

  • Happens to me all the time (and no, never been pregnant, heh). Some days I just want nothing to do with food, and others I just can't eat enough (so I eat low cal, highly filling foods, so at least that hunger feeling goes away). This is perfectly normal, and most people go through it every now and then. Just do what you…
  • That explains why I always seem to be able to come back at better times after a week or two off. I had just always heard a day off a week, not a week of every few months. Good to know!
  • Salsa on top of protein (veggie burgers, chicken, fish) or as a salad dressing, or both!
    in Salsa Comment by shintowa August 2010
  • There is another part that people don't seem to be talking about. People get used to seeing others at a certain weight, and the change seems jarring when someone gains or loses because they are not used to looking at the person at anything but the size they knew them before at. Example, my friend, who I agree was…
  • For me, it's the midranged BMI coupled with something I know from when I was younger: I do not look good much lower than that. I know once I get to 165 to stop, I'm done, no more. When I get there, it becomes maintenance coupled with toning, so any calories I exercise off over maintenance I am going to eat back.
  • I am not someone to ask about salad ingredients, but I'll post anyway, because someone might like the idea. Chinese tea eggs, sliced up on top (don't need salt or dressing with those, at least not for me). Pickles (as in, pickled cauliflower, pickled garlic, etc), kimchee (oh yeah, that's good stuff). Basically, anything…
  • Your body was likely in starvation mode, and is currently trying to store up fat for another famine, which is what it thinks it just went through. I would not recommend going back under 1200 calories a day, but normally you should increase calories slowly, instead of all at once, about 100cal a week I think it what it is…
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