Smile and hair. :3
Can't really see anything. D: But that top is looking pretty nice on ye.
PSN: Hadraniel__ (That's two underscores.) Steam: hadraniel__ DC Universe (NA) : BlowerofMinds (Villian) and Pteramoeffindactyl (Hero)
Name's Michelle, I'm 21 years old and I live in the middle of nowhere, Arizona. There really isn't much to say about myself. My first loves were Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. Then my poor Playstation went down hill after a certain father had spilled some soda upon it. After a few years, we discovered the PS2, and Kingdom…
Yeah, sometimes I had to remind my guy that hey, it's five flipping AM right now, and that he needs sleep.
I totally forgot about the goals you set in the beginning. Thanks for reminding me! And yeah, you're right. I felt slightly bad taking those calories away. I probably shouldn't have added those new exercises either. Also, HOLY GEEZ. D: I went from having a 1500 calorie a day to 1900.
Yeah...I won't lie, when I first got it, I was playing 4+ hours a day. After a couple of weeks, I was like "WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?" Then I answered, "Oh yeah, becoming an Arch-Mage." And no, just the old ones and Dragonborn.
I haven't played MK in forever, I'll have to look into it. And I tried out Borderland 2, it was pretty fun. But Skyrim has caught my heart. My poor fiance` became a Skyrim Widower for a while when I first got it.
Glasses and hair.
There's a version for the android.
I appreciate humor, but the things that people say now-a-days. .-. Eh, it can get a bit far. My favorite comedian is Red Skelton. He was one of the funniest in the world.
I always check myself in the morning, after using the bathroom and before shower, eat, etc.
I really don't have motivation music but, I love listening to Enigma, especially while walking. It's so relaxing that you kinda get lost in it and time. I was on my treadmill a few minutes ago and was listening to it. After a bit, I looked down and was like woah! I walked for 25 minutes without it, lol.
I gave the movie a chance, cause I heard it was both good and bad from people. I just didn't expect it to be so freaking gory.
LOL. xD Nice! Yup, describes my feelings perfectly.
I'll have to find that episode online. But yeah, do not see Hobo. I mean, I'm usually not effected by gore and such but, this was the movie to make me feel sick to my stomach. And eh, I liked Avatar even though it was a million dollar Pocahontas. You gotta admit, the CG was pretty awesome.
Well, I was watching it online with friends, and one somehow convinced me to stay. And I had to see if the boss died towards the end. I just kept thinking, "This can't get any worse." But I learned my lesson.
That site is amazing.
Pastry chef...xD
I had my mine out two years ago. (18) It really wasn't that bad, I didn't hurt much. The two things I could NOT stand was One: The medicine made me feel worse than the surgery. And two, the taste. Oh god...I didn't eat for a couple of days because everything I ate tasted like crap. I wasn't told about anything about dairy.…
Moved here from Florida. Live up in the mountains, and I hate snow. :c
I've been Clive Barker crazy since the third Abarat book came out...finally! I couldn't afford the book at that moment, so I bought the first, which I haven't read since...8th grade. -20 years old- I started reading it again but unfortunately, I left it in Canada. xD But now my fiance's reading it.
Princes of the Universe and I Want to Break Free - Queen. :B
Feeling young is good though. I'm 20 and I still act like a four year old, haha. In a good way though. I mean yeah, being mature is good and all but, don't need to be it all the time. Gotta let loose sometimes so you don't drive yourself insane.
I believe it's possible, yes. I went to visit my fiance and stayed for three weeks. I ate pretty healthy and lost five pounds.
Black or White - Michael Jackson.
Alicia, you kinda remind me of Nia Vardalos. c:
I'm horrible at Guitar Hero. :c
@JulieSummers, you look like Megan Fox, but you're definitely prettier. =D
I'm not drawn to a certain place, I am to oldish, somewhat secluded houses. I dunno why but they make me feel more at home than anywhere else.