Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 11



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Here's a larger version of my new profile pic! It was taken this weekend. It's the bridesmaid dress I'll wear in Jenny's wedding in May. This is a size 16, but I plan on having it altered at LEAST to a 14!


    Let's try a link because the images just won't work for some lame *kitten* reason. Sorry, kinda irritated with photobucket.

  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Everyone's doing amazing! Keep it up ladies!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I'm officially overweight...not obese. :happy:
    good job!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I think I'm going to go for a short run near my apartment after work, before it gets dark. Hopefully if I stick to roads without a lot of traffic, I can run further into the road where it's a little more level, so as not to get shin splints like before.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Only 2 cups of water down...Ugh!! It's harder to stay on top of it, when I'm actually doing WORK at work. lol
  • welcome serenity!!!
  • i would love to join this group! i joined MFP about a year ago, and i'm finally doing the work to lose weight and get healthy. i used to do some occasional pin-up modeling when i was smaller. i'd love to get back that confidence!
    how do i join??
    thanks! <3
  • Ugh! I've been so lethargic all day! Maybe it's the food I'm eating? I don't know what. Still doing c25k tonight after work. Then straight to bed for a good night's rest. Tomorrow I will have loads of energy...I hope.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    i would love to join this group! i joined MFP about a year ago, and i'm finally doing the work to lose weight and get healthy. i used to do some occasional pin-up modeling when i was smaller. i'd love to get back that confidence!
    how do i join??
    thanks! <3

    Send me your current weight, weigh in on Mondays with us and chat all week long!! :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay so I ran about 2mi, did day 1 of the pushup challenge, and did the initial tests for the situp and squat challenges. Feeling good and super proud of myself today! Now time to drink some water, I still only have 2 cups in today!!!

    Edit: Just chugged 2 more cups!! :)
  • hi! i'm new to this group and i notice that you guys do weekly goals. i know it's almost 2 days late, but i'm gonna set some for myself anyway! :)

    i will drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
    i will work out 5 days this week.
    i will not eat fast food for at LEAST another week.
    i will go out dancing and cut an effing rug!

    glad to be part of modern day pin-ups! <3
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    That reminds me...I BIG positive to not having a vehicle right now, is that I haven't had ANY fast food for 2 weeks!! I think once I have a car again I won't even get the cravings...yay!!
  • way to look for the silver lining!!

    oh hellz yes: SUSHI TONIGHT!
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    My goals this week are based of everything I did wrong last week:

    I WILL log calories ON THE WEEKEND!
    I WILL drink 12 8oz glasses of water PER DAY!
    I WILL eat more raw fruit and veggies. (Grocery story run soon!)

    I WILL NOT drink a whole bottle of cabernet sauvignon...

    This sounds so familiar! Like reading my life story. It helps SOOOO much knowing there are others on here having the same problems. Let's use this as motivation to kick even more *kitten* than usual! We can do this ladies. Let's make this week really count!

    1) Work out at *least* 4 times this week (2 days circuit training, 2 days intervals)
    2) LOG WEEKEND CALORIES - The hardest one for me. I'm at my bf's house in another town on the weekends, and my pre-portioned meals aren't very conducive to an enjoyable weekend, we like to drink :- /

    I feel good about this week Pin-up Girls. Let's get after it
  • This sounds so familiar! Like reading my life story. It helps SOOOO much knowing there are others on here having the same problems. Let's use this as motivation to kick even more *kitten* than usual! We can do this ladies. Let's make this week really count!

    1) Work out at *least* 4 times this week (2 days circuit training, 2 days intervals)
    2) LOG WEEKEND CALORIES - The hardest one for me. I'm at my bf's house in another town on the weekends, and my pre-portioned meals aren't very conducive to an enjoyable weekend, we like to drink :- /

    I feel good about this week Pin-up Girls. Let's get after it

    Ummm so I think we're living each other's lives. That's my problem on the weekend too! My fiance lives 2.5 hours away, so pretty much every weekend I go somewhere to see him. Usually lots of restaurants, but I try to be good.

    Good luck kicking this week's *kitten*! Lol.

    Personal Update: Did C25K--Week 4 Day 2 tonight after an insanely lethargic day. I mean really. I got about 7.5 hours of sleep last night, worked 8-10, took a nap from 1015-1115, worked 12-4, sat on the couch, worked 6-8, then went to work out. It's like I couldn't get moving at all today. And when I did my run, OMG my muscles burned almost the whole time. But I finished. I'll probably be doing Week 4 twice. I was hoping I could move on, on time for once, but no. Not gonna feel strong enough I don't think.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    So, here are my goals and they are unusual for me because these things don't come up too often anymore. I'm making my delicious chocolate blackout cupcakes with French honey meringue buttercream for my besties birthday happy hour tomorrow night.

    I will NOT eat cake batter
    I will NOT eat buttercream out of the mixer bowl, (or off of utensils)
    I will NOT eat anything fried at happy hour
    I will NOT have more than 1 cupcake or 2 drinks.

    Seriously, this will be a test. I am very good at avoiding soda and fast food and stuff like that. However, cake batter and meringue buttercream are a weakness. It's been months since I've baked, (which has been hard for me on it's own) because I wasn't sure I could be in the same room with it. It's like my crack or something.
    Ok, I've put it out there. I can do it.
  • Hey there,

    I wanna be a modern day pin-up! Is it too late to join?
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I baked today. BUT I did manage to stay out of everything except the whip cream and it was fat free and even that was just a finger through it. :laugh:
    I also managed to run into the door frame with my shoulder and now it hurts so bad. :sad:
    Anyway, I tried to eat some more calories today than I usually do but I was mostly unsuccessful. I'm going to try and take the baby for a walk with me in the mid-late morning and then kick box tomorrow afternoon, take a shower and then decide if the Mr and I are going out to eat or staying in. Tomorrow is our three year wedding anniversary. :love:
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm officially overweight...not obese. :happy:

    Wow well done thats great! :smile:

    I'm now in the overweight category - 14 pounds until I hit the normal zone yay!!!
  • I've done so badly the past few days, the worst few days I've had since I started! I've eaten two family sized bags of sweets, loads of chocolate, a tub of ice cream and all sorts of other crap! :( And now I have toothache (serves me right really!)



    - Water!!

    - Exercise!!


    (now i've just got to stick with it!)
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