

  • I need to lose more than 30 but I really really want in. I can so relate to the roller coaster ride. I so need all the help I can get. This past year was crappy...lost my mother, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, last child went off to college and I found comfort with food again. So any help is appreciated!!!
  • Thanks for the all the encouragement, you can't do this alone.
  • I think this is like any other problem....take it one day at a time. Find some other rewards and support for doing well for that day..Have some water instead of rich snack. Go for a walk and get that tired but "good" tired feeling. Hang in there you can do it!!! Know that we all have been there and are fighting the same…
  • Well I was on spring break and visited a friend in Florida. I got off track and ate and drank away. Luckily I only gained a pound. So I need some encouragement to get back on the right food and exercise path. I had a week of doing neither. Any body else ever done this and what brought you back from the "fat side" Thanks…
  • DeSoto Texas.....about 15 miles south of Dallas
  • I was wondering how accurate the exercise logs are with the calories burned. I know it is calculated by weight and time, but I was wondering if there is another source to double check the calories. Thanks
  • Thanks for the encouragement and making me feel welcome! IT is good to have friends on this weight loss journey!
  • Thanks for all the good suggestions!!:wink:
  • I need some suggestions for quick "on the go" healthy breakfast ideas. I work and usually do not have a lot of time in the mornings. I am in the car a lot as my job is traveling from school to school to see students for therapy. I need quick grab and go ideas for the morning. I have fixed hard boiled eggs, breakfast bars,…
  • Hi I am new to this site and I am liking it! I have tried a lot of different things as I am sure everyone has...countless diets, diet supplements, weight watchers, etc. I know the principals of good weight loss and have done it. But then once I move away from those principals here comes the weight again. Well so far so…
  • I agree with you, I think its more about our state of mind and what we are told or more importantly what we tell ourselves. Just being here, ready and trying to "Be Healthier" should be the goal. I don't think I was ever a size 6....maybe 6T as a toddler. :laugh: I want to lose weight but I think more important should be…