vintageprop Member


  • Thank you so much for your reply! I totally agree with you.
  • I see. Makes sense I suppose. Thanks for your reply!
  • awesome post. its funny that once i stopped exercising every day and started to only concentrate on what I was eating and when, i lost inches more quickly than ever.
  • It is worth it because its better than nothing and sitting around isn't it? That's what I think about every time I wonder if its worth it and it helps me get up and go every time. :)
  • I figured it out. It wasn't the fruit but these new exercises I've been doing lately. I can't believe exercise made my stomach bigger! Thankfully muscle goes away when its not used for a while, I don't know what else to do about it other than stop working it out.
  • Thanks everyone for your helpful input. :) It probably is all the fruit I'm eating. Crazy huh? I thought I was eating healthy and turns out it's probably harming me.
  • No my mom doesn't seem to have this problem. Thanks for your input though!
  • I don't do the pilates exercises anymore because of this but this bloating is exactly how I feel because I find myself gassy a lot and I also have bowl trouble to where its hard for me to go to the bathroom.. Crazy that so many problems show up once I start eating better.. I'm really not sure what food to pinpoint the…
  • Thanks everyone for your feedback. I'm just getting very frustrated because I'm not seeing the results I want fast enough. I'd be happy as long as I knew I'm on the right track but the only thing I can do is hope for the best I guess. And yes, since I already weigh so little, mostly I want to tone but there still is some…
  • Hi I'm a bit confused by something...Does your activity level depend on your daily exercises or what your activity level is through the rest of the day? If someone were sitting all day 5 days a week while occasionally moving around and standing up and then exercising for over an hour, while the weekends had more walking…
  • Yes this was what I was worried about.. Ok thanks for your reply!
  • Ok thanks for your reply, yes it has helped, thanks!
  • Ok hopefully this post doesn't annoy anyone but I just wanted to know how many of you subtract your BMR calories from your exercise calories? Say your heart rate monitor says you burned 200 calories in an hour. Do you subtract the calories you would've burned during that hour not doing the exercise so the actual calories…
  • You're right. since the ones I'm doing in particular make me work pretty hard in that 20 mins. Thanks for your input!
  • Yeah actually, I was starting to think that I'm thinking too much on this stuff too but I do want to get to my goal so I'll just try and not worry so much anymore and just do what I can :)
  • Yes I was wondering whether to take this BMR subtracting into account as well. Thank you so much for clearing that up! I feel much better about the HRM now :)
  • Thank you everyone for your input! I really appreciate it. I guess I just don't understand calories as much as I thought I did since I think burning 73 calories during 20 minutes toning exercises sounds off..
  • When it comes to tracking calories by activity, I'm pretty sure everyone gets different results when consulting with various websites and heart rate monitors. I've been testing my heart rate monitor and its always so much higher than the websites say but sometimes its close. I am so frustrated because I don't know what to…
  • Hello everyone I bought the Polar F4 today at Target but haven't opened it yet. After reading more about it online, some people say there is so stopwatch feature. I don't understand this, polar says it does have one but then I read it doesn't. Can anyone that has this watch tell me? I'm also wondering if I should get…
  • I live in south florida. Need I say more? My face gets beat red after and I feel like I'm going to pass out. Bike riding in 95 degree weather is not a good workout. :(
  • dancing is a good idea, wish i cared to do it though lol. not very coordinated
  • I actually have a 10 minute solution pilates video and love it. I guess I'll just go to the store and see if they have any cardio ones. Thanks for the suggestion, I knew I was missing something.
  • Hi everyone! I'm running out of cardio options. Actually I only have one as its too hot out now for bike riding, and the gym is too expensive. My only cardio video choice at the moment is the Walk At Home series with Leslie Samsone which keeps my heart rate up for the usual 40-55 mins which I do it. Are there any other…
  • yeah, you're right, 75 does sound a bit ridiculous seeing as how I did sweat a lot. Thanks guys :)
  • Hello I was wondering if someone could shed some light on this as I'm entirely confused. I used a stationary bike for 40 mins and the machine said I burned 75 calories. I input my weight at the beginning which is 117. Online when I input 40 mins of vigorous stationary biking with my weight, it says I burned about 400…
  • thank you all for the helpful suggestions. I think I should eat more calories too, as I only eat 1200, that may be a problem but I'm not sure. I'll try and up the calories and see what happens.
  • I use hand weights sometimes but that's it. I'm not really interested in anything more than that really. maybe at a later time though. and thanks for reading all that by the way, I realize it was a bit much..I think I'm analyzing everything too much lol
  • Hi everyone hope everyone is well! I was hoping to get some feedback as I am confusing myself about my exercise routine.. my body hasn't changed much recently and I need a plan. should I change it somehow? My goal is to lose a few more pounds and tone my lower body to make it leaner. Monday through Friday I do 40 mins of…
  • I've searched online what exercises to add in my exercise program to tone my butt. While squats and lunges come up for this, they also come up when I did a test search on what exercises to do when wanting a BIGGER butt. I already have a big butt and DON'T want it any bigger. Should I do squats or not? What are your…
  • thank you for your input, i will try that :)