Group Challenge #1 - The Calorie Burner (January 2012)



  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Been a little slack on my goals today. I bought a new toy off TradeMe (GyroBoard) which turned up yesterday and I have been having a blast playing with it. Atleast it is still exercise, and a bloody hardout workout too. :tongue:
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    Week 2 - Day 2:

    * Drank 6 glasses of water - 6 cups of decaf tea too... was an even longer day.
    * Had no time at all to exercise... 11 hours at work in the office and then straight home and out for the fella's mum's birthday meal.
    * Got to bed straight after the meal so had a pretty good amount of sleep.. I always want more though :P

    I feel like everything is against me this week for my goals, so must try extra hard to achieve them!

    The end of the week is going to be really difficult as I have a job interview tomorrow and if I am successful, celebrations will be had and calories may be forgotten >_<
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Last night i put the kids to bed and had my bag ready to go to the gym. My wife was sitting on the couch and she sighed as she sat down. I thought in my mind that looked so good. So i did not go to the gym and decided to join her. In 10 minutes i was asleep. So no gym for me last night. I was over my calories a little bit but i am well rested and ready for another day. I did my weekly weigh in this morning and i am in a serious plateau. I have been hovering around the same weight since new years. I won't take it personally and am just going to stick with it.

    Hope you are all having a great day! Please know that i am reading all your posts and drawing in all the positivity...thanks guys!
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member


    I feel like everything is against me this week for my goals, so must try extra hard to achieve them!

    if I am successful, celebrations will be had and calories may be forgotten

    We are all here working with you!

    Let us know so I can celebrate too.
  • if Im not too late im in .. want to keep the calorie intake to 10500 for the week and put a total of at least 14 miles in on the treadmill
    Sunday :
    1058 Calories for the day 2.5 miles on the treadmill (1.5 miles jogging @ 5 mph / 1 mile walking @ 3.6 MPH/ both 3.0% incline)
    Monday :
    1145 Calories for the day ... Unfortunatly no exercise that I can count ... Fighting bronchitis ... Go figure would go and get sick right after I decide to do something like this.. Lets see how Tuesday shakes out
    Tuesday :
    1,426 calories for the day .... Still no cardio...winning the bronchitis battle...If keep feeling better may be able to get some time on the treadmill tommorrow
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Hey everyone -

    keep logging your food and exercise - it all counts...

    Good job keeping up, if you've had the time - you other guys, just take a five minute break to do it, if possible.

    It will keep you focused on what you've accomplished and what you need to do!

    Good luck and keep moving ~
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    I was under my calories and worked out. I am still struggling with getting enough water. Just before bed i remebered that i did not drink a single cup. Something to shoot for tomorrow
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    I did 20min Gyrobaord and 20ming Run/walk this morn and used my new HRM. It told me I am burning a lot more calories than my treadmill has been telling me, but my treadmill wasn't programmed with my stats and prob assumes I am smaller and fitter than I am. I burnt 537 cals in 40mins (20 min of ea), so I am very pleased. Calories have been a bit lower than I would like for past few days cause I have been a bit busy to snack during the day. Might be my goal for next week to sort that out, as well as water intake again.

    I hope everyone else is doing well with their goals this week. Keep up the good work :happy:
  • MellieR
    MellieR Posts: 34 Member
    The gyroboard sounds interesting! I have done well with the exercise this week but havent yet made the time to do the calesthenics I added to my challenge this week. Unlike previous times where I've thought of doing it, you all have helped me stay accountable to myself. Thanks!

    Keep working your plan and I hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Drank water like an animal today ...was under calorie goal.
    Did a yoga class at the gym. It did not burn tons of calories but i feel limber and i slept like a champion last night.

    The gyroboard sounds like fun!
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Woah...i just watched some youtube videos on the gyroboard that thing looks very fun and challenging
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm back! Real life got a hold of me the past two days and I could not attain my goals. I'm going to make it up this weekend. I already did my jog/walk interval early this morning and I plan to attain my 2 other goals later today.

    Glad to be back :smile:
  • MellieR
    MellieR Posts: 34 Member
    Anyone heard from quigonnjae? Being sick stinks. Glad you're back on track sezz!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Check-in guys - let us know how you're doing ... The good, the bad and the ugly.

    Also let us know what obstacles you may be encountering - feel free to vent . That's what we're here for!

    You're probably not the only one...

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    if Im not too late im in .. want to keep the calorie intake to 10500 for the week and put a total of at least 14 miles in on the treadmill
    Sunday :
    1058 Calories for the day 2.5 miles on the treadmill (1.5 miles jogging @ 5 mph / 1 mile walking @ 3.6 MPH/ both 3.0% incline)
    Monday :
    1145 Calories for the day ... Unfortunatly no exercise that I can count ... Fighting bronchitis ... Go figure would go and get sick right after I decide to do something like this.. Lets see how Tuesday shakes out
    Tuesday :
    1,426 calories for the day .... Still no cardio...winning the bronchitis battle...If keep feeling better may be able to get some time on the treadmill tommorrow

    bronchitis is nothing to fool around with.

    Drink your liquids, get some rest and reharge yourself...
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I'm back! Real life got a hold of me the past two days and I could not attain my goals. I'm going to make it up this weekend. I already did my jog/walk interval early this morning and I plan to attain my 2 other goals later today.

    Glad to be back :smile:

    Awesome attitude - you go girll and do just that!!!
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Friday night went over calories and did not train at all. So i woke up this morning before anyone was awake and got my butt to the gym. Really went at it and lifted some serious weights. Last night after i ended my day i was embarrased to write in the junk i ate. Today is another day.
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Woah...i just watched some youtube videos on the gyroboard that thing looks very fun and challenging

    It is but your balance improves very quickly, well mine has. My husband still keeps falling off it so I have starting laying cushions around it when he uses it Lol.

    Yesterday I went WAY over calories due to a party with 2 birthday cakes and lots of drinks, which is also why I have not exercised this morning (was feeling a little seedy). Have been consuming a lot of water to fix that today and I will be straight back into it tomorrow morning and will probably do 20-30 mins gyrobaord tonight if I get time.
    I got my HRM so can now see that I burn about 220 cals (ave) in 20 mins on the gyroboard, so I am happy :happy:
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Goals for week beginning 30-1-12:

    1 - Water, water, water!!!
    2 - Complete my morning run/walks (+ gyroboard)
    3 - Get zig zagging back on track
    4 - Don't drink so much at nxt Saturdays party

    What is everyone elses goals for this week?
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Partied as well last night and went over calories. I used to have to go down to the US for Doritos cool ranch chips (only recently do they sell them in montreal) and i ate about an entire bags worth.

    When i was at the party i spoke to a friend that i have know since elementary school. He told me that as long as i dont over do it, i should enjoy myself and do not worry about my calories while having fun. We live stressful enough lives on a daily basis and that i should relax and enjoy. I did and now i feel like i had fun and ate what i wanted. So now I am ready for another weekly challenge.

    1- Work out hard. I have a new program and it is hard
    2-Know what i am eating for the next day (planning everything)
    3- Water water water!!!