

  • I can't imagine this will be a safe way to loose weight??? I couldn't survive on 500 cals a day!
  • Group total 181.31 + my 2.5 mile run yesterday+6 miles today = NEW GROUP TOTAL of 189.81!!
  • I would suggest reading up on some of Gillian Mckeith articles or watch some of her shows You Are What You Eat. I don't agree with detoxing but she has some really good tips on great foods to eat
  • Yay I really want to do this too. What a great idea! I think it will help me running on the boring treadmill if I know I have to log in the miles on here!
  • I did insanity about 2 months ago. It took me a little bit longer as some days I couldn't do it and I ran instead but it really kicked my butt! I was suffering with an injury from running and it helped me heal up fast. I think it gets you to work all these different muscles that you've never used before!! Just be careful,…
  • I really want to run a marathon too. I trained for one a couple of years ago and got an IT Band injury after running my last 20 mile training run so I had to pull out last minute!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!! I've done a few half marathons too so I feel ready again to start training. I am moving to VA in October/November time so I'm…