Kati0427 Member


  • Hello all! I took a week off because I had a horrible sinus infection all last week. Feeling much better now and am going to start my work outs back up again tonight. I know I said I was going to finish a whole round of TF, but Chalean Extreme has been staring at me for over a month and I want to try it so much! Soooo -…
  • I'm starting Week 10 today - only this week and 2 more to go before I finish Turbo Fire! The 3 week or so break has not helped me, but I am determined to finish and start Chalean Extreme. How's everyone doing?
  • I did Fire 45 tonight and it was tough! My little 2 week break from consistent workouts really showed tonight. I had to take several breaks, but I finished it. Keep on trucking!
  • Olive - it's hard sticking to a routine when you aren't in your usual environment. Great job for coming up with a plan to get back in track! You can do it! Last night I did an hour of vinyasa yoga at a yoga studio in town. I wanted to do fire 45 as well, but I only had time for one and I had already signed up for the…
  • Stayed withing my target calories and carbs today! One day at a time :) I also did HIIT 15 and stretch 30. Have a great week!
  • Well I'm back. For good this time! It was just so hard for me to keep a regular schedule with the holidays and I fell off track. Big time. I was horrified this morning when I stepped on the scales and was up 6 pounds!!! I know some of it is probably water weight, but it is still discouraging. I am going to take a challenge…
  • I started back last night with HIIT 15, but ran out of time and did not do Strength 30. I plan on just moving it around to another day. Hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve tonight!
  • Welcome back, Olive and Bravo! I too fell off the wagon through the holidays. I did do a few turbo workouts over the past few weeks, but I was not on schedule and kind of just picked the ones I wanted to do. Now that the holidays are mostly over, I am picking back up again and getting serious. I really want to say that I…
  • Hi everyone! I read my Week 9 calendar wrong today and thought I was doing Fire 30 instead of Fire 45 - oh well, I will just swap Sunday's Fire 30 with Fire 45 :) Trying to make it through the holidays!
  • Welcome back! I'm back too! I went on vacation for an early Christmas last week and did not do any turbo :( I am restarting Week 9 and did HIIT 15 and Strength 30 last night. I really want to complete the whole program, so I am going to get back on track and push through the last month. I did end up ordering the advanced…
  • I did HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30 tonight. I traveled Thursday through Sunday and got home late due to flight delays, so I had not done turbo since Tuesday. I also need some serious help getting my eating back on track. I feel like it has been such a struggle ever since Thanksgiving and I am losing the battle. People at the…
  • Great job ladies! I did Fire 45 EZ tonight. I am really struggling with this one for some reason! I don't understand. I get tired much more quickly with this one than the others. Maybe it's because I am coming back from a few days of holiday eating and I am a little sluggish or because I am working out a little later at…
  • I did Fire 45 EZ tonight and am dripping. I had a really hard time with it. I think it was because my legs are really sore from Tone 30 and I had a hard time lifting and kicking. I can't believe it is already week 8! Crazy how it has flown by. I am so proud of all of us for sticking with it!!!
  • Did Fire 55 and Tone 30 today. Feeling good to get back on track after the holidays.
  • Here is the link to the sale in case anyone is interested: http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/holidayspecials
  • I did Fire 30 and Strength 30 on Wednesday and Fire 45 yesterday morning. I ate way too much for Thanksgiving and know I have gained. I am not going to weigh until next week I think to give me time to even back out. I will probably do Fire 30 and Tone 30 today. Hope everyone had a good holiday.
  • Mel - I hear you on not wanting to do the stretch dvd. I have pretty much given up on it and never do it. I probably need more stretching, but it's just so boring. I tried yoga one day and it was boring too. :yawn: Oh well. I did Fire 55 EZ tonight and it seems like each day I can go harder for longer. I find I am taking…
  • I did Fire 55 EZ yesterday, but didn't make the Tone 30 workout. Doing Fire 55 EZ again today. I was thinking of squeezing in the Tone 30 workout today, but Sculpt 30 is on my calendar for tomorrow and I'm not sure if I should do them back to back, although I'm sure it is okay. Mylifeasolive - I feel you on the traveling…
  • Mylifeasolive - My Fire 45 disc skips too! It is only during the warm-up, but it's really annoying. If you find anything out about replacements, let me know! I did Fire 30 last night and Fire 45 and Core 20 today. Tomorrow will be FIre 55 EZ and Tone 30. My jeans are starting to get loose on me :bigsmile: and today I had…
  • Bravo - Great job for sticking with it even when life gets in the way! Every workout counts even if we get off a bit :smile: I did Fire 30 and Sculpt 30 today. Mel - I know exactly what you mean about the resistance. I find it hard to find the right resistance ons some of the exercises too. I lost the band that came with…
  • I did Fire 55 EZ last night, but forgot to check in. I noticed I had a lot more stamina, but my legs were crying from Tone 30! Love that we are sticking with this and pushing forward each day!
  • Fire 30 and Tone 30 today - sweating like mad!
  • I did Fire 45 this morning and Core 20. Since I moved things around this week, I will be doing Fire 30 and Tone 30 tomorrow. I am feeling really energized and inspired to keep going! :bigsmile: Since I am feeling particularly energetic today, I decided to order ChaLean Extreme and plan on going right in to that after Turbo…
  • Just finished Fire 55 and I think I pushed harder tonight than I ever have before! I went to a happy hour right after work and wanted to stay but I forced myself to go home and get the work out done and then meet up with people later this evening. So proud of myself for not giving in and sticking to it!
  • I took my rest day yesterday and did Fire 30 and Strength 30 today. Both were considerably easier than they have been, although I still worked up a great sweat and burned major calories.
  • Week 5, Day 1 done with Fire 55 EZ! I hear you about the sweating Mel! I am dripping!
  • Jeepie, that's still great! The fact that you can work harder during the workouts and jump higher is awesome and a fabulous result in itself! So I measured and weighed in this morning. I have lost 5 lbs, which I am kind of bummed about since it has been a whole month, but I new it would be the case since I have been having…
  • Mel - Those are great results! Congrats :bigsmile: Bravo - I was sleepy through my workout today too! Not sure if it was just because it was the end of the weekend or what. Pushed through Fire 45 today though and finished up week 4. So proud of myself for making it an entire month! I did not take measurements today, but…
  • I just finished Fire 55EZ and will be doing core 20 later today. I had to stop Fire 55EZ about 5 minutes before the "Who's House" song was over because my left hip was getting really tight and starting to pop when I did the kicks. I need to find a good stretch to loosen that hip up. Bravo - I am with you on cleaning up the…
  • Checkin in - did FIre 45 tonight since I took my rest day on Monday. I can definitely tell that I am building endurance and am able to push harder. Now I just need to get my nutrition under control. Aside from the weekends, I generally stay within my calorie range on MFP, but I think I am not eating the right combination…