Should I treat myself a little everyday?



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have to have a dessert with dinner, like every night. When we try keeping desserts out of the house, I end up making something terrible from scratch and binging.

    Best for me is to eat well throughout the day and leave myself with enough calories for dessert. No reason to keep it out as long as I am still within my daily goal. Plus, it keeps you on the road to success when you aren't struggling to fight certain cravings..
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Cut down not out and eventually you'll cut out altogether because you see no reason to eat crap. :)

    I used to eat about 12-15 bags of crisps a day. I eat about that a year now!! I'll wander down the crisps aisle and look at the multipacks, consider a purchase then automatically think "what a load of ****e" before walking off.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'm going to disagree with most of the advice here but only becuase this is what I found works for me. It very well might not work for you so please do what you will. For me a little treat everyday hampers my progress or adds weight even when I am under my calorie goals. That's because I'm very sensitive to sugar. If I have a little sugar everyday it pretty much stops my weight loss or has me start gaining.

    However what I've found that if I do a "cheat" day when I am really craving this stops the cravings and makes it easy for me to return to healty eating. I only do this when I find myself craving for several days. Usually it's once every 3 to 4 weeks.

    This is what has worked for me but totally get it if it's not for everyone.

    Good Luck!

    Quantity of calories is all that matters, not quality. 1200 = 1200. So either you have some sort of metabolic disorder or you are going over your calories with the sugar.
  • lazytolight
    lazytolight Posts: 38 Member
    I keep a large bar of Godiva's Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt in my freezer. When I pack my lunches I take one square of it and put it in my lunch. It's only 50 calories per square and it takes care of that chocolate craving and the salt in it helps with my desire for chips.

    I also will sometimes pack a bag of light popcorn so that between classes or I head to work I can have something that will hit my salty, munchy craving without ruining my plan and being completely devoid of calories. Just be wise when shopping and look at the sodium content on the box, some can be pretty steep. I can get away with higher sodium because a medication I'm on depletes sodium in my body, but for others it is a great way to pack on the water pounds.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Enjoy a treat every day if you can fit it into your calorie goals. I just bought some dark chocolate-covered almonds with sea salt at Trader Joe's and I weigh out a few grams of them to fit my goal for the day. I find small things like jelly beans or little bits of chocolate, etc. are easy to measure out in small amounts to fit into a little bit of room in the calorie budget.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    No, I rarely treat myself. To me a treat involved something in addition to what I would normally eat. On holidays, or if i see some friends I haven't. Sure why not, then I treat myself.

    That being said. What are you doing?? I'd go insane if I only was eating that. I eat any foods that I want. nothing is off limits. I don't crave anything, because its all available to me. I'm in this for life.

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I eat what I want and am losing weight. It's about moderation NOT deprivation. When you deprive yourself that's what happens, you start eating it and then eating more of it. Whatever you do you have to make it fit into your lifestyle. It has to be something you'll do the rest of your life if you want to keep the weight off. If I want a ice cream sandwich, I have one, I don't have 10 of them. I refuse to tell myself anything is off limits. If I go over my calories one day, I either workout harder/longer or go under the next day.

    I truly believe that setting foods off limits or calling foods bad is setting ones self up for failure. It's about moderation. There are no bad foods, only bad eating habits/patterns.
  • shannashannabobana
    When we try keeping desserts out of the house, I end up making something terrible from scratch
    I do that sometimes too!

