Group Challenge #1 - The Calorie Burner (January 2012)



  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Did yoga and really pushed through the uncomfortable stuff. It is what i consider a rest activity. it does not burn a lot of calories but it allows my body to move quicker and stronger in other activities. Keep it coming people...what a team!
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    Day 4:

    Made this a rest/treat day as I was pretty sick with sinusitis. Blergh!

    I failed on every goal so was a good call really ha!

    *drank only 5 glasses of water
    - I did turn down the usual 3 alcoholic drinks I normally have on thursday nights at my gig and stuck with just diet coke so I tried to make it up a bit :P

    *I ate when I got in from the gig at 1.30am >_<
    - It was only 5 crackers with some phili low and pickle.

    *No dedicated exercise
    - I logged my nights activities though which was a combination of heavy lifting (speakers etc) and dancing, so hoping I made up for my day a bit there.

    Feeling much healthier today though so back to normal now! Hope everyone is ready for the weekend :)
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Got up fairly early (for a saturday anyway) and did my 30mins + my usual routine of stretches and strengthening exercises.

    Thank you Sezz_25 for posting how you have increased your plank times. I totally used that as motivation to hold it for an extra 5 sec this morning, so I am now doing 35 sec.

    I am now going to go pick a bucket of strawberries (stocking up the freezer before end of season). Strawberry picking always gives my back, butt and back of thighs a good workout.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    So my mom says that my bum is looking smaller! Yay I'm super excited! It's little things like that really make you want to keep going. I did level two of the 30ds, and it hurts and kills me! But it's so worth it!

    Very worth it! How do you feel about how you look?

    It's very exciting!

    Congratulations and keep it going girl!

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Day 4:

    Made this a rest/treat day as I was pretty sick with sinusitis. Blergh!

    I failed on every goal so was a good call really ha!

    *drank only 5 glasses of water
    - I did turn down the usual 3 alcoholic drinks I normally have on thursday nights at my gig and stuck with just diet coke so I tried to make it up a bit :P

    *I ate when I got in from the gig at 1.30am >_<
    - It was only 5 crackers with some phili low and pickle.

    *No dedicated exercise
    - I logged my nights activities though which was a combination of heavy lifting (speakers etc) and dancing, so hoping I made up for my day a bit there.

    Feeling much healthier today though so back to normal now! Hope everyone is ready for the weekend :)

    Water hopefully cleanse you a little bit. You're sick, definitely allowed to rest otherwise, you'll harm yourself more probably.

    Blerg - clearly a 30 Rock fan (love that show).

    Exercise slowly this weekend.

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    completed 30 ds day 7 tonight.... then decided to do level 2 just for fun lol managed to get 8 mins of it done lol back to level 1 for 3 more days

    Also amazing! Keep going!

    Good luck this weekend with the food and exercise!

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    did the 100 push-ups and 200 sit-ups program. was under calories and built a snow fort for the kids. (how many calories does it burn to build a snow fort haha?!)

    Okay, wow?!@#$# Really that many? Keep going but don't OD on it either.

  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    Today is my rest day from the 30DS and the plank. I did a 30-minute early morning walk of 2.8km as my light exercise.

    Faw1001, glad I could help! Just continue what you are doing and in no time you'll be breaking the 1 minute mark. Great job with the 35 seconds plank!
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    did the 100 push-ups and 200 sit-ups program. was under calories and built a snow fort for the kids. (how many calories does it burn to build a snow fort haha?!)

    Okay, wow?!@#$# Really that many? Keep going but don't OD on it either.


    Oh no it is an iPhone app that will eventually get mo to 100 push ups and 200 situps. It will take time but I will get there eventually. It is just a workout that all I need is an open floor space and my cell phone. I am doing 70 push ups now and 120 sit ups. The iPhone app tells you how many to do and based on your progress it figures how many you can do the next time.

    I had a work function with crazy food last night (all fried or rich) I was able to eat a healthy meal before I went and had only 1 sandwich and some veggies. I left early cause the dessert tray and the alcohol became too tempting. Thinking of u guys when I am making the right choices.
  • if Im not too late im in .. want to keep the calorie intake to 10500 for the week and put a total of at least 14 miles in on the treadmill
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    if Im not too late im in .. want to keep the calorie intake to 10500 for the week and put a total of at least 14 miles in on the treadmill

    Definitely NOT too late! Keep posting your daily routines and logging your diary (both food and exercise).

    Try to be supportive, as much as you can spare (time wise) because we're all here to support one another!

    And welcome aboard, too! Really glad you decided to join the challenge.


    ps Don't forget guys, to post the incoming week's goals, etc.!!! You are all doing excellent!

    BE VERY PROUD OF YOURSELVES and each other, too!!!
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    I did my interval run this morn but only 25 mins as my hip started to twinge at 19 mins. Did a 35 sec plank again today. Pushing for 40 tomorrow :happy:
    My cals ended up being a bit too low yesterday cause I logged food then didn't have time to eat it, so when I deleted them (way to late at night to eat anything) I realised it was too low. I will fix that with a 1600 cal day today to boost my metabolism back up. My weekly weigh in day tomorrow so hoping for a reasonable loss *fingers (and toes) crossed*
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122

    Exercise slowly this weekend.


