Group Challenge #1 - The Calorie Burner (January 2012)



  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in! My goal is to dust off my gym equipment in the basement and actually use it. I also plan to work out everyday! Even if it's for 30 minutes a day. (i'm new to working out and eating healthy and to this site)
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    Do you have room for one more? Only just seen this thread.. boo for me :P
    This week I have 3 goals:

    *drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    *do not eat after 8pm
    *exercise in one way or another every day, whether it be on the Wii Fit, Dog walks or running :)

    Nailed all of the above today.... would have completely slacked if it had not been for this challenge, so thanks you :D

    *10 glasses of water
    *eating my last meal shortly at 7pm
    *just completed a 20 minute run (10:00 pace) and 40 minute brisk walk (4mph)

    My run was one of my best in some time, especially considering that I've had over a month off, pretty happy with today!
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    thank you ive done it once today and will do it again with my friend at 6 tonight :)

    today i completed the 30day shred twice go me :)

    Well done!
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    I am in! If there is room for 1 more? I was under my calories but today was a break day for workouts. My goal is not just to be under calories but not to adjust my calories according to an unhealthy choice. And workout 5 times this week.

    Far under my calorie goal and gonna play vball for 2 hours
  • chynudol
    My week work out goal is to start insanity work out. Thinking about starting juicing. Any thoughts or ideas?
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I am in! If there is room for 1 more? I was under my calories but today was a break day for workouts. My goal is not just to be under calories but not to adjust my calories according to an unhealthy choice. And workout 5 times this week.

    Absolutely room for more!


  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    The challenge is already motivating me. I might have gone a bit easier on myself this morning if I didn't have this challenge as a good argument against the lazy voice in my head, so thank you. love it :heart:

    Really glad this first challenge is doing something positive for you!

    We're watching and waiting with baited breathe, so don't forget to let us know with daily posts, how you're doing with it!

    (This is so exciting!!!)

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    My week work out goal is to start insanity work out. Thinking about starting juicing. Any thoughts or ideas?

    I've heard INSANITY is, pardon the verbiage, insane because it pushes you hard. The juicing sounds healthy, but make sure you're getting enough calories to do your INSANITY workout.

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I will do my best, but I am starting school on tuesday so I will have less free time. And I am also going to be applying for a good paying job at my local police department. It's just records keeping but still! I will try my hardest to post though!

    Good luck with getting the Police dept position! Hopefully you'll snag it and that will be one less thing to worry about!

    Please let us know your progress on both this and the workouts.

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    today i completed the 30day shred twice go me :)

    Awesome - keep it going!!!

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Do you have room for one more? Only just seen this thread.. boo for me :P
    This week I have 3 goals:

    *drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    *do not eat after 8pm
    *exercise in one way or another every day, whether it be on the Wii Fit, Dog walks or running :)

    Yes, please join us!

    Good luck with the water intake (don't make yourself sick.)

    I especially like the 8pm "rule" - the time is probably not as important as when you go to bed. For example, if you have one of those odd schedules where you actually go to bed at 1am normally and wake up later in the day (say, for your job), then a later "do not eat past" this time, would be fine.

    The 8pm is a good stopping point if you go to bed at a "normal" time. 8-)

  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 75
    Yesterday I did Level 1 of 30DS and did 55 seconds of plank pose. After posting this I am going to do Level 2 of 30 DS and try to hold the plank for more than 55 seconds.
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 75
    Yesterday I did Level 1 of 30DS and did 55 seconds of plank pose. After posting this I am going to do Level 2 of 30 DS and try to hold the plank for more than 55 seconds.

    I just finished LEvel 2 of 30 DS and eked out 56 seconds of plank pose.

    Thanks to this group challenge I was motivated to exercise. I was feeling lethargic today and was coming up with "valid" reasons not to do my workout until I checked this post.

    Thanks for the motivation!
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Today I played with my new EA Active bundle instead of running as planned. But it was a lightweight workout so back to running again tomorrow.
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    Thought I'd be aching after yesterdays run, but feel fine so will be trying the same again on a slightly longer route tonight I think :)
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    I packed healthy options for work today. Just being prepared is a good thing for me. No junk for me regardless what co-workers bring in to tempt me. "no thanks i just ate" will be todays re-occuring theme!
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    completed day 5 of 30day shred level one this morning at 5am, I will be doing it for the 2nd time this afternoon before heading to my 2nd job
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    I kind of slacked off a little yesterday. I didn't work out at all! But today i plan to walk at least two miles on the treadmill cause it's windy and cold outside and later to do 30ds. Yay!
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    Do you have room for one more? Only just seen this thread.. boo for me :P
    This week I have 3 goals:

    *drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    *do not eat after 8pm
    *exercise in one way or another every day, whether it be on the Wii Fit, Dog walks or running :)

    Nailed all of the above today.... would have completely slacked if it had not been for this challenge, so thanks you :D

    *10 glasses of water
    *eating my last meal shortly at 7pm
    *just completed a 20 minute run (10:00 pace) and 40 minute brisk walk (4mph)

    My run was one of my best in some time, especially considering that I've had over a month off, pretty happy with today!

    Day 2!

    *10 glasses of water again, this felt harder today,, not sure why.
    *eating my last meal now at 8.30pm (I finished work much later unexpectedly, so this is the earliest I could do dinner, to me it counts ;))
    *pushed a bit more with running and went on for 3 extra minutes (9:53 pace), not much I know but I planned to do another half mile as I was feeling good but my boyfriend who ran with me tonight got a knee twinge so we had to walk the rest, with 12 minutes brisk walking for the warm up/cool down.

    Enjoying this challenge so far... keep up the good work everyone!!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Okay, here's our first challenge everyone. :devil:

    It's essentially for those of us who work out and exercise (possibly) on a daily basis.

    The Challenge Requirements:

    1) Complete your food AND exercise diaries every day - from start to finish;
    2) Post (on the Challenge thread) your goal(s) for the upcoming week (Sunday - Saturday). Anytime Saturday is ideal;
    2) Post daily comments (on the Challenge thread), either you had a great day or down day (so we can follow our progress and not get it mixed up with the general chatter). Try to encourage each other on same thread - keep it going until the end;
    4) You don't have to detail your workout unless you want to, but give a general description, each (end of the) week;
    5) Summarize (on the Challenge thread) what worked best for you and your overall experience that week;
    6) This will be a one month challenge - end date of February 13th, 2012;

    This will be a closed Challenge, limited to ten members only.

    We will have simultaneous challenges for others that may involve similar elements. This is the first of many to come this first six months of 2012.

    Good luck guys~


    PS Don't be shy, if you want to post your own challenges here too! The more, the better.

    Okay guys - the Challenge is now OFFICIALLY CLOSED to only the 13 below members!

    For everyone else, there will definitely be other challenges coming! But for now, please follow us and watch their progress!

    The final list of our Lucky Thirteen Friendly Competitors is as follows:


    I apologize, I had to extend it to more than ten members, because I didn't get the chance to do the tally over the weekend, due to being out of town.

    I've made a spreadsheet and will be tracking you guys and all your wonderful progress! We'll share the spreadsheet (somehow, still figuring stuff out on MFP...) through the competition.

    Good luck EVERYONE !!!