    I dont' need a treat every day. I think that's excessive, but once a week, a few times a week? Fine. Just try to pick something satisfying. Like, a small piece of dark chocolate works really well when I have a chocolate craving (or if I'm going really crazy, dark chocolate pot de creme or moose).
    Quantity of calories is all that matters, not quality. 1200 = 1200. So either you have some sort of metabolic disorder or you are going over your calories with the sugar.
    You're forgetting the importance of nutrients and satiation. Is the OP eating any fat or protein? That might be the problem right there. Add in some protein and fat and the occasional bit of dark chocolate or the really occasional croissant or donut or what have you and you'll probably feel better.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    If all your eating is veg and fruit and have doubt that other foods will make you fat, begs the question, how many calories are you eating?
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
  • CurlySue8403
    I agree that it fosters an unhealthy relationship with food to use it as a treat. I treat my dog for good behavior, not myself. That being said, I very much believe in a balanced diet. If you are not getting the nutrients you need by cutting too many foods from your diet then you're going to slow or halt your progress in addition to feeling like crap and having bad cravings. There are healthy choices you can make to still have things like chocolate. Choose a chocolate bar that is maybe 90% cacao (not a crappy hershey's bar), it will be much richer and a small amount will satisfy your craving. There are also numerous health benefits to eating cacao. Greek yogurt is great to mix with fruit and freeze to make a healthy yummy snack. Also be sure you are getting enough protein in your diet, you will feel fuller and more satisfied through the day if you do this. Remember that you need healthy fats in your diet as well, things like coconut oils (its amazing to cook in) and avocados are great for this and super good for you. Best of luck!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    When we try keeping desserts out of the house, I end up making something terrible from scratch
    I do that sometimes too!

    I dont' need a treat every day. I think that's excessive, but once a week, a few times a week? Fine. Just try to pick something satisfying. Like, a small piece of dark chocolate works really well when I have a chocolate craving (or if I'm going really crazy, dark chocolate pot de creme or moose).
    Quantity of calories is all that matters, not quality. 1200 = 1200. So either you have some sort of metabolic disorder or you are going over your calories with the sugar.
    You're forgetting the importance of nutrients and satiation. Is the OP eating any fat or protein? That might be the problem right there. Add in some protein and fat and the occasional bit of dark chocolate or the really occasional croissant or donut or what have you and you'll probably feel better.

    I agree, but my response wasn't to the OP but the poster who said they stop losing weight anytime they consume sugar. Which is just silly. :laugh:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Just fit it into your daily allowance. Why not??
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I treat myself everyday... I am having a yummy fresh fruit smoothie with flaxseed right now. Yes, find yourself things you like to do or eat that is good for you and enjoyable and do it. Don't restrict yourself, just make good choices
  • 1capybara
    1capybara Posts: 162 Member
    i gotta agree with everyone else who sez, u need protein, afaik 2.5 oz = 70 grams/day of protein
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    You should do what works for you. Not everyone can do "everything in moderation", so for example, if eating a little bit of chocolate every day makes you just want a LOT of chocolate every day, or you just can't open a bag of chips without eating all of them...then you might want to continue to be more restrictive.

    If you're able to moderate and stop after just having a little bit of junk food probably won't hinder your progress much at all to keep having little 'treats' (if that makes you happy).
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    If it fits into your nutrition goals, go for it! Try to find treats that are "all natural" though instead of processed crap, cause if its all natural frozen yogurt youre eating thats not really all too bad for you, it just has a lot of sugar. Also pizza and stuff like that can be made at home and then its more healthy. I LOVE pizza and I definitely didn't give it up, I just know I cannot pig out on 4 slices of pizza when I get it. Also order thin crust or veggie to save cals, or veggie with chicken on top. You can look at my diary for food suggestions if you like :)

    Also if you make your diary public we would be able to give you better advice.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    If you restrict it will ultimately lead to binging and the end of your diet.

    This should be a sustainable lifestyle change. If it fits in your daily allowance eat anything you want!

    You want extra pizza or some chocolate? Go work for it to earn extra calories! :)

    Couldn't agree more. Don't tell yourself anything is off-limits. Tell yourself that you can have anything if you work it off. :)
  • jasmineruth
    jasmineruth Posts: 88 Member
    Eating broth, salad, fruit, and Greek yogurt only does not sound like a sustainable diet. Like others have said I hope you are getting enough protien! If you are not getting enough sodium, protien, carbs etc it is possible that your cravings are worse because your not giving your body what it needs. I'm not sure if that is the case, but your description of your diet sounds incredibly restrictive!