

  • I've seen this method all over Pinterest. What I'm curious to know is how long will almond milk keep while frozen? I know once opened in the fridge it only lasts about 7 days. What have you found with this??
  • Maybe try blending the powder with the heavy cream first to mix well then add the coffee afterwards?
  • I agree that it fosters an unhealthy relationship with food to use it as a treat. I treat my dog for good behavior, not myself. That being said, I very much believe in a balanced diet. If you are not getting the nutrients you need by cutting too many foods from your diet then you're going to slow or halt your progress in…
  • If you want a more specific macro breakdown, I suggest checking out the website They have some great calculators. Granted I don't agree completely with their approach, I still think you need to eat clean and healthy foods, but I love the calculators on there, you put your specific information in there and it…
  • This is a little off topic but how did you get your weight loss bar in your comment? Thanks!
  • Sent you a friend request!! I'm on a pretty tight budget too, and although I still have my bad days, I've lost 26 lbs so far! =) My best tip is to be sure to shop around for the best price on things. For me this means my weekly shopping takes me to 3 different stores, BUT I am lucky that I live pretty close to them all so…
  • Weight loss is a simple less calories in than out equation. To leave any part of that out is only hurting yourself, and by not logging your alcohol, you aren't being accountable for what's truly going in. Did you know that a single alcoholic beverage also decreases your fat burning ability up to 70% as well? Sometimes the…
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