

  • Maybe you can try it again with a heavier set of weights? And combine that with doing the unmodified moves (follow Natalie) for every single part? I'm at level 3 and I have to switch to following Anita sometimes, but I can tell that the 3lb weights are too light for me now.
  • I hope to to use my struggles to raise healthy kids like you're doing =)
  • I had just started a thread about parents calling their kids fat last night and shared my experience about my mom always calling me fat. It seems that you are much more tactful than my mom, but from the replies I've gotten, insensitive comments can definitely leave a mark on a person so by you encouraging healthier eating…
  • Honestly, happening up 30DS success stories is what really made me want to revamp my lifestyle and really work on my fitness; if there is a 20 min workout that can help me get started then there is absolutely no excuses! I'm not too focused on quantifying my success, but seeing and feeling my fitness improve keeps me…
  • Obviously, any routine is different for everyone, and for me personally I was noticing a difference around day 10. My pants were less tight and my endurance was better, but nothing mind-blowing. I actually stopped for almost 2 weeks after reaching day 20ish due to my big grad school entrance exam and a trip to see my…
  • Sometimes all it takes is something small; realizing you're not taking as many breaks, breathing is less of a struggle, and your clothes fitting differently. Keep it up! =)
  • I realize the dynamics of Asian cultures, but like I've posted, when she's the only one saying it and my aunts and uncles are stepping in and telling her I'm not fat, I think that it may be more of it being her own negative intention. That's how I see it. And from other posters, there are other "non-cultural" parents out…
  • Thanks for all of your responses, everyone. I'm trying really hard to focus on maintaining my health and fitness for myself and stay focused what I want to achieve, not what she thinks I should. At this point, it seems my mom is set in her ways even after seeing how many times her words make me break down and even when…
  • In response to (I forgot to hit the quote button): Could it be a cultural thing (to the OP)? Did your mom grow up outside the US? I've been around a lot of people from African and Asian cultures and it's not offensive to call someone fat. In fact, in many African cultures (I have no idea if the same is true in Asian…
  • I actually find it hard to get up to 1200 a day sometimes! I hover right around 1100 and sometimes I honestly cannot eat without feeling overly full, and I snack throughout the day. It's about the choices you make in food and there are a lot of satisfying foods out there that will keep you full. Try and eat fresh, whole…
  • What results have you noticed this far into the program? I've noticed shrinkage in my tummy area, more so above the waist than below it, and a bit of trimming down on the thighs and arms but nothing dramatic. I don't have a scale or tape measure, so I'm going by how I notice my body changing, and that muscle weighs more…
  • I used to be a vegetarian and I really liked the breakfast sausage patties (found at Costco) for a quick way to get protein for my morning meal. You can use it in breakfast sandwiches, burritos, etc.
  • Hey! I'm doing 30 Day Shred and currently on Day 10 and have been doing Level 2 for the last five days. I'm trying to get fit for Coachella in April and will be doing Ripped in 30 after the Shred. =) Such a good 20 min workout!
  • Hey everyone! 5'1" here and last weight was 128. Not sure what my SW is since I don't own a scale, and I know that muscle weighs more than fat, etc. so I'm just focused on losing inches and developing lean muscle mass. I've changed a lot of my eating habits and eat a variety of veggies, fruits, dairy (yogurt, skim milk,…
  • I feel like I'm eating a lot and I always end up full at the end of my meals and satisfied with my snacks, so what do you recommend I eat that is healthy but has calories yet is not as filling?
  • I am 5'1" current weight is 128; according to MFP my goal is 1, 200 and I'm averaging around 1,100 a day, averaging 50-60 g protein a day so far for the last 5 days. If I had a weight goal I guess I'd say 115, but like I said, I just want muscle definition especially in my arms and lower stomach.