Trying to lose Depo Weight & need some friends & motivation

I tried out Depo last year thinking it was the greatest thing in the world. :happy: Little did I realize one of the most commons side effects is weight gain.:noway: I got off Depo last March after gaining 15 lbs, but the Doctor said it could stay in my system for up to a year. :cry: I managed to lose 10 lbs until August. At that point I fell off the weight-wagon & here we are in October. Not only have I gain that 10 back, but I added another 10 lbs to that, just since August. :frown:

So I know it’s not the best time to start dieting, but no time like the present...right? I would like to make some friends on here so we can motivate each other & exchange ideas on some weight loss ideas & hopefully we can all find success!


  • indigloworm
    Hey there, my name is Leah. Just wanted to welcome you to MFP. Finding this site was really a turning poiint for me and hopefully it will help you to. I am almost half way to my goal, YAY! But if you would like to be friends, I would be happy to encourage you! Good Luck!
  • jdsouthernbelle
    I was on Depo for almost 2 years and gained 100lbs! Sooooo.....I feel your pain.

    Welcome will love MFP!
  • pellenga
    pellenga Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks Leah....

    & Jeran.... omg.. if I would of known Depo was going to be like this I would of found a different option. I would of gained less weight having another baby. haha
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I added you, thanks for accepting :) I had the same problem when I was on depo around 10 years ago, I was super fit and was gaining even though I was working out consistently. I also decided to have a baby about 6 months after I had my first and only shot and it took me a year to get pregnant. Anyhoo, I am looking forward to supporting each other on this health and fitness journey!