Frustrated with p90x. Any suggestions?



  • myang1021
    I vote Chalean due to prefering weighted exercises overall. But I have powerblocks. I don't know how it would be with a resistance band.

    I will be giving Chalean a try one of these days. How much do powerblocks cost?
  • myang1021
    Sometimes I don't have a full hr to devote to a DVD, so I do half of it. That is my biggest issue with P90X - I just couldn't devote a whole hr since I did it after I put my son to bed. So do half, or what I do is pick the hardest exercises and do my own drills to them (I actually love the prisoner and sphinx push ups though!)

    Nice! As long as it works for you. 1 hour to me is long too, but I just have to get myself used to it. I can't believe you love the prisoner and sphinx push ups! Way to go! :D
  • TracyMichelle24
    I'm doing P90X and let me tell you, I probably look like a fish flopping around on dry land in AB Ripper X. LOL I'd die if anyone saw me trying to jump around the whole time when doing Plyo. BUT, I'm on week three and it's already getting a LITTLE easier. I'm doing much better on Plyo and do well with most of the DVD's. I still look like a flopping fish in doing ABs, but I've had 2 kids and 2 c-sections so my abs are pretty weak. They'll get there though! Just do your best and modify when you need to. Sometimes I hit pause, take a few breaths, then hit play again. I haven't done Core Synergistics yet, so I guess I'll be doing some funky moves when I start that. I'm doing the Classic schedule. Good luck!! Give it a chance and don't beat yourself up about it. Oh yeah, please don't throw up your hot dog! It may not have been a good food choice, but throwing it up isn't the answer. :flowerforyou:
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Before I can really respond, I would need to know what it is about P90X that you don't like? Is it because it's too hard? Is it because you don't like working with weights? Is it too long?
  • myang1021
    I'm doing P90X and let me tell you, I probably look like a fish flopping around on dry land in AB Ripper X. LOL I'd die if anyone saw me trying to jump around the whole time when doing Plyo. BUT, I'm on week three and it's already getting a LITTLE easier. I'm doing much better on Plyo and do well with most of the DVD's. I still look like a flopping fish in doing ABs, but I've had 2 kids and 2 c-sections so my abs are pretty weak. They'll get there though! Just do your best and modify when you need to. Sometimes I hit pause, take a few breaths, then hit play again. I haven't done Core Synergistics yet, so I guess I'll be doing some funky moves when I start that. I'm doing the Classic schedule. Good luck!! Give it a chance and don't beat yourself up about it. Oh yeah, please don't throw up your hot dog! It may not have been a good food choice, but throwing it up isn't the answer. :flowerforyou:

    LOL! "Fish flopping around on dry land in Ab Ripper X" is the funniest thing I've read so far! LOL! :) No worries, I look like one too when doing ARX. Good thing I didn't throw my hot dog back up. It's still in my tummy getting digested now I think. :D. Reading everyone's response really make me happy knowing that I'm not the only one struggling. Thank you and good luck to you too! <3
  • myang1021
    Before I can really respond, I would need to know what it is about P90X that you don't like? Is it because it's too hard? Is it because you don't like working with weights? Is it too long?

    Half of the moves are hard. My mind is constantly telling me I can't do it. Which forces me to hit the quit button. :( I enjoy working with weights. One hour is long, but I can push myself through. It's just frustrating to me that I can't do certain moves and I quit doing the workout when I shouldn't.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    It is a great program but I found that I had to do a mix of P90X, Insanity, and Chalean X -- why? Because I get bored listening to the same person all the time. The key is to work out and do something every day -- personally, I love love love the X stretch and do that on my "off day" regardless of what program I am following.

    Currently, I am training for a marathon so most of my focus is on running but I do incorporate the Beachbody programs on days when it is too bloody cold to run, I am pressed for time, or I want to do some strength training.

