Group Challenge #1 - The Calorie Burner (January 2012)



  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    Well done :D

    The running more than walking takes time... it will come though so stick with it :) Are you doing a C25K program? It took me until week 6 I think it was before I was running more than walking. Also, if you find that you are tiring before you should, slow your pace down, I was running way too fast when I first started which was never gonna let me build up any decent road time :)

    Thanks for the tip! I wasn't doing the C25K program, thought I would just do my own thing. Clearly, I have not succeeded. I even wonder why I can do 30DS all levels and yet I couldn't jog/run long distances, I was getting a bit frustrated. Anyway, since you have been successful I'm gonna try it too. Thanks again!
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    starting level 2 of 30ds today!!! FUN STUFF
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Sorry I did not post anything. Lots of kids activities. I stayed within my goals and got a really heavy workout in yesterday. My weeks goals are:
    1-Keep preparing foods for the next day
    2-Only 1 day of rest for workouts (next saturday)
    3-Drinking more water. It is so cold here right now and the last thing i wanna do is drink water...but i should.

    Keep it coming... we are only getting warmed up!
  • if Im not too late im in .. want to keep the calorie intake to 10500 for the week and put a total of at least 14 miles in on the treadmill
    Sunday :
    1058 Calories for the day 2.5 miles on the treadmill (1.5 miles jogging @ 5 mph / 1 mile walking @ 3.6 MPH/ both 3.0% incline)
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    Week 2 - Day 1:

    * Drank 9 glasses of water - 5 cups of decaf tea too... was a long day
    * 40min jog & 10min brisk pace walk with the dogs... it was like resistance work with them pulling my arms in the wrong direction the entire time haha!!
    * Will be wrapped up in bed by 10pm... no TV... must sleep!!!

    I love earning calories through exercise... makes the food taste so much yummier :)
  • excuse my ignorance but what is "plank" and "30ds"?
    whatever it is it sounds like your all improving *thumbs up*

    I've also realized i must have accepted my invite late 'cos your all on like week 2 of your challenges and I'm on day 2.. :ohwell:
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    excuse my ignorance but what is "plank" and "30ds"?
    whatever it is it sounds like your all improving *thumbs up*

    I've also realized i must have accepted my invite late 'cos your all on like week 2 of your challenges and I'm on day 2.. :ohwell:

    Hi, welcome!

    30DS is Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout consisting of 3 Levels of increasing difficulty. Your suppose to do 1 level every day for 30 days straight.

    Plank is better explained by a video of how to do a plank.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    YUP!! count me in! cheers for invite katie :wink:

    My goals are simple: Stick to my p90x routine calendar, log everything i eat precisely (scaaales) and give away the leftover tub of xmas miniture chocolates.. any takers?... no?.. reeally?

    Love this challenge idea!!
    p.s. anyone else on p90x??

    Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!

    Keep posting your results and goals - it motivates the rest of us!

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    excuse my ignorance but what is "plank" and "30ds"?
    whatever it is it sounds like your all improving *thumbs up*

    I've also realized i must have accepted my invite late 'cos your all on like week 2 of your challenges and I'm on day 2.. :ohwell:

    Hi, welcome!

    30DS is Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout consisting of 3 Levels of increasing difficulty. Your suppose to do 1 level every day for 30 days straight.

    Plank is better explained by a video of how to do a plank.

    I don't feel as stupid now because I was wondering what the 30 Day Shred was too, for a while... Is it in line with the PX90 and Insanity DVD's?

    All three sound intimidatingly effective. Do you have to have a lot of room for any of the three workouts?

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Week 2 - Day 1:

    * Drank 9 glasses of water - 5 cups of decaf tea too... was a long day
    * 40min jog & 10min brisk pace walk with the dogs... it was like resistance work with them pulling my arms in the wrong direction the entire time haha!!
    * Will be wrapped up in bed by 10pm... no TV... must sleep!!!

    I love earning calories through exercise... makes the food taste so much yummier :)

    Excellent - you're back in the game Becki!!! Glad you got some rest!

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    if Im not too late im in .. want to keep the calorie intake to 10500 for the week and put a total of at least 14 miles in on the treadmill
    Sunday :
    1058 Calories for the day 2.5 miles on the treadmill (1.5 miles jogging @ 5 mph / 1 mile walking @ 3.6 MPH/ both 3.0% incline)

    That's almost an entire day of food for me!

    Wow, what a workout!

    Keep that up and you'll shed all of it in NO TIME AT ALL!

