

  • HI everyone, I have taken the last two days off from runnning because my hip has been bothering me. Today it feels pretty normal so I am going out for a ten miler. Mary, do you happen to live in a palce called Blaine WA? Yesterday our community had a 5k run and it involved the gilrs on the run group. The proceeds form the…
  • I got 5 miles in today...the weather has been great here. In the pacific northwest the mornings don't get to hot:wink: Have a great day everyone!
  • Seven miles for me today:) Have a great day everyone! Natalie
  • Ahmee2034, thanks I really appreciate that:) It really does feel great:laugh:
  • I just want to say good job to everyone on what they are accomplishing! You guys are all awesome:drinker: I got ten miles in today, that is the farthest that I have ever gone! I am so proud of my self. I woke up this morning kind of nervous because the most I have ever run is 8 miles so I tried to get over that mental…
  • I got six miles in this morning. It was really a tough run but I got it done:bigsmile: Natalie
  • Good morning everyone:happy: I got in 5.25 miles today! I have been really tired this week so getting up at five in the morning has been a struggle. I have been getting up late so I havn't had time to get in the miles I want. Anyway, next week will be better I hope...have a great day everyone! Natalie
  • Hello , I hope everyone is having a great day:) I ran six this morning, wanted to do more but didn't have the time! Happy running:) Natalie
  • NAME: Natalie AGE: 27 in one week! STATUS: Married CHILDREN: Oliva (8) Austin (5) Lucas (2 1/2) PETS: None CAREER: Part time office manager, part time stay at home mom CURRENT RUNNING ACCOMPLISHMENT: Running 7 miles is 62 best time! CURRENT RUNNING GOAL: To run 10 mile, the most that I have run is 8.5. I would…
  • Six for me this morning! It was on the treadmill and was quite boring...running outside is so much better:) Anyway, have a great night everyone! Natalie:happy:
  • Hi I am new here, I posted my first post a few days ago. I am not new to running in 8.25 this morning. It was a good run and now I am off to enjoy my Saturday....I hope everyone had a great day! Natalie
  • Hi all, my name is Natalie. I joined MPF around February and I have been lurking here for awhile. I have been running since I had my youngest son and he is now a little over two. I just want to say that you guys are amazing! On days that I don't feel like working out I log on here and I get the push I need. Anyway, I ran 5…