Using sweeteners in your coffee and food

dswagar Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I do like my one cofee a day (decaf) but can not drink it without some sort of sugar. I use a sweetener instead of regualar sugar. I also have a healthy fibre cereal for breakfast and put one pack of sweetener in it in the morning. Just recently I heard an expert comment on sweeteners can fool the body into thinking it is consuming something sweet and start working against you. Could this be true?


  • ChristyDPierce
    ChristyDPierce Posts: 36 Member
    i have also heard that artificial sweeteners cause you to crave sweets and want to eat more food :-( I just go ahead and use regular sugar, but cut it extremely down.......
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I think people go back and forth a lot on that.....who knows what to believe.
  • Van3ssa_2468
    Van3ssa_2468 Posts: 76 Member
    I have heard that and I see it with my husband.
    He uses artificial sweetener in his coffee and on his cereal, he eats hard candy all night while watching TV!
    He is of a healthy weight and woks out, but I am sure this will all catch up with him someday.
  • second_1
    second_1 Posts: 45 Member
    Try Stevia. It is not an artificial sweetener but an all natural sweetener. It is said that it is 200X sweeter than sugar. I use it in my coffee and sprinkle it on my grapefruit. Start out with just a small amount and then add more if you need it- if you overuse it then some people say it can have a bitter aftertaste. I love it and will not go back to artificial sweeteners or sugar. I have found it at our local grocery store. The best brand, I believe, is Sweetleaf. It comes in a green box with individual packages. There are other brands of Stevia out there but if you read the ingredients list, many of them have added sugars. (which makes no sense to me). There are also liquid Stevias that come in flavors- I havent found those yet though, but I have been told that they can be ordered online too....
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I don't know about the studies or the science of artificial sweeteners, except that I heard massive amounts of aspartame caused cancer in rats. I do know that I use Splenda in place of sugar in my coffee and tea and sometimes in cooking if the recipe calls for sugar. I don't think it's done me any harm and I certainly don't eat candy all night long because of it :)
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