csy108 Member


  • 39.5lbs Dec. 2016 through Sept. 2017. 7lbs Oct. 2017 through June 2018. 31.4lbs July 2018 through Mar. 19, 2019. I've obviously fluctuated with how seriously I've tried to hit a calorie deficit for months at a time. The only thing I've always been consistent with is logging calories. I've done it every day since Dec. 19,…
  • They had the subjects self-report calorie intake and create their calorie estimates by recall? Hahaha! Anyway, meal timing hasn't made any difference in my weight loss over the past 11 weeks. I actually started losing weight more linearly and feeling better since I pushed more and more calories toward the end of the day.
  • Schwat? Then why did my weight loss in 2014 over a 120 day period match my estimated TDEE minus logged calories to WITHIN ONE CALORIE PER DAY? I guess because my body doesn't violate the laws of thermodynamics.
  • Schwat? How did I lose 21 pounds in 4 months in 2014 while drinking (way too often)?
  • I'm already starting to gain back a bunch of perfectly good clothes that I haven't worn in 5-6 years. I felt stupid for keeping them around all this time taking up space. Now I feel stupid for ever having grown out of them, and glad to have them back.
  • Quotes from the NEJM paper (http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1014296?query=TOC&#t=articleTop) that some blogger used as evidence that "quality" of calories trumps CICO: "weight stability requires a balance between calories consumed and calories expended" So CICO. "Some foods — vegetables, nuts, fruits, and whole…
  • Other than not spending money on Diet Coke, has this improved your life in any tangible way?
  • Of course eating a severe calorie deficit will result in rapid, unhealthy weight loss. That's what happens when a person starves. Don't do it.
  • Maybe not "healthy" but my go-tos are 2 McDonald's cheeseburgers or 3 Taco Bell crunchy taco supremes - 600 cals for either, which is pretty much exactly 1/3rd of my daily cals, so it fits pretty easily in a normal day. It also gives me a psychological boost knowing I didn't have to get something at a fast food place that…
  • Pretty sure this calculator is going to be inaccurate for most people on MFP who are trying to lose weight. The calculator used on that website doesn't take into account body fat percentage. It thinks I'm burning way more calories per day than I really am because it's assuming I have a proportional amount of lean muscle.…
  • Seems pretty unlikely, verging on impossible, that you gained ten pounds of fat in 3 weeks. You'd have to eat 35,000 calories over your daily energy expenditure to do that, or TDEE+1,600 per day. If you're doing a workout class and cheerleading practice, you'd probably have to eat like 4,000 calories a day to gain all that…
  • Not meaning to hijack the thread, but I have a follow up question for lifters. So I shouldn't be able to gain much muscle mass while in a calorie deficit, which I've been in since April 18th. Yet I've upped my bench from 120 to 160 (5x5) and upped my lat pulldown from 70 to 100 (5x5) in that time. So I'm obviously…
  • I was in a pretty similar situation. I have lost weight in the past with low carb and was tempted to go that route again when I wasn't seeing any change on the scale. From April 18th to mid/late May I only lost about one pound. I did see the scale move, but then I'd see it move back up. And I started with about 90 pounds…
  • Holy crap, people lose weight a lot faster than me.
  • You said you did this before and got to your goal weight. 120 is well within the healthy BMI range for your height. Do you feel legitimately overweight or just want to get a different look? Putting on muscle might actually give you more of the look you want rather than trying to get all the way down to 105. Plus, 1500…
  • Gender: Male Age: 31 Height: 5'8'' Starting weight: 246.5 Current Weight: 236.5 Goal weight: 169 (or 20% bodyfat whatever comes first) Activity level: Lightly Active Weight loss goal: 1 pound per week Calorie Goal (based on TDEE): ~1850 Exercise: weights 3x per week, 40 minute walk to work 3x week Macros: Just trying to…
  • I spent about 17 days in May hovering around one pound lower than when I started using MFP in April. I kept eating a deficit, weighing myself and measuring myself every day. I saw a change with measurements and a substantial improvement in the way my clothes fit, but my scale weight was the same. Last week of April through…
  • I much prefer to plan my meals about a week in advance. It makes grocery shopping more efficient and helps me plan to eat leftovers. Buying too much food and then eating it all before it went bad was one bad habit of mine that led to weight gain. Nowadays I feel like I'm running behind if I wake up without my meals…
  • Yeah I have this going on, too. I always have to tighten my belt another notch at least a week, if not more, before I actually see an inch come off my weight measurement. It's like my waist gets squishier and then, when it's ready, an inch disappears all at once.
  • 5'8", started at 246.5 around April 23rd, currently 240. Used this to estimate my TDEE and set my daily calorie goal: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ I try to eat between 1800 and 1900 a day. I've had a few days under 1800, and several days over...way over...two weekends ago had out of town guests…
  • If you lacked the strength then you were just trying to lift too much. You have to find the right starting place and then do a routine from there to gradually build muscle and strength. Real weight training folks on here can give you full, proper routines. I can tell you that even doing a couple exercises (bench press,…
  • That's your choice, but if you don't record your calories and measure your foods accurately, you will never know for sure whether or not you're eating a calorie deficit or how much of one you are eating. As for the rest of your question - I believe my body is a lot like yours. I do not like the shape at all - a lot of…
  • I think you should try to get most of your protein from foods - skinless chicken breast, tuna, and cottage cheese are good options. You can also try a protein shake. Mixed with water, the one I use is 30g protein in one scoop at 150 calories. It tastes pretty good, too. I only use one scoop a day and get the rest of my…
  • The craziest thing to me is I look at what I'm eating, 1800-1900 calories a day, and I keep thinking that this is totally doable but that it's going to be hard when I lose some weight and have to start reducing my calories even further. But then I look at a TDEE calculator, and I see that with the same physical activity…
  • Weight training might help you build some lean muscle and let you (force you?) to eat more calories. I don't think you need to be a bodybuilder for this to happen. I've been lifting weights for only 15-20 minutes a day three days a week for the past three weeks. I already feel stronger and have noticeably increased muscle…
  • Yeah, I've said this before but I'm legitimately embarrassed that I was overweight and obese for two solid decades because I never understood the simple relevance of caloric intake vs. output. In the past I have lost significant amounts of weight using extreme food restriction (low carb eating) but gained it all back…
  • If you hit your goal weight at a large deficit (probably not a good idea for nutrition and lean body mass reasons), then accurately calculated your maintenance calories at that weight and ate them, why would you gain weight?
  • If the hydrochloric acid your stomach produces every day doesn't melt your organs, how the hell is apple cider vinegar going to do it?
  • No wonder you don't think weight gain/loss is a mathematically predictable metabolic function. Using the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation, a sedentary 5'8" male, 25yo, 160lbs, needs 2,025 calories to maintain. If this theoretical person suddenly and consistently started eating 300 daily above maintenance, by age 26 he would weigh…