    I took your advice and took it easy for another day and in my pity scoffed down a chinese last night too... so Day 5 was a complete disaster aswell :(

    BUT today... I feel much better for it! So your advice worked perfectly, so much so that I went for a 4.3 mile run on the beach this morning with some friends who regularly run 10k's and halfs. Was super hard but I kept up and they said I did really well so am pretty pleased with myself again! I didn't even know I could run that!

    I doubt I will be able to run tomorrow after that... my calves keep cramping up just sitting down haha! So I plan to so a Wii work out and maybe get some fresh air taking the dogs for a long walk if the weather holds out.


    Day 6:
    *Ran for 50 minutes, walked for 10 (4.7mile total)
    *Drank 8 glasses of water (working on a 10th as I'm rocking a dehydration headache from running and not taking water with me)
    *Gonna cook my last meal now at 7:30pm so will be done by 8:30pm. (Its saturday night so not too fussed about eating a bit later as I will be up later no doubt :P)

    How is everyone else's weekend panning out? Anyone got some good idea's for week 2's goals?
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    :laugh: Goals for this week:
    1 - bike every 2nd day and push myself (have to start training for Tremains Tri)
    2 - Keep up high water intake - including at work
    3 - Increase plank time by 5sec every 2nd day

    Today had an awesome workout. Got up at 5am and biked to the beach (missed the sunrise due to low cloud on the horizon, but it was still pretty). Had a head wind on the way home so got in some standing bike training too.
    Lost 1kg over next week which means I have lost 20.7% of my starting body weight. Couldn't have a better start to the day.

    Oh, and I won a trademe auction last night for a new sports training gadget called a Gyroboard. Tried one physio last week and fell in love. It is basically a large skateboard on an industrial spring and stand. Used for working of balance and kicks *kitten* for an all over body workout in no time.

    Yay, great start to the week. Thank you for this challenge. Love it, love it, love it :wink:
  • YUP!! count me in! cheers for invite katie :wink:

    My goals are simple: Stick to my p90x routine calendar, log everything i eat precisely (scaaales) and give away the leftover tub of xmas miniture chocolates.. any takers?... no?.. reeally?

    Love this challenge idea!!
    p.s. anyone else on p90x??
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    Day 7:
    *Zilch exercise... my legs were very sore, kept cramping at the calves again, after my long run yesterday. So decided to rest up again (SLACK) ;)
    *8 Glasses of water (at least)... I may have had 10... but I can't remember... felt like I was drinking all day.
    *Food was done by 7:30pm

    Two outta three ain't bad... ;)

    Pretty good first week for me. I won't know my full weight loss till tomorrow, but my midweek weigh-in was down a lb so fingers crossed.

    This group challenge definitely made me go out and run and turn down the chocolates that were flying around my house this week so thanks everyone!!

    My goals for Week 2 will be as follows:

    *Continue to drink at least 8 cups of water a day (This is an important one to redo as I had two days last week with only 5 cups).
    *Add Strength/Resistance training into my work outs (I have a kettle bell... should consider using it :P)
    *Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night (No more sitting up watching family guy on TV and feeling starving, then being super tired for work).

    I will of course try to maintain my Week 1 goals :) Good luck for Week 2 everyone!!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    C'mon the rest of you guys - post your goals you want to achieve FOR YOURSELF and let's do this!

    Drink lots of water and eat something early in the day to get your metabolism going! Eat heavier during the daytime (breakfast and lunch) and sensibly at night time.

    Don't give in to the "nothingness" - it's too early, we've only just begun, as the song goes!!!

    Good luck guys!

  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    Goals for the 2nd week:

    1. To be able jog more than walk during my ealry morning jog/walk interval.
    2. Do Levels 2 & 3 of 30DS from Monday to Friday.
    3. Hold the plank for more than 1 minute and 10 seconds consistently.
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    Goals for the 2nd week:

    1. To be able jog more than walk during my ealry morning jog/walk interval.
    2. Do Levels 2 & 3 of 30DS from Monday to Friday.
    3. Hold the plank for more than 1 minute and 10 seconds consistently.

    Right after posting these goals it pushed me to get up and do LEvel 3 of 30DS, then to my amazement I was able to hold the plank pose for 1 minute and 15 seconds! Hooray!!!

    And this early morning I jogged/walked for an hour, although I did more walking than jogging.
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    Goals for the 2nd week:

    1. To be able jog more than walk during my ealry morning jog/walk interval.
    2. Do Levels 2 & 3 of 30DS from Monday to Friday.
    3. Hold the plank for more than 1 minute and 10 seconds consistently.

    Right after posting these goals it pushed me to get up and do LEvel 3 of 30DS, then to my amazement I was able to hold the plank pose for 1 minute and 15 seconds! Hooray!!!

    And this early morning I jogged/walked for an hour, although I did more walking than jogging.

    Well done :D

    The running more than walking takes time... it will come though so stick with it :) Are you doing a C25K program? It took me until week 6 I think it was before I was running more than walking. Also, if you find that you are tiring before you should, slow your pace down, I was running way too fast when I first started which was never gonna let me build up any decent road time :)