

  • I am stuck too!! I have been stuck at 39 lbs lost for the last 3 weeks! It is very frustating!
  • Have you tried any of the Jell-o sugar free puddings? I love the chocolate and I add a little whipped topping to it. They also have mousse and other flavors that are really good. Also the Skinny Cow ice creams are really good! The Special K 90 calorie chocolate Pretzel gives you the sweet and salty together. Or the Yoplait…
  • I will be so glad when mine quits saying"That's Obese"!!:sad: I know I am still obese you don't have to keep saying it everytime!:explode: It could say "Way to go" or something! Hopefully in the next month mine will say "that's overweight" :happy:
  • Would love to have more friends too! I can use all the support I can get!
  • I feel the same way! Maybe by day 180 I will be able to do all the exercises! =) BTW I am not a pretzel! LOL There are alot of the exercises I can not do at my size, but I will keep going and do my best!
  • Same here! I was about to turn 30 and realized I spent my whole 20's fat and unhappy and refused to spend my 30's the same way! It hasn't been a easy journey and I fell off the wagon last year due to my husbands health and then later my own. I restarted my journey on June 1st this year and found this website July 31st. It…
  • I am done eating for the day. I have taken my pain meds and will soon be fast asleep! So tomorrow will have to do, but I have your view any other day!
  • Thanks everyone! I still came in under calories for the day so I guess it wasn't too bad, plus I worked out before going to dentist. So I guess it wasn't a total lose, but I know better!
  • I bake mine in the oven sprinkled with zesty lemon pepper. No extra oil because I use silicone mats that nothing will stick too. They are awesome! It saves alot of cleanup and no extra calories from oils. Bake for 12 mins, then squirt lemon juice on it when it comes out of oven. My 14 yr old even loves it!
  • I am new to the site. I put everything in and said I worked out and it says I am suppose to eat 1400 calories. I usually try to stay under 1200 a day, that is what I have heard was the normal for woman wanting to loose weight. I am confused from what it says on my home page.