Workout Check In



  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Today was rest day but couldn't handle doing nothing so I jumped on the elliptical for 45 minutes. Boy do I love that machine!!! It even gives you little messages of encouragement every now and then( don't stop now, you're almost there!!!). Awesome!!!!
  • mylifeasoliveoil
    mylifeasoliveoil Posts: 151 Member
    Tonight was zumba, but I was feeling ambitious so I attempted to do all of fire 45 before zumba. However, my disc was skipping really bad, so I changed players for the DVD and had to keep trying to fast forward and rewind, that I only managed to get in about 30 ish minutes of turbo beforehand. Does anyone know if you can get replacement DVDs?
  • jeepie98
    jeepie98 Posts: 114 Member
    Fire 30/Tone 30 done! Those shoulder exercises with the leg lift at the same time are killers!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Mylifeasolive: if you bought your program from beach body try calling customer service to see if you can order a new one. That sucks, fire 45 is my favourite routine I would probably cry!!

    Today I did fire 55. I am experiencing the usual midway lack of motivation. I use to do my workouts every morning before 7 and lately I have been sleeping in and only getting to my workout after the baby goes to bed. But as long as I get it done I am happy. I sleep great because of it!!
  • mylifeasoliveoil
    mylifeasoliveoil Posts: 151 Member
    Yes I bought it off their website, so maybe I can try that, thanks for the suggestion! I really like that routine also!

    I did Low HIIT 25 today! I'm not gonna lie, skipped my workout yesterday, but I didn't feel too guilty because I essentially got two in on Thursday. I logged my food I ate yesterday this morning though, and wow! I way overate! It was definitely a way for me to get up today and work out!

    Melionfire: I think you are doing a great job! Especially since you haven't given up and are still making time for it! It is when you start making excuses on why you don't have to do it that there is a problem!

    As always, I just want to say how inspirational you all are to me. This accountability group is just what I need to keep going. I know I wouldn't have made it this far alone!
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    Mylifeasolive - My Fire 45 disc skips too! It is only during the warm-up, but it's really annoying. If you find anything out about replacements, let me know!

    I did Fire 30 last night and Fire 45 and Core 20 today. Tomorrow will be FIre 55 EZ and Tone 30.

    My jeans are starting to get loose on me :bigsmile: and today I had my hair done and as soon as I walked in the door my stylist said I looked like I had lost a lot of weight. That made me so happy! The numbers lost on the scale haven't been huge, but I am definitely losing inches and people are starting to notice, so I will take it!

    Keep up the AMAZING work everyone. Can you believe we will be starting week 7 (more or less) on Monday?!
  • mylifeasoliveoil
    mylifeasoliveoil Posts: 151 Member
    Okay, I definitely will do Kati0427!

    Today instead of turbo (I ran out of time during the day), I joined two of my friends with their work out. They are just starting hip hop abs and the 30DS, so I did both of those with them. Tomorrow will be Zumba for sure, then HIIT 15 class, then possibly hip hop abs since it isn't too intense. I am not quite sure yet if I have the time and energy to do all of them, so I will check back in tomorrow.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I sure am getting nervous for Thanksgiving! Hopefully as I travel home and around away from my dorm room, I'll be able to keep up with my work outs!
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    I did Fire 55 EZ yesterday, but didn't make the Tone 30 workout. Doing Fire 55 EZ again today. I was thinking of squeezing in the Tone 30 workout today, but Sculpt 30 is on my calendar for tomorrow and I'm not sure if I should do them back to back, although I'm sure it is okay.

    Mylifeasolive - I feel you on the traveling for Thanksgiving. I am going home for about 3 days to see my family. I already told my parents I am brining Turbo so just be prepared to get out of my way in the living room for about an hour a day!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    I took a break from checking in this weekend. I have been working out after 8 when I am normally checking in and by the time I am done and showered it is after ten. I did fire 45 and core twenty on Saturday and then decided to do tear it up from the slim series on Sunday because I really did not want to do the stretch 40 routine. Tear it up is 78 minutes long and kills me. I was shaking after and I am pretty sore today. Today I did aerobics. I decided not to double up to let my muscles recover a bit. I will do fire 55 on Wednesday. Keep it up everyone!!!
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    Mel - I hear you on not wanting to do the stretch dvd. I have pretty much given up on it and never do it. I probably need more stretching, but it's just so boring. I tried yoga one day and it was boring too. :yawn: Oh well.

    I did Fire 55 EZ tonight and it seems like each day I can go harder for longer. I find I am taking less and less water breaks. I signed up for a turkey trot with my cousin on Thanksgiving before I started Turbofire. I haven't really been training for it though because I have been spending all of my workout time focusing on the turbo workouts. I am hoping the hardcore cardio we have been doing will carry me through this trot!
  • HelloBeautiful365
    HelloBeautiful365 Posts: 44 Member
    Still around. Haven't been checking in as much on the boards. Getting back to that after this week.

    I found myself doing a few other exercises instead of Turbo. But I'm determined to finish the program after starting over with it a few times before.

    even with all of my Thanksgiving cooking ...I promised to myself that I will still workout in the morning before I even walk into the kitchen. LOL. I told everyone...I will not start cooking until I'm done with my workout....No exercise...No food! LOL.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Great goals for thanksgiving Bravome and Katie. I am happy thanksgiving was a long time ago for me so my next food filled holiday will be Christmas!! Looking forward to it!!

