ImGonnaTri2012 Member


  • Just found out that our YMCA has a tri training group. It starts Feb 20th and I am going to join it to get ready for my first sprint triathlon in June. 6 weeks ago I signed up for adult swim lessons to get some instruction on how to breathe right. At the first lesson, I could BARELY finish 25 yds without needing oxygen --…
  • Hi there -- last week I was a little off so this week I plan to get at least twice of each swim, bike, run -- planning spinning class a couple days because I can't ride outside here yet. For my swimming I just want to keep adding 50 yds with less stopping in between and hope to get up to 500 yards at a swim session with…
  • So for right now I am trying to get 2 days of biking, 2 days of swimming and 2 days of walk/jogging in with a day of rest. Will that work for awhile ?
  • Hi everybody -- I hope you don't mind me joining this group but June 1st is a big day for me too. I am 55 year old and want to lose over 50 pounds but more importantly I want to do a sprint triathlon on June 3rd. I have started adult swimming lessons and am using this site to track calories and exercise and lose weight so…
  • Hi everyone ~ this looks like a great group. I am a 55 year old grandmother who just found this site a couple of days ago. I have a goal of losing weight but also set a goal of doing a sprint all woman's triathlon in June ! Very excited about having this group. I just started adult swimming lessons to get some pointers on…
  • I started riding my road bike again about 3 years ago and bought clipless pedals at that time -- it did take some getting used to but now I LOVE it and would never go back. My husband and I did get the SPD-SL pedals which are bigger and make clipping in a bit easier I think. Once you get the hang of it you will think it is…