

  • I have already noticed some improvements and I'm only in my second week but have not really done too much with the ab ripper routines. Today being Tuesday Ive got a nice dose of plyo ahead of me and I'm going to try and push myself with ab ripper soon after, and see what i can manage!! BRING IT!!
  • Yaaa,... my phone wouldnt let me do that but ive logged on and sorted it now, cheers, what an idiot eyy :embarassed:
  • sorry for invading your post myang1021 but it looks like all the right people are to help me also ;) oh and my advice is as Tony says, just keep pressing play and do as much as you can. I just recently started p90x too. I'm apparently eating half the calories I'm supposed to... too much protein for me to squeeze in, i…
  • Group support, yup send it this way! I just recently started p90x, i think I'm eating half the calories I'm supposed to... too much protein for me to squeeze in, i weigh about 180lbs and am 5"11. I just want more definition, should i skip straight to phase 2 or shred a bit longer?! advice plz Also whats peoples opinions on…
    in hello Comment by twitchdj January 2012
  • excuse my ignorance but what is "plank" and "30ds"? whatever it is it sounds like your all improving *thumbs up* I've also realized i must have accepted my invite late 'cos your all on like week 2 of your challenges and I'm on day 2.. :ohwell:
  • YUP!! count me in! cheers for invite katie :wink: My goals are simple: Stick to my p90x routine calendar, log everything i eat precisely (scaaales) and give away the leftover tub of xmas miniture chocolates.. any takers?... no?.. reeally? Love this challenge idea!! p.s. anyone else on p90x??
  • Thanks for all the tips people, I may have been a bit quick to moan but i have found it easier as i have progressed. the one thing i really want to do now is find a way to alter MFP to my exact requirements, Ive done a lot of research and math so i know exactly how much protein carbs and fat i need per day but cant seem to…
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