second_1 Member


  • I thought so too :D
  • try this- its a video showing how to make the sludge which is basically a protein powder mixed with a nut butter. the difference between the two would be the consistency
  • Put some body armor on and be prepared to be slammed. Most will be very unsupportive of a 500 calorie a day diet. There is a thread on here for those on the HCG diet that is combined with a very low calorie intake. Maybe try there? :)
  • Wow-what an accomplishment! Your looking great!
  • 315, then I had a sick day and didnt remember to log in... back in the double digits..
  • I am a second born twin... my parents werent expecting twins so they had no names picked out. On my birth certificate my 'official' name is 'second born twin, female' until it was amended over a decade later..
  • You think like me! I have always thought how cool it would be to have something like that-but in even more detail. Would be great in the winter or for when you were stuck at home. It could be visual and auditory with the smells there too-like pine for a forest trail with birds singing or a salty smell and the sound of…
  • Absolutely Grokette. Nothing frustrates me more than people who dont have any knowledge of what they are speaking of, yet they throw their OPINIONS out there as though they are facts. People want to scare others away before they even check it out. Exactly as you said- it is a NATURAL hormone our bodies make on their own…
  • Give it time? This diet has been around for over 40 years. How much more time do you think we should give it? It was developed and throughly researched by a medical doctor. There have been no side effects found. Maybe we should wait another 20 to see? :) Call it what you will- sounds like a pre judgement based on very…
  • As with ANY diet do your own research. I did. Many of the people adding their opinions in are adding just that- opinions. If you actaully did the research you would know that the HCG diet ENCOURAGES healthy food choices. Everybody gets stuck on the 500 calorie portion of the diet -IF they have not looked into it further…
  • The drops keep pretty well and will still be fine to use. Try to keep them in the fridge between rounds tho- and out of any really warm conditions (I left a bottle in the car mid-summer so I had to toss it out). As far as hunger pains, the first week is the hardest, after that it gets much easier. If your eating like you…
  • But its what stars you are born under so they cant change it now! Ok maybe for the ones being born they can but we are already what we are ;)
  • I started hHCG last July -and I love it. Took some time off for the holidays but back on now. My husband and I have had great success with it. I have lost 40 and he has lost 80 and we havent had any problem maintaining. Good luck to you!
  • try here:
  • I agree with the general consensus- its not the coffee, in moderation, but what you add to it. I use Sweetleaf Stevia (stevia is an alternative to sugar, its all natural and much better that an artificial sweetener with zero calories). You can buy it in single serve packets or in a liquid form that comes in flavors like…
  • pardon me...but.... your ignorance is showing...
  • I absolutely agree with you Rob- the proof is in the pudding so to speak. HCG has been around for many years and if you are true to the protocol the weight will come off and it is absolutely safe. And you will maintain IF you dont return to the habits that caused you to gain in the first place. It irks me how people will…
  • as with ANY diet, if you resume your old eating habits of course you will gain it back.... you have to make the lifestyle change along with the diet and thats what this diet teaches you-healthy food choices. As far as the 500 calories- that is why you use the drops. It is releasing all the stored abnormal fat into your…
  • Love it- I have dropped 38 pounds since I started and I have never felt better! There is an HCG thread in here where you can get more info. Feel free to message me if you want to...
    in HCG Comment by second_1 October 2010
  • vhuber is probably right. My husband and I have both done the HCG diet. I am on my 2nd round right now. I have lost 35 pounds so far and my husband lost over 50. We never experienced any problems and in fact have never felt better. Feel free to add me and then message if you have any questions...
    in HCG Comment by second_1 October 2010
  • Edamame is a good protein source- It has 11g of protein for 1/2 C of the beans. Low-fat cheese is good; the part-skim mozzarella cheese sticks are handy for snacks. A piece of high protein, 100% whole grain bread (try Ezekiel 4:9 bread, which is sprouted grain, no flour) with a piece of turkey breast. Salmon...good protein…
  • we make tacos with lettuce wraps- I dont care much for tortillas and its much healthier and tastes better.
  • If your drinking something with caffeine, which will dehydrate you, then you should drink that much extra in water to balance it out. Some teas have caffeine but some dont-black tea, white teas (baby green tea leaves) and green tea are all naturally caffeinated. The only teas that are not caffeinated are herbal teas such…
  • Years ago I had Pluersy, which is an infection of the lining of the lungs and causes swelling-every breathe was painful, so I know what you mean! Ouch! Glad you got it figured out. From everything I have learned we should all be drinking half our weight in ounces of water, at the minimum and more is even better. I try for…
  • Try Stevia. It is not an artificial sweetener but an all natural sweetener. It is said that it is 200X sweeter than sugar. I use it in my coffee and sprinkle it on my grapefruit. Start out with just a small amount and then add more if you need it- if you overuse it then some people say it can have a bitter aftertaste. I…
  • Yes you can- go to my HOME and then CHECK-IN and at the bottom of that page you can EDIT previous entries-at the bottom of that page you can backdate an entry.
  • I agree about the Adipex not being a good idea- most people that take those type of drugs will gain back what they lost. And why put something unnatural into your body? I know that our bodies adjust to what we are doing and we have to keep it guessing by changing up what we are doing. Be sure that you are getting enough…