    If the exercises and the modifications are difficult for you and or you are new to exercising, you might want to consider doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and then go back to P90X

    As previously stated, find something you like to do... or do a hybrid. Don't get discouraged. I can tell you on the days that I haven't wanted to run and negotiated with myself -- I ended up having one of my best runs ever! I did Kenpo X this morning and was reminded how terrible I am at jabbing, hooking and uppercutting... but I've got some awesome kicks -- so as the saying goes, "Do your best and forget the rest"
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    I am on week 3. I found that I was pretty tired last week but feel much better this week. I do what I can do and forget the rest. I can't do the dreya rolls. The prison cell pushups are not pretty but I keep moving. I like that Tony offers up modifications (unlike Jillian Michaels in the 30 Day Shred where she yells and tells you how she has 400 lb people who can do jumping jacks). Well guess what? I only weigh half as much and I have problems with jumping jacks because of foot and knew issues. So I modify where needed. Moving is what is important.

    But you need to find something you can stick with. If you dread doing it then that workout is not for you.
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    Eh, I got them a couple of years ago... I think around $150 for the sport set. It's all a preference thing. There are several other types of adjustable weights but some have plastic parts that can break. They can be a pain to switch quickly with Chalean, but I don't like a lot of weights sitting around the house.

    If you are interested, do a search to see what others think. :) I do like her, but her background music is absolutely horrific.
  • TracyMichelle24
    I'm doing P90X and let me tell you, I probably look like a fish flopping around on dry land in AB Ripper X. LOL I'd die if anyone saw me trying to jump around the whole time when doing Plyo. BUT, I'm on week three and it's already getting a LITTLE easier. I'm doing much better on Plyo and do well with most of the DVD's. I still look like a flopping fish in doing ABs, but I've had 2 kids and 2 c-sections so my abs are pretty weak. They'll get there though! Just do your best and modify when you need to. Sometimes I hit pause, take a few breaths, then hit play again. I haven't done Core Synergistics yet, so I guess I'll be doing some funky moves when I start that. I'm doing the Classic schedule. Good luck!! Give it a chance and don't beat yourself up about it. Oh yeah, please don't throw up your hot dog! It may not have been a good food choice, but throwing it up isn't the answer. :flowerforyou:

    LOL! "Fish flopping around on dry land in Ab Ripper X" is the funniest thing I've read so far! LOL! :) No worries, I look like one too when doing ARX. Good thing I didn't throw my hot dog back up. It's still in my tummy getting digested now I think. :D. Reading everyone's response really make me happy knowing that I'm not the only one struggling. Thank you and good luck to you too! <3

    Glad you kept the hot dog down! :wink: I think if we didn't struggle and it was easy, then what results would we get? KWIM? Imagine how proud we'll be in a few months when we can do everything fairly respectable. LOL
  • myang1021
    Thanks everyone! I feel a whole lot better about myself now. I never knew having input from an online community can actually help me out. Thanks guys!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    All of us struggle at some point. I love MFP because EVERYONE I've met is 100% supportive and encouraging and giving that back to others, to me, is part of paying it forward. Make sure you friend some, if not all, of us so you know you always have people to talk to. I think you're incredibly brave for putting yourself out there to a community of strangers to ask questions. Don't give up!!! Pressing play every day makes you a winner no matter what.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    What my wife did when she first started working out after our daughter was born, and was uncomfortable with weights, was she joined the Y and took group classes. Group classes will have a good mix of beginners, intermediates and experts, and are usually all women.
  • myang1021
    Honestly, I can't thank each and everyone of you enough for responding to my post. You guys have really made me think differently about working out now. :heart:
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I told you other people struggle too it's not just you! This is a great place to get support and motivation seriously. As I mentioned before I struggled through P90X also and nothing was done right. I broke my back in a head on car collision and still did the X. My back hurt during Phase 1 due to some of the moves and my back injury so I took a few days off. You know what I did? I picked back up and finished what I started. That is what it is about, finishing what you start. You have expressed an interest in it and you have tried it.. so just finish it and push through!

