Why do people say that?



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Weird, I meant to quote mcope. lol

    thanks! I really do think alot of it has to do with what our brain has been trained to see as normal. Meaning...What we see everyday on the normal people (not advertising) is what we begin to see as normal and acceptable. So when we see someone that is actually healthy normal weight we see them (with our minds eye) as ultra skinny or even unhealthy.

    We all need to retrain our brains some more than others. I know I still have screwed up weird pictures of myself in my head its just going to take some time for me to retrain my brain.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I could understand how it might be guilt or jealousy when it comes from other girls. What I don't get is when guys tell me that I don't need to lose any weight. They go on and on about how perfect stick-thin girls on TV are and they call anyone on TV fat if they weigh more than 120 pounds, and then they go and tell me I don't need to lose weight? The only explanation that I can think of is that they just don't care what I look like. I just have to make my own goals for myself.

    I tend to believe it's a bit of a primal evolutionary trait to want to mate with a woman who has a little "meat on her bones" (ie -- has extra weight on her to carry and produce a healthy child even in those possible periods of famine). But the optimal mate also needs to be physically fit and healthy.
  • Danielle_81
    I get this too, I have gone so far as to get on the scale for people when they don't believe me when I tell them my weight. You could always become friends with models :laugh: or a modeling agent! They would support you no problem and probably tell you you still have to lose weight when you get to your goal weight :bigsmile:
  • shintowa
    shintowa Posts: 37
    There is another part that people don't seem to be talking about. People get used to seeing others at a certain weight, and the change seems jarring when someone gains or loses because they are not used to looking at the person at anything but the size they knew them before at.

    Example, my friend, who I agree was overweight, lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, so when I saw him again, he looked completely different. Was he underweight? No, but that didn't stop my mind from thinking that he lost too much at first, until I could get used to the new look. I meant nothing by it, and logically I knew I was wrong, but emotionally I couldn't help what I thought.

    It takes a while for people to get used to how another person looks. It is just how the human mind works. The commenters could mean absolutely nothing behind what they say, and they are perfectly correct to say it /from their point of view/. Just give it a little while, and they will be able to see you for what you look like now, not what you look like in their mind's eye.
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS CAUSE I AM GETTING SO FREAKING TIRED OF THIS :explode: I am freaking 228 lbs. (have lost 55) and I say I want to get to 135 by next year and everyone, I mean everyone is telling me that I would look wayyyyyy too skinny. Everyone wants me to stay around 150 and some have said you just need to drop another 10 lbs. cause you look fine :noway: This is the face I put when they say this :grumble: I swear it is because they are like don't make me look bad. I am so freaking annoyed I feel like slapping them silly and saying 228 is not healthy!!! Sheesh!!! Just keep doing what you are doing and go to a weight and look YOU are happy with because after all we are doing this for our own happiness not everyone else's :drinker:
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    Honestly I find it more discouraging than annoying. I had two friends say similar things to me just yesterday. I'm 5'8" so a healthy weight range would be between roughly 121 and 165 according to MFP so I set an initial goal weight of 140. When I shared this with them they look shocked and disturbed. They seemed to generally agree that I shouldn't get smaller than 180 or I would have the dreaded "my head's too big for my body" look. Ever since then I've been second guessing the goal weight I set for myself. What's more because I've always been over weight and don't know what I'd look like at 140 I'm wondering if maybe they're right. I hate that they put that bug in my ear.........
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    People say that to me too and I'm 30 - 35 lbs overweight. I carry it really well though, I definitely have a 'Beyonce'-like body (well....I think she carries her weight a lot better, lol). My hips are curvy and wide. I love them to death but they need to shrink, just a little!

    Don't worry about it. It's your body. And you aren't losing weight in a frantic, 'Oh my god I can't see every single one of my ribs' kind of way, so just don't worry about it!! :)
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I think its due to a few things happening at once. Part of its because change is difficult, and other people don't like it (even if change is necessary) status quo makes people feel secure. Another part is the whole "obesity epidemic" or whatever you want to call it. We're getting used to seeing bigger people, and if you already dress with at least of little style, look presentable, we're getting more and more OK with weight and seeing it less and less as a problem. Another is I think is big butts being popular(?) now. I don't get it, 10 years ago size 8 was way too big, now I'm a size 14-16 and all my perv neighbors tell me they'd like it bigger. (?!?!?!!!!!?) Pear shaped has started to be almost idealized by some people, so you might here from them a lot (I do!) that you shouldn't loose any weight.