    I did fire 30 and tone 30 today. Can pretty much do all of fire 30 with only a couple water breaks. I love tone 30!! The lunges are much easier now. My only issue is that my laminent flooring is slippery and my supporting foot keeps sliding during the sumo squats and lunges. I always wear runners because I have a flat foot and need the extra support while working out. Also my ceiling is low and I keep punching it!! I have actually scrapped my knuckles and had stucco dust fall on my head. I am making these challenges work and love tf!! Hope everyone is having a great week!!!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I decided to do Core Speed and Stretch from T25 today instead of Core 20 and Stretch 40. I was just in the mood for a change and I love the music in Core Speed. Had kind of a bad day yesterday with food. I grabbed some Jack in the Box on the way to the doctor's and afterwards started playing Assassin's Creed. Before I knew it I was down 2 1/2 Cokes and had eaten half my husbands steak. Ooops! Then we went to a friends house to play cards and I drank more than my share of wine. I still managed to workout and only feel slightly lethargic. I was hoping to save all my drinking and feasting for Thanksgiving, but I got some of it in a little early it seems! Oh well, I was longing for a cheat day. So I guess I got it!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Aquarabbit: I realized early that trying to stop myself from enjoying food and drinks during certain occasions made so that I wasn't having a good time. I quickly adopted the 80/20 policy. Try my best to eat healthy and within calories 80% of the time and let life take care of the other 20%. This has really worked for me and I never feel guilty or deprived. Sure it might slow my weight loss slightly but it took me a few years to put on the weight so I know it will take time to come off. Plus I really believe that those few occasions are not what makes a person fat, it is the continuous over eating and lack of activity that does.

    I am really experiencing boredom in the program. I love chalene and turbo fire but my short attention span has caused me to stray. I checked out fitness blender and fell in love!!!! So many different workouts for free!!!!!!! I did an 88 minute hiit plus abs plus strength routine and loved it!!! I am not quitting tf but maybe I will switch it up at least one day a week. As long as I am working out I am happy.
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    I did Fire 30 and Strength 30 on Wednesday and Fire 45 yesterday morning. I ate way too much for Thanksgiving and know I have gained. I am not going to weigh until next week I think to give me time to even back out. I will probably do Fire 30 and Tone 30 today.

    Hope everyone had a good holiday.
  • mylifeasoliveoil
    mylifeasoliveoil Posts: 151 Member
    I have really struggled these last couple days. I was only at home for one day, then left to visit my aunt and uncle, and to babysit my cousins. Tomorrow is devoted to traveling and babysitting some more, so I do not think I will get a workout in once again. Sunday is a new day though! I will be working out then for sure :).

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know I did! I am so thankful for this group also! You have all kept me motivated to stick with the program, which I never have before! Thanks!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    HIIT 15, Stretch 10, Abs 10, and ChaLEAN Burn 1 today. I decided to start a new program (kind of). I had just started my 2nd month of Turbo Fire and was a little more than halfway through ChaLEAN, when I came across a Turbo Fire/ChaLEAN Extreme/Brazil Butt Lift hybrid calendar. I just couldn't resist. I LOVED Brazil Butt Lift and I do miss it. So I decided to start that program and thought the day after Thanksgiving (I did better than I expected on that front!) was a perfect time for a first day. It also varies the Turbo Fire workouts a lot more and has a ton of ab work, which I feel I wasn't getting enough of. And I'm 90% sure it was Chalene's sister who made the calendar, so I trust that she knows the workouts well enough! Maybe it's just me, but BBL's Tummy Tuck is the best ab workout I've ever done. Today was the first day and boy oh boy is this going to be a challenge. I'm sure I'll be able to get through it just fine, but it's not going to be easy! High & Tight is tomorrow, and I've actually cried at that one before. So that's something to look forward to! :grumble:
  • HelloBeautiful365
    HelloBeautiful365 Posts: 44 Member
    Aqua!!!! That's going to be some kind of calorie burn! I can't wait to hear about your experience.

    Ladies, I'm almost to the point where I want to start month 2 all over again. I find that when I get to the middle of month 2, I get kind of "lost" my attention span is not as strong.

    I guess the thing that's driving me is that for the first time, I want to actually say that I completed the 12 weeks of the program.

    Looks like if I do that, I will complete week 12 on January 18th. Not too bad. I have the advanced DVDs and actually want to complete those as well.

    In my Chalene voice "It's all mental from this point".

    Hope you had good day!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Fire 45, Stretch 10, and Brazil Butt Lift's High & Tight today. My butt is on fire! Even sitting at my computer is painful. I didn't think I'd forgotten how hard High & Tight was, but I must have. I used the ankle weights and booty band today too. So that probably helped get me into my current state. Although I'm going easy on myself and only doing 3 lbs weights instead of 5 lbs. Fire 45 was actually really hard for me today. I overslept and although I was able to finish the workout, I had to stop several times. I haven't felt too great for a few hours now, so I might be getting a little cold. But not one bad enough to keep me from working out! I'll just take it easy (well, easier).
  • HelloBeautiful365
    HelloBeautiful365 Posts: 44 Member
    Completed Fire 55 today and it felt great! In bed a little early and I'm sure that I will sleep well tonight!