

  • Yay thanks for the add! I am new to this app so how do i know which color team i am on? Thanks! Jen
  • I'm trying to do the same thing. 70 lbs by July. Friend me and let's do this. I was in the Army and miss it dearly. I want to get back to Army shape.
  • I want in! I need team support and love a challenge.
  • no babies for me, but I am 33! I need a good group to challenge me, so if you want to have someone to check in with daily, then add me! I have gained and lost so much that I am tired of yo-yo losses. Time to get real! Jen
  • I'll join you. I want to lose 20by my graduation in December. I will be finishing up my doctorate and wanna look good in my cap and gown! I weigh 245 and figure 20 is a good start. add me if you like. Jen
  • I cannot even begin to tell all of you how wonderful it is to hear your stories. It gives me hope. I called my dr today and she said its ok to take half if I want to see if that changes the symptoms. I am not sure I want to give up just yet. I think I'll try a few of you suggestions for experimenting with time of the dose.…
  • Transvenouspacer: "If you're having stomach cramps, talk to your doctor. You might need a different med for your thyroid. I've never had any side effects from taking the med." I read that is an "expected side effect" so what remedy is there for it? I have been sucking it up for 2 weeks now and it hasnt changed. My doc…
  • I am taking mine at 5pm. I am a nurse and I work nights so I get up at 5, shower, dress then by the time I get to the kitchen before work (about 6pm) I feel like its safe to eat. Right now, when I get up I have the worst stomach cramps and nausea. I took my pill tonight and havent even eaten yet. I am waiting for the…
  • I actually try to stay around 1300 cal. Isn't that the point of that goal or am I doing it wrong? I do high protein and try to eat my carbs if I'm gonna have any, with breakfast.
  • I have the same problem and have yet to figure out how to fix it..... Would love the answer tho! I do a lot of weight lifting and cardio per day and I don't eat back my calories......
  • When I lost my wedding ring at the track!
  • If you feel like you have hit the wall, try changing up the quantity of calories you intake. I find when I hit the wall at my 1300 cal goal, I switch to 1600 cal for a week and it jump starts loss again. Just be sure to eat healthy food for that extra little bit!
  • I do actually pack my lunch. I try even to bring almonds and cheese squares for snack. Most time when I am at work (on days) I just grab a Snickers Protein bar (about 300 cal/20g protein) and that holds me over for lunch. I would like to caveat that by saying, that sure gets old tho! I have sworn off soda and havent had…
  • My dr said it was because the balls of my feet are not properly cushioned. You may have skinny fat pads. Try an insert or wear crocs to walk like I do. Worked like a charm!
  • Help! I fell off the wagon and can't seem to get up! I was 2lbs away from wonderland and sabotaged myself ever since. Fell off 3 weeks ago and can't seem to get back on. I need a motivational challenge. Jen
  • Absolutely dont agree. If you try to wait it out, you end up eating crap inorder to fill the craving and being unsuccessful, rather than just eaten and gotten over with. Been there, done that. Besides, I realize we are not dogs and therefore should not be rewarded with food, however, we are human and positive reinforcement…
  • Allow yourself the little pleasures in life. So long as you dont "cheat" everyday, no harm, no foul. :) Its gotta be worth it or you wont wanna keep going. Promise yourself tomorrow to get back to being good. I find that the day after my cheat day sucks because I want those carbs/chocolate again. Stay strong! We can do…
  • I have a "little black dress" that I bought for my anniversary and have never worn. I would LOVE to fit into that! I tried it on today and the waist line is OK. The side profile still has a stomach pooch, so not ready for public wear yet! WE CAN DO IT!!!! Jen
  • Thanks to everyone for the weighing in! Everyone made alot of good points. I do believe I will stick to the eggs and bacon. After I had the oatmeal today I felt rundown and sluggish. Carb overload? Hardly had any energy for the treadmill. Perhaps getting rid of the carbs from breads/pastas/etc. really does work better for…
  • "Curious about one thing, why would you spend so many calories on OJ? It's so high in sugar, and drinking your calories does nothing for lasting fullness. I do not spend any calories on beverages, unless they contain alcohol." I drink OJ because I am a nurse (and it may be psychological), but I use it for the immune boost.…
  • Right. I dont want to do carbs at all except simple sugars. I cold turkey'd carbs Jan 13th and Dropped 15 lbs last month. I think it works for me but I am trying to try new things. Perhaps I could make it a twice a week thing, rather than a daily endeavor. I just worry that the eggs are killing my cholesterol intake. Hard…
  • I believe starvation mode begins when your body runs out of fat to exchange for is why.... For example, if you are lost in the desert for several weeks without food, you will burn stored fat inorder to maintain normal chemical, mental, physical balance. The process begins by first using the stored glycogen…