Workout Check In

Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
Well the first one is done and I feel really good that I am getting back into taking care of myself and making a healthy and active change! I just completed Fire 30 and thought I would check in while it is fresh on my mind. It was a bit tough, but I had more energy than expected and made it through and now its done and I can enjoy what little is left of the evening :-D

For those of you who had a workout scheduled today, how did it go? I am going to try to check on this topic each time I do a workout to hold myself accountable to this group and myself :-)

Hope you guys have a great evening!


  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    I did HIIT 15 and tone 30 (I think that's what it's called. , it is the second one on the sculpt DVD). Certain parts were tough but I pushed through and felt amazing. Can't wait to see how much more I will be able to do as I get fitter!!!
  • HelloBeautiful365
    HelloBeautiful365 Posts: 44 Member
    Week 1 Day 4 in the books!

    I set my alarm to wake up at 4:20 and to start exercising by 4:30. the AM! I feel more productive in the day when my workouts are completed in the morning. Plus, by the end of the day, I have less energy to commit to it.

    Midway through the workout I told myself..I didn't wake up at 4:30 just to play around...get it done! LOL
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Great job committing!!! I know how hard it can be to not push snooze that early in the morning!!:). But I also know what you mean about losing motivation!! Plus a early workout always energizes me for the day!!
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    Awesome job Bravo! I will be doing my workout in the evening. I WISH I could just get up and get it done in the morning, but I am soooo not a morning person :yawn:
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Finished fire 30 and stretch ten. Full of energy now!! I also have aerobics tonight!!!
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    Awesome Meli! I just did HIIT 15 and stretch 10. Think I may die! I was overly ambitious and tried doing all the jumps. Got through most but then had to modify at the end. Does anyone know about how much you burn during that one? I misplaced my HRM and need to log.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    When I did it with my hrm it was approximately 130 cals. But everyone is different and depending on your weight, age, effort his number will be different.
  • HelloBeautiful365
    HelloBeautiful365 Posts: 44 Member
    W1D5 complete! Today was 55EZ for me and let me tell you, there is nothing easy about it when just starting off. HOWEVER, I had a good time doing it. Sounds strange right? I was smiling and singing (with what breath I had).

    Have a great day everyone. Kick butt today!
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks Meli! I may have over estimated my burn then. I had used my HRM once a while back for Low HIIT 20 and I figured I could use that roughly but maybe increase the time to account for HIIT 15 since its a little more intense. That may not have been the best plan - I really need to find my HRM!

    Great job Bravo! I have 55EZ scheduled for Friday, but I may have to do a little moving around of the schedule. I have a work retreat this weekend in San Antonio and I am thinking I have more downtime on Saturday than Friday. I plan on taking my portable DVD player with me and doing my workouts in my room. Today is supposed to be an off day, but I may do the Fire 30 that is scheduled for Thursday instead to make this out of town for the weekend thing work with TF!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    That's great kati. You r making turbo work with your schedule!!! So many people would just skip it but you are committed( smart idea to bring your portable DVD player. I may just invest in one for those out of town occasions).
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    Meli - I got my DVD player on amazon for a good price. I got the purple one because it was a little cheaper, but I think it's cute :)

    Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I did Fire 30 since I am trying to plan around this weekend. I worked out a little later than usual and didn't have as much energy as on Monday, but I got through it and got in a good sweat. Woo woo! :-D

    Everyone have a great day tomorrow. Get it girls!
  • HelloBeautiful365
    HelloBeautiful365 Posts: 44 Member
    W1D6 complete. I am looking forward to tomorrow's workout (Core 20/Stretch 40). After the first week, I need the stretch.

    Kati, great job on planning and taking control of your journey. Taking along a portable DVD player is a great idea! I can't even think of there being a DVD player in my room in a recent stay at a hotel.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Day 4 done!! Using a schedule I found online. Did fire 30 and tone 30!!! A day off really helped so thAt I can push harder. Already seeing a difference in my stamina and endurance!!! Yay turbo fire!!!
  • mylifeasoliveoil
    mylifeasoliveoil Posts: 151 Member
    Today I did Fire 55 EZ and I loved it! Looking forward to the Low HIIT 25 class next! Have a great day tomorrow and a wonderful weekend!!!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Fire 30 and Stretch 10 today. First day back at it since taking a break, so it's Day 1 again. But this time I've decided to use the weighted gloves. I remember not having too much trouble with Fire 30 before, although I still got a great workout. But today was so hard. Still fun, but a real challenge. I expected it because I had already experienced the increased difficulty when I added the gloves to Turbo Jam. But knowing it was coming and actually going through it are 2 totally different things. I think that the longer workouts are really going to be rough, but the results are going to be worth it! I still can't believe the difference in calorie burn when I wear the gloves during cardio workouts. And I love that her workouts are so compatible with them. But the workout itself was great. So much fun.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    I tried doing turbo jam or turbo fire without the gloves and it felt strange to me. Like having some weight behind my punches:). I did fire 55 ez and I swear Chalene knows exactly when you r thinking about taping out.. Every time I thought I was going to die she changed the combo and a new pumping song would energize me. Love this workout!!! Was lots of fun!!!
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    Great job everyone! Way to stick with it! I am a bit worried about staying on track going out of town this weekend. I know there are going to be food and drinks at every turn! I think I will be okay with making good choices on the food, but the drinks are going to get me. I am not a morning workout person and did not get up today to get in Fire 30 before going to the office. I don't know when I will have a chance to do it today since our flight gets in at 3 and then we have a meeting from 4-5, then cocktail hour and dinner. I can definitely do Fire 55 on Saturday because there is a lot of free time, but I really don't want to miss Fire 30 today.

    On a more positive note, I have lost all of the weight that I gained with my binge last weekend and am now back to my "start" weight, so it's time for me to really get started!

    Keep up the great work ladies! You are all a great inspiration to stick with this! :-D
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    I feel your pain. I am going to camp this weekend and know I will have a struggle to not drink or eat junk especially since I haven't really had alcohol since I got pregnant. Now I am not breast feeding or pregnant so I have to rely on my willpower. I know it can be hard fitting the workout in. If you have to maybe you could do one of the shorter ones or double up on an other day. Just a couple of suggestions. Just jump back into in with more determination.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    HIIT 15 and Stretch 20 today. I was already feeling kind of sluggish without my coffee, but I pushed through. I think the weight gloves might make more of a difference in the shorter workouts than the longer ones. I wasn't expecting that. I do like the stretch routine, but I may substitute the 10 minute one for from Blogilates. I'm already pretty flexible and I'm just not feeling the stretches as much as I want. It's about 10 minutes too. I am looking forward to the 40 minute one, but while I'm adjusting to no coffee, I think 10 minutes is best. I'm doing Chalean day one later tonight! I waited a day so that the rest days match up. It works out perfectly because the Chalean workouts match up with the days when I'm doing shorter TF workouts. I'm excited for that. I love weight training.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Just finished fire 45. Didn't have my shake before and can tell this affected my energy!!! I pushed through it and feel great now.