    I just take it as a compliment, but I don't let myself get deluded about it. When people tell me I look good, I just silently remind myself that I do look good, for 200 lbs. And when they tell me I shouldn't loose any weight, I just assume they don't know what they're talking about!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Another idea.... if you take off the weight you will be healthier and look better than they do. People are always comparing themselves to others and thinking "if he/she looks ok at XX lbs then I am better at XX-5 lbs". They are just trying to justify to themselves that it is ok to be overweight, even if it is just 5-10 lbs. When you lose weight you are changing the status quo and they will feel bad about themselves. So... they don't want you to lose that much weight and rock their boat. They would rather have you bigger and more unhealthy than they are to make them feel good about themself. They get to feel superior to you.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    You know what i just heard this a few weeks ago. I was at 175 and lost 16 lbs My goal is to get as near to 130 as I can. I actually think they say those things because their idea of loosing weight consists of your stomach shrinking and your face. They dont seem to put in perspective that its not only face and stomach but its bust, butt, thights, claves, arms. KWIM It dosent really bother me really cuz to me its like telling me I look goooooood so really I just take it as a compliment and move on and continue to try and reach my goal.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I think people have a new perception of a healthy weight... like 170 looks average, so they figure that's healthy. There's just more overweight people out there, raising the 'average' weight. Well, not just... people also compare others to themselves. So, their perception of themselves will determine their estimation of weight in others.
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    I agree with Mcope! And as someone who's loss of 9 pounds shows not one whit, I'd love people, even deluded people, to tell me that I must stop. Not that I would do so, but it would nice to hear.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I think it is more about how some people say they notice our weight losses. The ones with no tact are the ones that come off saying things like "wow you are just wasting away" in front of a crowd. Those are the ones that annoy me. The ones that come up and say something like "You look great." or "Who's this new girl oh it's Ruth!" when its just us or one or two people. I am okay with since I know they are good natured and are usually followed by the question "How are you doing it?" While the ones that have no tact I am noticing are usually people that have also yo-yo dieted or on some fad diet and want to draw attention away from themselves or get in a big discussion about weight loss.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I don't get this until I tell people how much more I have to lose. I think its a disconnect between how much you have lost already how they visibly see you now and then some skewed mental picture that they see of you when their brain tries to figure out how much 40 more lbs (for me) is going to look like.

    I also think that So many people around us are obese and even overweight that people don't really know what a healthy weight looks like. They have become so accustomed to seeing fat overweight people that when they hear your final goal weight it is a shock because their mental image of what you should look like does not at all match what you just told them.


    Do you know, I have tried so often to put my thoughts into words re this subject, but I can never find the right ones.

    However, the quoted post above is exactly how I would have loved to have said it. People HAVE become so used to seeing overweight people that they have forgotton and no longer know what is what.

    To the OP: Plough on and disregard what the Instructor said to you, at 5ft 4" tall, you will look superb at 130lbs to be honest, don't give up. You know what is best for you, not somebody on the outside.

    Continue and keep going and I for one, look forward to when you reach your goal :flowerforyou:
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    Sorry to dig up an old topic, but I'm getting frustrated with people saying things like this on MFP, of all places! A few times I've had people actually message me chastising me for being here and losing weight based on my profile picture, of all things! I've also seen similar things happening to other users in the forum!

    First of all, it is a big leap to assume that a person's profile picture is recent. Heck, it might not even be the person. In my case, for example, the picture is over 2 years old. I just happen to like the way I look in that photo, it's one of my favorite photos of me. I'm still not overweight, but I have gained enough since then that I do have weight to lose.

    Second, there are many reasons for being here. The main reason I am here is to gain healthy habits which will last me for the rest of my LIFE. My metabolism isn't going to be this fast forever, nor will my life always be as active as it is in my 20's. Thus, I'd rather convert to a healthy lifestyle now so that I won't have to make major adjustments down the line. Health and fitness is for everyone, even "thin" people (not that I'm especially thin). I guess what I want to say is, STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS and telling people how to live their life! Making healthy changes should be praised, not criticized. Only I know my own BMI, my own weight, my build, etc. Yes, I am in the healthy range for my height already, but so is my goal weight. Only I know what is best for me!

    Stop judging people based on their avatar, or assuming you know what's best for them!

    OK, sorry about the rant. I'm done now. But hopefully those pesky messages will stop. :]
  • pigue1
    pigue1 Posts: 2
    I am with you. I hear the same thing. I have decided they say it because of the differance from where you started and from where you are now.Take it as a compliment.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    To the OP: maybe you carry your weight well? (Which doesn't mean you don't need to lose it!) I dated someone who was just slightly taller than me, and we weighed the same (within 5 lbs.). She looked probably 15-20 lbs. heavier than me, though. I've been told I don't look like I'm over 200, but I have been for probably 3 to 4 years now (not really sure, since I didn't weigh myself for a couple years).

    I stopped telling people in real life how much I'm trying to lose, because they don't believe I have that much to lose... but I do!
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Last time I lost weight, I went from 265 lbs to 220 lbs. At 220lbs, I would get tons of compliments from people that noticed I had lost weight, and how great I looked etc. Then I would say I still want to lose another 50lbs at least and was told one time that if I lost that much, I would disappear. I mean really, people must have a distorted view of body size and weight!
  • erinkate82
    Honestly I find it more discouraging than annoying. I had two friends say similar things to me just yesterday. I'm 5'8" so a healthy weight range would be between roughly 121 and 165 according to MFP so I set an initial goal weight of 140. When I shared this with them they look shocked and disturbed. They seemed to generally agree that I shouldn't get smaller than 180 or I would have the dreaded "my head's too big for my body" look. Ever since then I've been second guessing the goal weight I set for myself. What's more because I've always been over weight and don't know what I'd look like at 140 I'm wondering if maybe they're right. I hate that they put that bug in my ear.........

    I am 5'8" as well and I am just 2-3 pounds from my goal weight of 135. I just bought a pair of size 6 pants (wore sz 10 for years) and I was beside myself with excitement! I do not feel that my head is too big for my body - I feel that my love handles are too big for my body!!! I say to keep up the good work b/c you will look amazing before you know it!!
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Funny that this has come up - I've had many people say it to me over the past week: 'I hope you're not going to lose any more', 'You look so skinny' etc. The only person who doesn't say it to me is my MFP buddy!

    I don't see it myself; still got a pear shape (saddlebags, big backside) As far as I'm concerned, as long as I'm within the 'normal' BMI for my height then I'm not 'too skinny'. I've spent almost all of my life overweight; to be heading towards a size 10 (UK) is a dream for me and I'm going to do it, whether other people like it or not!
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