INSANITY - August 2, 2010

gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello MFP peps!

Me and my fiance will be starting INSANITY for the fist time ever this Monday, August 2nd, 2010. I thought I would throw it out there in case anyone wants to start too, so we can check in everyday and motivate each other on this journey. I will be taking my before pics, measurements and weight on Sunday so I can be 100% ready on Monday.

Also, for those of you with good tips and information about the program and what to do. Please do share.

I'm so excited I can't wait for Monday, but I will be enjoying these couple days off before the insantiy and mayhem begin!!!!


  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Good luck with Insanity! A friend of mine did the program before his wedding and he really toned up. He didn't lose much weight, but was definitely leaner and more defined. I'm sure that you will do great and that you will find many other on MFP to encourage you on your journey! Also, it's great that you have a partner to do it with you everyday...I am currently doing the 30 day shred and it is fabulous :) Have fun!
  • veronicacannon
    veronicacannon Posts: 107 Member
    My brother had Insanity and let me tell you, it is extremely hard. I mean, I did the workout that you do at the very beginning, and it was so hard. I was not in shape for sure, but even if you are, it will be difficult, no doubt. Make sure you have plenty of water and don't give up!
  • Mando55
    Mando55 Posts: 140
    I was on Insanity for a month but unfortunately I hurt myself during one of the exercises. Been off of all exercise for about 3 months. (Just started running with Nike + Sportband this week.) Let me tell you Inasanity WORKS! I plan on starting again really soon. Just need to get my cardio back up a bit before I jump back in on Insanity. Good luck have fun and DIG DEEPER!
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hi Gaby Im doint p90x starting Aug 2nd also. I would love to do insanity or turbo fire next. How do you like it?
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Eveyone,
    Thanks for the support and motivation. Although you guys are scarying me a bit.. LOL... J/K. I'm super pump to start and dig deeper everyday.
    Alyshe - I actually completed two rounds of Brazil Butt Lift, I haven't tried insanity yet, but I'm super psyched to do it. I'm hoping to throw in some yoga, prob bikram :) Once I'm done with insanity I really want to try either TurboFire or P90X. My fiance really wants to do P90X so we might do that first.
  • Im in!! Im in!! Im in!!! :) i will be starting INSANITY on Monday August 22nd as well. i was doing it about 4 months go and only go through about 2 weeks of it... and it really kicked my *kitten* but I LOVED IT! every time i was done with my work out i felt soo pround of myself for accomplishing something so hard! best iof luck to you, me, and everyone else that is starting over on monday :)
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I'll be done about a week after you start. Good luck though! Women tend to enjoy all the cardio. Personally, I prefer to mix the workouts with strength training (like a P90X/Insanity Hybrid). But that's just me.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    xglassjaw86x - are you staring August 22 or 2nd. Either way. Best of luck with INSANITY. This is my first time. I will be starting this Monday the 2nd. There are a few other MFPers doing it as well.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    I started a week ago! i really enjoy how i feel afterwards, but during the work out you want to scream! haha! The warm up is crazy and the exercise is even crazier, Hense, INSANITY! if anyone wants to keep motivated with me, message me and we'll share our success stories! Im ready to shred my weight already! so lets do this!!
  • shanekmh
    shanekmh Posts: 4
    OOH! I started this on Monday! I just finished day 5, and I'm absolutely pumped to recover on Sunday so I can be all in again on Monday.

    It is hard. I have to take frequent breaks, but I can already tell I'm getting stronger. A lot of the exercises remind me of things I did when I took modern dance- I never thought I would do another flat-back anything again, but I guess I was wrong!

    My appetite though is through the roof. I've gained two pounds (probably water weight/ muscle), but I've lost two inches around my waist (already!) so I'm not letting that get to me. :)

    Good luck!
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    totally! the work outs are awesome though! i take breaks too and get back into it when i feel the burts of energy. I feel stronger as well, and how i imagine it, is underneath the fat, there is a machine in the process of being built... i feel like that's actually happening too! i cant see anything yet, but i can feel what i will look like in a few months! Good luck to you too and add me if you want extra support!!:drinker: :happy:
  • elrob123
    elrob123 Posts: 6
    I did insanity about 2 months ago. It took me a little bit longer as some days I couldn't do it and I ran instead but it really kicked my butt! I was suffering with an injury from running and it helped me heal up fast. I think it gets you to work all these different muscles that you've never used before!! Just be careful, 2 of my friends started it and they hurt themselves. I think it was easier for me as I had a good fitness base as I had just run a half marathon before that. They had just started out exercising so I think you should listen to your body, if you need a break then take one. My husband said he liked my butt after I did insanity so that was a good incentive to keep it up!
  • haha... sorry i ment august 2nd. i accidentally hit the 2 twice. but im ready! :) i just hope i can stick to it this time. last time i only got through about 2 weeks. im hoping to go all the way!! :)
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Eveyone,
    Anyone who wants to join the thread is welcome. Seems like we have a few of us that are starting tomorrow, the 2nd. Which is great we can be on the same page and totally encourage each other. But a few of you have been at it for a week, so you can def help us out and get us prepared for what's coming.
    Either way, I wish eveyone the very best on their INSANITY journey, I"m super pumped, even though I am a little intimidated. But I can't wait to get started and see the results.
  • francis1425
    francis1425 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi there, I am husband and I are actually starting today, friends of ours have been doing it for almost 2 months now and rave about it....they tell me it is the hardest thing they have ever done, but said it is worth it. I really hope we can keep up with it. Good luck tonite and I can't wait to hear about it tomorrow!
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Eveyone,
    Anyone who wants to join the thread is welcome. Seems like we have a few of us that are starting tomorrow, the 2nd. Which is great we can be on the same page and totally encourage each other. But a few of you have been at it for a week, so you can def help us out and get us prepared for what's coming.
    Either way, I wish eveyone the very best on their INSANITY journey, I"m super pumped, even though I am a little intimidated. But I can't wait to get started and see the results.

    Hello. I was really wanting to start my insanity on the 1st but I am not able to. I am waiting until we get back from vacation and the kids atart school but I am starting on the 18th. That is their firts day of school. I am so excited about that. In the mean time, I am doing a couple of other workouts to keep up while we are on vacation and at home until then. Good luck to everyone and I look forward to getting my butt kicked too. :laugh:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Eveyone,
    So how did you all do with your workouts? I can't wait to get home and get today's workout going. Its going to be crazy. I did wake up early to make breakfast and snacks fo rmyself and my fiance to make sure we get some healthy meals.
    Of course I'm starting the day with a yummy greenberry + orange juice + flax seed shakeology shake :)
  • Hello! My bf and I have been doing Insanity for a little over 2 weeks now. (day 17) We just took our 2nd fit test a couple of days ago and noticed a big improvement in our numbers. We are both feeling better than we have felt in a long time. I'm struggling a little wih the right amount of calories: the program recommended around 1770 calories and lately, I've been having trouble eating more than 1100-1200. I've also noticed that in the last few days my ankles have been weak and kind of sore from all of the jumps. I'm attributing this to doing the workout on my hardwood floors at home. Is anyone else having any ankle issues?
  • day 1 wasnt too bad... I woke up very sore today but so ready for day 2!! the only thing that makes my workout harder is that i live in an upstairs apartment and this workout requires a lot of jumping!! i dont know how i am going to work around that!!
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I just finished with day 2 workout of insanity and it was AWESOME! I feel great. The best high in the world. Their was a few moments today where I had to stop in the middle and rest, but overall, pushed myself as hard as I could! Good luck to everyone else today!
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