, I had a great food week but no weight-loss. Disappointed but trying to look at the situation in the way you have so it was nice for your post to reinforce that effort. Thanks!
  • Ok, I have a challenge or two... Challenge 1: Food As it is the holiday season right around the corner, I thought we could all help eachother out and try to find one healthy and tasty recipe that could replace a traditional holiday mainstay. Any of the upcoming holidays will work. Challenge 2: Exercise Sometimes it is…
  • What a great story and an even more inspiring notion! I have been surprised by the things I have learned about myself through this process! But I think I might learn that vicariously! Thanks for sharing!
  • I would like to be in too, if I can start late!:tongue: Name: Leah Username: Indigloworm Goal for this Challenge: -15 pounds Goal Weight: 145 Favorite Keep fit Activity: Hiking with my Family Hobbies: Photography, Reading and Writing
  • Ok, I had the same problem when I was working and you know i stopped filling the candy jar on my desk. But of course, that doesn't help with the craving, just the availability. So I would decide what I wanted to splurge on (candy, brownie or whatever) and I would either buy or cook that item and then I would seperate the…
  • They sound both delicious and healthy. Thanks for posting them. I am starting to think about the holiday season and all the food and treats that they entail. It's gonna be tough, but with these and other healthy and tasty treats hopefully I can master the holiday season! Thanks!!
  • i don't really like it either. But I have tried to flavor it and it helps. I have done lemon and lime juice, both have a distinct flavor and something I haven't tried yet but have heard great things about is Sassy water. Sassy water has lemon, ginger, mint flavors in it; it sounds delicious. I can't quite remember all the…
  • Hey there, my name is Leah. Just wanted to welcome you to MFP. Finding this site was really a turning poiint for me and hopefully it will help you to. I am almost half way to my goal, YAY! But if you would like to be friends, I would be happy to encourage you! Good Luck!
  • Welcome! Here's to you for taking a preimptive strike for healthiness. Hope you find what you are looking for here!
  • Brava! You did a great job! Be so proud and the next time you have the urge for pizza (or any other delicious but otherwise bad foods) then you have the memory of how fantastic it felt to conquer your urge and lay down the slice. That's my secret, if I get the urge for a midnight yumminess, I just remember how awesome I am…