    I went from being 151 pounds with high blood pressure, huffing and puffing and had rolls all over when I sat. That all changed. Now Beachbody is interested in me for an informercial and I am a coach with an awesome team. I have came a long way with my injury and all and you can too. It isn't supposed to be easy, if it were easy everyone would do it and have no issues with it. I know a lot of people who have "tried" it and then quit because of some of the same reasons you listed. Just give yourself the 90 days and go through it. If you don't like it after that forget it and move on but you owe it to yourself to give yourself 90 days. You already don't want to go to the gym because of the way you feel you look so why not do this first and see how it goes??

    It's a pattern a lot of the time with weight loss and it's a struggle. Eating is hard, working out is hard, it's all hard and sometimes seems useless. Just believe in yourself and the fact that YOU are worth it. Do it for you. Do it for all of the people who don't think you can do this. Prove them wrong.. That's what I did and I went from 151 to a solid 104 pounds at 10% body fat. Heck I may be in the next Insanity video at this point.. only time will tell now.

    You are doubting yourself too much, that's the honest truth. TRUST yourself that you can do this and you will do it. Failure is not an option and neither is quitting. Now finish what you started and get ready to take some killer 90 day pics!
  • twitchdj
    sorry for invading your post myang1021 but it looks like all the right people are to help me also ;) oh and my advice is as Tony says, just keep pressing play and do as much as you can.

    I just recently started p90x too. I'm apparently eating half the calories I'm supposed to... too much protein for me to squeeze in, i weigh about 180lbs and am 5"11. I just want more definition, should i skip straight to phase 2 or shred a bit longer?! advice plz

    Also whats peoples opinions on doing the ab ripper x? I cant cope with it after a big chest and back sesh, should i maybe space it out and give myself some recovery time, say chest and back in the morning and do some ab ripper at night or would i be losing out of not being in "the zone"?

    P.s I don't have a coach and don't want one, just some friendly advice would be appreciated
  • myang1021
    You are so right Lauralee (scorpioangel). You've been pushing me from day 1 and I certainly can't quit. It's frustrating and hard at times, but I shouldn't let that get to me. I want this so bad and I will continue to keep pressing play.

    And for twitchdj, ab ripper x is a beast! It's like we do at least 50 minutes of chest & back, shoulders & arms, or legs &back and then there's the ab workout. I'm tired as hell already so I do it before I go to bed since I do my workouts in the mornings. I think just as long as you do it, then the results should come.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    Believe me, it does get easier. The first few weeks I felt like I was running my body into the ground. The first time I did Ab Ripper X I only managed the first 3 exercises before I had to give up! And even then, my abs were so sore I could feel them for three days afterwards. The first time I did Plyo I only managed 4 rounds before giving up and when I did decide to force myself all the way through I was pausing so much it took me 2 hours! And even doing this my legs were so sore I couldn't sit down for 3 or 4 days. Unbelievable.

    But now I can coast through Ab Ripper X (apart from one exercise) and Plyo, while still tough, is just a good workout rather than my Challenge of the Day. Honestly, once you see the improvements (and they come quickly), not only does it seem less draining but you can't believe how unfit you once were. And that in itself, is incredibly motivating.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    Re: Ab Ripper. I try and do it after the workouts, but generally I push so hard during the main workouts I just can't face it. I generally do it on my rest day and/or a bit later, as a second brief workout of the day. It works for me!
  • Just keep going!! What keeps me motivated is...even if I cannot complete the ENTIRE workout at once I still see it as an accomplishment that I'm getting up and doing SOMETHING! How many days did you spend sitting on a couch? Not eating healthy and NOT working out?? Taking the step to turn on the DVD and completing at least ten minutes is a major accomplishment! See it as that! Success is a bunch of little accumulated mini goals along the're doing great so far just keep at it :)