hcorbin29 Member


  • I passed the butt test! Not even going to try the boob test because my boobs can hold my bra up when it's unhooked. Hah
  • Can't believe I'm posting this! Stopped by TJ Maxx tonight after being inspired by all of you :)
  • Some people also have upset stomachs after they eat the fruits/veggies they are allergic to. i don't but have met a few who have. Usually, OAS symptoms aren't severe enough to be life-threatening, just uncomfortable. So, if I'm really craving something, I'll eat it anyway.
  • My mom said the same thing! HAHA She swore that I hated apples and carrots when I really love them, just allergic!
  • I do the same thing some times. I love fresh cherries but they're a killer for me. Sometimes you just gotta have some cherries!
  • I have this exact same issue. Though, it develops to be a new fruit/veggie every few years. Eventually, it seems as though I'll be allergic to everything! I finally found an allergist at John's Hopkins in Baltimore, MD that knows her stuff. Apparently it's called Oral Allergy Syndrome The proteins/enzymes in fresh fruits…
  • I just found out that I have a stress fracture in my right shin from too much running. My doctor advised that I only do biking, swimming, or elliptical. I've been biking on an exercise bike for about 60 - 90 minutes each night and feel like I'm still getting a good workout. Good luck!
  • LOVE this! Made me cry a bit too.
  • Wow, I've been waiting for my friend to let me borrow his copy of P90X and I'm going to start pestering him a lot harder now. You look FANTASTIC! Awesome work!
  • Awesome work, girl! Keep it up, you're looking great!
  • I have the same issue and was diagnosed with plantar fascitis. My doctor advised that I stretch and ice as others recommended and get a pair of heel lifts to put in my running shoes ($10 a walmart) and they have helped a good bit while running. He also recommended that I take as much advil as I can to reduce inflammation.…
  • Always after I pee first thing in the morning completely naked. If I weigh with underwear I usually take them off and weigh again. Oh, and most every time I pass my scale I drop everything and weigh again just to see what the deal is. Yeah, I'm that obsessed.
  • Hey everyone! My name is Heather and I'm from Alexandria, VA - right outside of DC. I've been single for about 2 months now after a 2 year relationship ended. During the course of my previous relationship (with someone who would only eat junk food) I gained about 30 lbs. So far I've nearly lost everything that I gained and…
    in Welcome Comment by hcorbin29 May 2012
  • I can definitely tell a difference. You rock!
  • Don't know you - saw one of my other friends on here commented so I thought I'd drop by and congratulate you myself :) Best of luck!
  • I kept a lot of my clothes from the upward journey so I've been wearing a lot of those clothes. I really get a kick out of buying new jeans though. I've bought two new pairs so far from TJ Maxx. It makes me feel super good to see the sizes go down so I figure $20 is well worth that feeling. I haven't bought much of…
  • Single and lookin' to mingle :)
  • Wow! You look FANTASTIC! Way to go! Quite an inspiration for anyone trying to lose weight. Keep up the good work!
  • I'm finishing week 3 tomorrow and couldn't be happier with my results. I lost about 5.5 lbs on my own before starting Jenny. in the first two weeks I dropped about 6 lbs. Though the food isn't cheap, once I factored in how much I was spending going out to eat anyway, I think it actually saves me money! I've been mostly…
  • I'm a pretty bad scale addict myself. Though I'm on Jenny Craig and do weekly weigh-ins there, I weigh myself every morning and then also at night (why? I think I like to punish myself) so I can see how the day went. For me I like to see the daily fluctuations so I can know if I'm doing something right (or wrong) and…
  • I'm 25 and have quite a bit of weight to lose. Partying a bit and eating out a lot really packed on the pounds over the last few years. Good luck to everyone :)
  • I'm also relatively new here. I joined Jenny Craig about 3 weeks ago and am loving the results. Though I'm following their meal plans, I still am logging everything in here so it keeps me accountable. Best of luck to you! Feel free to add me if you like! Heather