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Sorry I did not post anything. Lots of kids activities. I stayed within my goals and got a really heavy workout in yesterday. My weeks goals are:
    1-Keep preparing foods for the next day
    2-Only 1 day of rest for workouts (next saturday)
    3-Drinking more water. It is so cold here right now and the last thing i wanna do is drink water...but i should.

    Keep it coming... we are only getting warmed up!

    Progress is progress and preparation is part of that, so good job!

    Water is essential and difficult for us non-water drinkers, so kudos for that too!!!

    Keep going because we're watching!

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    starting level 2 of 30ds today!!! FUN STUFF

    Have you started seeing the results yet? I'm told the Shred dvd's are harsh on the body!

    Keep it going! :flowerforyou:

  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    My day went well yesterday and drank the required 8 cups of water and was under my calories. PLayed 2 hours of volleyball and felt very light headed and drained on the drive home. I ate very late (i got home at midnight) cause i think that i did not eat enough in preparation to go play. I guess i was not prepared enough but now i know.

    Keep posting. Just posting is very motivating.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    starting level 2 of 30ds today!!! FUN STUFF

    Have you started seeing the results yet? I'm told the Shred dvd's are harsh on the body!

    Keep it going! :flowerforyou:

    i have lost a few inches between my bust, hips, and waist. I will not be measureing again until I finish level 2< I believe I will see a major difference after it, due to the level of intensity !!!!!!!!!!!
  • if Im not too late im in .. want to keep the calorie intake to 10500 for the week and put a total of at least 14 miles in on the treadmill
    Sunday :
    1058 Calories for the day 2.5 miles on the treadmill (1.5 miles jogging @ 5 mph / 1 mile walking @ 3.6 MPH/ both 3.0% incline)
    Monday :
    1145 Calories for the day ... Unfortunatly no exercise that I can count ... Fighting bronchitis ... Go figure would go and get sick right after I decide to do something like this.. Lets see how Tuesday shakes out
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    I did the jog/walk interval for 30 minutes early this morning, Level 3 30DS and plank for one minute. I fell short of my goal to consistently hold it for more than 1 minute and 10 seconds. Oh well, tomorrow is another day :ohwell:
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    starting level 2 of 30ds today!!! FUN STUFF

    Have you started seeing the results yet? I'm told the Shred dvd's are harsh on the body!

    Keep it going! :flowerforyou:

    i have lost a few inches between my bust, hips, and waist. I will not be measureing again until I finish level 2< I believe I will see a major difference after it, due to the level of intensity !!!!!!!!!!!

    You'll definitely love your results with 30DS. I didn't lose much weight but I had to do a double take just a few days ago when I looked at the mirror and saw my body has actually changed! I saw definitions on my arms, legs, shoulders and even my abs (though my abs could always use more work). :smile:

    Good luck!
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    excuse my ignorance but what is "plank" and "30ds"?
    whatever it is it sounds like your all improving *thumbs up*

    I've also realized i must have accepted my invite late 'cos your all on like week 2 of your challenges and I'm on day 2.. :ohwell:

    Hi, welcome!

    30DS is Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout consisting of 3 Levels of increasing difficulty. Your suppose to do 1 level every day for 30 days straight.

    Plank is better explained by a video of how to do a plank.

    I don't feel as stupid now because I was wondering what the 30 Day Shred was too, for a while... Is it in line with the PX90 and Insanity DVD's?

    All three sound intimidatingly effective. Do you have to have a lot of room for any of the three workouts?


    I'm not really sure, but I think PX90 and Insanity are both Beachbody products while JM's 30 Day Shred is not. When I checked out PX90 it looked so extreme and it has long workouts. 30DS on the other hand just takes 20 minutes to do, although sometimes it feels like an eternity!

    It doesn't really need a lot of room, just enough to be able to do jumping jacks, pushups and some high kicks.
  • MellieR
    MellieR Posts: 34 Member
    Ok, late on my week 1 results and week 2 goals but here goes:
    Week 1 results: met my goals and lost 1lb
    Week 2 goals: continue existing workouts but add 1 day of calisthenics (I have a program I did that I keep saying I want to do again so this challenge is just what I needed to kick me into doing it), continue to eat at least 4 times a day but reduce the amt of carbs in the evening.

    Progress so far: did a second workout Monday after Zumba and tried Mat Pilates for the first time. Was pleased with how much I could do. Today, went to standard dance workout. Thinking tomorrow will be my calisthenics day.