lew826 Member


  • Thanks for posting this! I really appreciate everyone's personal experiences. Congratulations to everyone for being so close to their goals!
  • I would love more motivation and support! I'm in!
  • I agree with all of these posts; I think all these exercises help. The thing that has really flattened my lower stomach has been yoga once a week. I was doing all kinds of standard exercises for ages, but yoga, just the easy class at my gym, seems to be really helping me more than anything else did. If you haven't done…
  • Hi! I'm new to this group, but I have something I'd like to add. I used to always eat after dinner, dessert, leftovers, whatever I felt like. I have to say that I think it is a habit that can be broken. One day, I decided that I would stop eating after dinner and that lasted awhile. Now if I am really hungry, I have a…
  • Welcome! I'm pretty new, too, and like you, I have a closet full of clothes that I cannot wear. It seems much less expensive, not to mention healthier, to get back into the old clothes than to buy new. I didn't have a baby, just a desk job and a passion for eating and drinking. I love the calorie counter. I leave it up at…
  • I got the $27 one from Walmart and haven't had any problems with it.